
A web component for sharing URLs

APACHE-2.0 License


Share Button

The Share Button web component provides a simple and customizable interface for sharing URLs on the web and is specially designed for when you don't have a visible URL bar in your web app (for example if it is running in full screen)

  • Provides access to the URL bar so that you can view and edit it.
  • Gives the ability to programitcally copy the url on to the clipboard
  • Will use navigator.share API if it is available on the users system
  • Allows access to the Android Intent sharing system if the user is on Android
  • Passes control to the developer for the social networks to share to by giving
    the author the ability customizable buttons for you preferred providers

Customizing the button

As the author of the page there are a number of extensions that you have control over.

  1. Providing your own visible UI to the element
  2. Adding your own controls for your preferred social networks or actions
  3. Styling the element so that it fits in with your site

Control the visible UI of the element

You have the ability to control how the button appears to the user. The button is the first thing that the users sees and it encapsulates all of the functionality that the share-button offers.

By default, any element that is hosted inside the <share-button> and does not have an assigned slot name will be reprojected to the visible portion of the element.

Elements that have a slot name of buttons will be hosted inside the fully opened UI of the element.

Use a custom label


Use a custom image

    style="width: 64px; height: 64px;">

Use a custom label and image

  <svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" class="icon"><path d="M7 266.8c22.6-5.7 53.3-13.4 107-14.8-1.4-3-2.8-6-4-9.2-21-.2-85.4 2.8-107.5 8.2H2c-.6 0-1.3-.4-1.5-1.2-.2-1 .4-1.8 1.3-2 21.8-5.4 84.8-8.4 107-8.3-5-14.8-7.2-31.7-7.2-50.6 0-33.6 10.5-46.2 24.5-64-10.6-38.3 4-64.4 4-64.4s22.5-4.7 65 25.8c23.2-9.8 84.7-10.7 113.8-2.2 18-11.8 50.6-28.5 63.8-23.8 3.6 5.7 11.3 22.5 4.7 59.3 4.5 8 27.7 25.3 27.8 74-.2 18-2 33-5.6 45.8 55.6-.4 88.2 4 110.8 1.4 1 1.3 2-.2.7-1 1.3-1.6 1.3h-.5c-22.4-4-55.2-8.7-111-8.2-1 3.3-2 6.4-3.3 9.3 19 .7 71.2 2.8 113.8 15.8 1 .3 1.4 1.2 1 2 0 .8-.7 1.2-1.4 1.2h-.5c-43-13.2-96.5-15-114.2-15.6-15.4 34-47 46.6-98.3 51.8 16.6 10.5 21.3 23.6 21.3 59 0 35.5-.5 40.2-.3 48.4 0 13.4 19.7 19.8 19 24-.7 4.4-16.4 3.7-23.7 1-20.8-7-18.7-24.4-18.7-24.4l-.6-47.4s1.4-25.5-8-25.5V420c0 16.8 11.8 22 11.8 28 0 10.8-21.6-1-28.2-7.6-10-10-9-31.7-8.7-48.8.2-16.4-.2-52.5-.2-52.5l-6.8.3s3 78.7-3.6 93c-8.3 18.4-33.5 24.8-33.5 16.4 0-5.7 6.3-4 9.8-16.5 3-10.8 2-91 2-91s-8.2 4.8-8.2 19.8l-.2 57.8c0 14.8-20.8 23-31 23-5 0-11.3 0-11.3-2.8 0-6.8 19.2-10.8 19.2-25l-.3-43.8s-9.7 1.7-23.4 1.7c-34.6 0-45.6-22.2-50.8-34.6-6.8-16-15.6-23.7-25-29.7-5.7-3.7-7-8-.4-9.4 30.7-5.7 38.5 34.8 59 41.3 14.6 4.6 33.4 2.6 42.7-3.5 1.4-12.3 10.3-23 17.7-28.6-52-5-83-23-99-52-54.4 1.2-85.3 9-108 14.6L3 271.2h-.4c-.8 0-1.5-.5-1.6-1.2-.3-1 .3-1.8 1.2-2l4.8-1.2z"></path></svg>

Use a custom image for the copy button

    style="width: 25px; height: 25px;" slot='clipboard'></share-button>

Use a custom image for the android button

Note: this will only work on an Android device.

    style="width: 25px; height: 25px;" slot='android'></share-button>

Add a custom share button

Any element hosted in the custom element that does not have a slot attribute of buttons will be used in the display of the share-button

Custom share buttons can be positioned inside the share button by applying the slot="buttons" attribute to the element.

Note: white space will get projected into the default slot if you have one element already assigned to a named slot. Remove the white space and the :empty filter will apply correctly.

<share-button><button slot="buttons">Twitter</button>
  <button slot="buttons">Fb</button>
  <button slot="buttons">WhatsApp</button>
  <button slot="buttons">G+</button></share-button>

You are in control of the actions that the user takes on these elements.

Add a compatible <twitter-share-button>

Any element hosted in the custom element that does not have a slot attribute of buttons will be used in the display of the share-button.

Custom share buttons can also be dedicated web components that are compatible with the share-button API. For example, the <twitter-share-button>.

Note: white space will get projected into the default slot if you have one element already assigned to a named slot. Remove the white space and the :empty filter will apply correctly.

<script src=""></script>
    text="Testing attribute"

Control the URL to be shared

By default the current page's URL is the URL that will be populated in the share box and will be used in all sharing operations. You can control this yourself by supplying your own href attribute.

<share-button href=''>

Control the text to be shared

By default the current page's meta description or title will be available to consumers of the element and also to embedded buttons. You can control this by yourself by supplying your own text attribute.

Note: there is no visible output.

<share-button text="oi">
  Custom text

Disable the default copy button

<share-button copy=disabled href="">
  Copy disabled

Disable the default android share button

<share-button android=disabled href="">
  Android Share disabled

Disable the default mailto button

<share-button mailto=disabled href="">
  mailto disabled


There are a number of events based on a user's interactions with the element.

You can listen for clipboard events, mailto events and native Android sharing events.

Listen to copy to clipboard event

<share-button id="eventUrlCopy">
  Copy URL event
eventUrlCopy.addEventListener('copy-url', e => alert(e));

Listen to mail event

<share-button id="eventUrlMail">
  Mail URL event
eventUrlMail.addEventListener('mail-url', e => alert(e));

Listen to native android share event

<share-button id="eventUrlAndroid">
  Android URL event
eventUrlAndroid.addEventListener('share-url', e => alert(e));

Styling the element

There are a number of things that you can style. You can style the button that is visible to the user and you can also style the overlay that is shown to the user once they have taken the action to "share"

Style the button

The <share-button> exposes a number of CSS variables that give you control over how the button is presented to the user.

Below are the defaults for the variables and you have the ability to override them as you see fit. By default the button that the user will click attempts to be an actual <button>.

  --share-button-background lets you control the background of the button
  default: the 'share' icon.
--share-button-background: url( center/18px no-repeat;

  --share-button-border controls border on the button
  default: 2px outset buttonface;
--share-button-border: 2px outset buttonface;

  --share-button-appearance controls the rendering of the element
  default: button;
--share-button-appearance: button;

  --share-button-border-radius provides access to border-radius on the button
  default: initial
--share-button-border-radius: initial;

  --share-button-color lets you control `color` of the button element.
  default: initial
--share-button-color: initial;
#styletest1 {
  --share-button-background: steelblue !important;
  --share-button-border-radius:50% 50%;
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
<share-button id="styletest1">