
OSL-3.0 License



Creating elements

Browser DOM APIs are powerful but overly often too verbose to understand at a glance. This library provides an element tagged template literal to make creating DOM much easier.

import {element, Signal} from '@venajs/core';

const counter = new Signal(0);
const app = element`
    <button onclick=${() => counter.value += 1}>increment</button>
    <button onclick=${() => counter.value = 0}>reset</button>

Declaring web components

Components are defined by importing and calling registerComponent. The callback method receives some special values:

  • render - a tagged template literal that takes augmented HTML and renders it as the component body
  • attributes - an object exposing any attributes passed into the component, supports destructuring & forwarding
  • refs - an object of references to elements with an id in the component body
  • element - the instance of the component
import { registerComponent } from '@venajs/core';
registerComponent('my-component', ({ render, attributes, refs }) => {
  const { type, } = attributes;
    /* styles only affect DOM from this component */
    input { /* ... */ }
    <div id="container" ${rest}>
      <input id="input" type=${attributes.type} />
      <button onclick=${() => refs.input.value = ''}>clear</button>


Local component state is stored in State objects. These are subscribable values that can be read and written to, and can be passed directly into parts of the DOM string.

import {Signal} from '@venajs/core';

registerComponent('value-incrementer', ({render}) => {
  // declare a local state value
  const counter = new Signal({count: 0});

  // render the value in the DOM and also pass it to a hidden input's value 
      <button onclick=${() => counter.value += 1}>increment</button>
      <input type="hidden" value=${counter} />

  // respond to state changes if needed
  counter.onUpdate(value => console.log(`counter is now ${value}`));

Sharing state

State objects can be declared outside of a component definition and consumed in the same way,

import {Signal} from '@venajs/core';

// declare a state value that all value-incrementer components will share
// alternatively, this could be defined in a separate file and imported
const counter = new Signal({count: 0});

registerComponent('value-incrementer', ({render}) => {
  // render the value in the DOM and also pass it to a hidden input's value 
      <button onclick=${() => counter.value += 1}>increment</button>
      <input type="hidden" value=${counter} />

  // respond to state changes if needed
  counter.onUpdate(value => console.log(`counter is now ${value}`));


Events can be emitted by calling this.emit(event_name, event_value) from either the HTML or JS contexts. The final event name will be ${component_name}-${event_name}.

Best practices

  • prefer slots over attributes when passing DOM content

Architecture decisions

  • because indentation whitespace is reflected in rendered HTML
    • html trims whitespace at the beginning and end of lines
    • component html has leading & trailing whitespace removed from each line
  • ContainedNodeArray manages an array of nodes without a wrapping element
  • State a subscribable state value
  • ConnectedNode created to manage rendering and updating one or more values to a DOM location
  • incoming attributes are mapped to an internal State instance
    • provides consistent way to interact with attributes: always a subscribable value
    • all state, including attributes, is writable; currently this allows setting an attribute from the consuming component, effectively providing two-way binding