
A wrapper element for highlight.js

MIT License



A wrapper element for highlight.js

A themeable sample code snippet that uses highlight.js for syntax highlighting. Forget to worry about spaces, indentation, HTML entities, etc.

    <div class="some-class">
      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor…</p>


  1. Install the component using Npm:
$ npm i -S @kuscamara/code-sample
  1. Import Web Components loader (optional):
<script src="node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-loader.js"></script>
  1. Import the component:
<script type="module" src="node_modules/@kuscamara/code-sample/code-sample.js"></script>


The code to highlight must be provided inside a <template> tag.

    <p>your code here...</p>

Used inside a custom element

When used inside a custom element you'll need to add the attribute preserve-content to the inner template to prevent Polymer to process the template's content.

  <template preserve-content>
    <p>your code here...</p>

Used inside a tagged template literal

When used inside a tagged template literal (Polymer or LitElement html function), you should escape any template string (${expression}) to prevent it from being evaluated getting an error.

class SomeElement extends PolymerElement {
  static get template() {
    return html`
      <code-sample type="js">
        <template preserve-content>
          export class Example extends ExampleBase {
            static get template() {
              return html\`

Render the code inside the template

To render the code inside the template, use the boolean attribute render.

<code-sample render>

Copy to clipboard

To display a copy to clipboard button, use the boolean attribute copy-clipboard-button:

<code-sample copy-clipboard-button>
    <p>your code here...</p>

Language types

The type attribute specifies the language of the sample code (eg.: html, css, js) and is not needed most of the time because it's automatically set. You can use it when your code sample language is not properly detected.

<code-sample type="css">
    .some-class {
      @apply --my-mixin;

Exception: for the case of tagged template literals, you may need to set the type attribute to js, jsx or javascript to prevent the code being formatted as HTML.

<code-sample type="js">
    class MyElement extends PolymerElement {
      static get template() {
        return html`
            :host {
              display: block;
          <p>Hello world!</p>


The component includes 8 themes. One Dark is imported as the default theme. To use another theme, import it and set as the theme property.


<script type="module">
  import { oneLight } from '../node_modules/@kuscamara/code-sample/themes/one-light.js';
  document.querySelector('code-sample').theme = oneLight;

Available themes

  • one-ligth.js as oneLight
  • default.js as defaultTheme
  • github.js as github
  • one-dark.js as oneDark
  • solarized-dark.js as solarizedDark
  • solarized-light.js as solarizedLight
  • kustom-light.js as kustomLight
  • kustom-dark.js as kustomDark

More themes

You can use your own theme by adding one of the available themes for hightlight.js in a shared style. The shared style should be exported as a tagged template literal.


import { html } from '@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';

export const myOwnTheme = html`
/* your own styles */

Themes in browsers using ShadyCSS

Due to ShadyCSS limitations, dynamic change of themes is not supported in browsers that use ShadyCSS (Firefox). To set a different theme for these browsers, you should import your theme as a style module with code-sample-theme as its id.


In your-shared-style-file.js:

const html = (string) => string;
const $documentContainer = document.createElement('div');
$documentContainer.setAttribute('style', 'display: none;');

$documentContainer.innerHTML = html`
<dom-module id="code-sample-theme">
    /* your custom styles */


Import the shared style in the main document:

  <script type="module" src="your-shared-style-file.js"></script>

The styles will be applied to <code-sample> in browsers using ShadyCSS.

Languages included in the highlightjs pack included with the component:

  • CSS
  • HTTP
  • JavaScript
  • Bash
  • CoffeScript
  • JSON
  • Markdown

highlightjs version: v9.12.0


The following custom CSS properties are available for styling:

Custom Property Description Default
--code-sample-pre empty mixin applied to <pre> element {}
--code-sample-font-family font-family applied to <pre> and <code> elements Operator Mono, Inconsolata, Roboto Mono, monaco, consolas, monospace
--code-sample-font-size font-size applied to <pre> and <code> elements 14px
--code-sample-line-height line-height applied to .hljs 1.3
--code-sample-hljs empty mixin applied to .hljs {}
--code-sample-demo-padding padding applied to the container of the rendered code 0 0 20px
--code-sample-demo-not-empty empty mixin applied to the demo container when is not empty {}
--code-sample-demo empty mixin applied to the container of the rendered code {}
--code-sample-code-container empty mixin applied to code container {}
--code-sample-code-container-hover empty mixin applied to code container on :hover {}
--code-sample-code-container-hover-button empty mixin applied to the copy to clipboard button when the code container on :hover {}
--code-sample-copy-button-bg-color background-color of the copy to clipboard button #e0e0e0
--code-sample-copy-clipboard-button empty mixin applied to the copy to clipboard button {}

Included themes contain custom CSS properties to set the background and text color. You may need to add these CSS properties to your own themes.

Custom property Description Default
--code-sample-background code background color Depends on the theme
--code-sample-color code text color Depends on the theme