
Tradeshift Elements - Reusable Tradeshift UI Components as Web Components https://tradeshift.github.io/elements

OTHER License


➤ How to use it

  • Install the core package of the Elements
$ npm i @tradeshift/elements --save
$ npm i @tradeshift/elements.button --save
  • Import the component
import '@tradeshift/elements.button';


<script src="node_modules/@tradeshift/elements/lib/core.umd.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/@tradeshift/elements.button/lib/button.umd.js"></script>
  • Import the css variables
import '@tradeshift/elements/src/vars.css';


<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/@tradeshift/elements/src/vars.css" />
  • Use it
<ts-button type="primary"> Sample Button </ts-button>
  • Our components rely on having the Open Sans available, You can see the font-weight and font-style you need to load here, or you can just load it from our package (for now)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/@tradeshift/elements/src/fonts.css" />

➤ Polyfills

For supporting IE11 you need to do couple of more things

  • If you are using the Tradeshift-ui you need to upgrade it to a compatible version:

    • For version 12 you should upgrade to 12.2.9 or newer version
    • For version 11 you should upgrade to 11.3.2 or newer version
  • Don't shim CSS Custom Properties in IE11

<!-- Place this in the <head>, before the Web Component polyfills are loaded -->
	if (!window.Promise) {
		window.ShadyCSS = { nativeCss: true };
You have two options for polyfills library:
  1. Use @open-wc/polyfills-loader
  • Installation
$ npm i @open-wc/polyfills-loader
  • Load it
import loadPolyfills from '@open-wc/polyfills-loader';

loadPolyfills().then(() => import('./my-app.js'));
  1. Use @webcomponents/webcomponentsjs
  • Installation
$ npm i @webcomponents/webcomponentsjs --save
  • Enable ES5 class-less Custom Elements
<script src="/node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/custom-elements-es5-adapter.js"></script>
<script src="/node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-loader.js" defer></script>
  • Load the core and components scripts after WebComponensReady event:
<!-- Load Tradeshift Elements once the polyfills are ready -->
	window.addEventListener('WebComponentsReady', function () {
		// Load Tradeshift Elements core package
		var coreEl = document.createElement('script');
		coreEl.setAttribute('src', '/packages/core/lib/core.umd.js');

		// Load other Tradeshift Elements once the core package is loaded
		coreEl.onload = function () {
			var components = ['root', 'button'];
			components.forEach(function (component) {
				var el = document.createElement('script');
				el.setAttribute('src', '/packages/components/' + component + '/lib/' + component + '.umd.js');

➤ How to run it

  • Make sure your node version is > 10. If you are using nvm you can just run:
$ nvm use
  • We are using lerna to manage our components in single repo but their own packages, so for installation you need to run:
$ npx lerna bootstrap     # bootstrap all packages and make sure they work together
  • You can start the development server which is watching for changes:
$ npm start

➤ How to contribute

Thanks for your interest and help!

  • First thing you need to do is read this [Component Checklist] which contains lots of important information about what you need to consider when you are creating/changing components
General info

You can find some links to useful materials about what we are using and some tutorials and articles that can help you get started.

ts.elements-specific info

  • Extend TSElement, instead of LitElement
  • Import css, unsafeCSS & html from @tradeshift/elements instead of lit-html
  • Add the UMD global namespace to rollup.globals.json
  • Add your package to the package.json dependencies

➤ How to create new component

To make it simpler and more consistent, we added a Component generator, You can use our its script to generate a new component from terminal and it will create the component inside packages/components

$ npm run component-gen

➤ How to release

We are using lerna to publish our elements

  • Checkout a master branch.
  • Run the npm run new-version command. It will invoke a shell script that:
    • calculate a new version number
    • create a new branch with new version number and a new git tag
    • generate CHANGELOG.md for all components
    • make a commit with a predefined commit message to created branch
    • push this branch and git tag to origin
  • Go to Github and create a PR from the branch created at previous step.
  • After merge a new version of elements will be built and published to NPM registry and Github Packages.

Polyfill Limitations

You can see a list of limitations that we should watch out for, here

➤ License

  • You can always create forks on GitHub, submit Issues and Pull Requests.
  • You can only use Tradeshift Elements to make apps on a Tradeshift platform, e.g. tradeshift.com.
  • You can fix a bug until the bugfix is deployed by Tradeshift.
  • You can host Tradeshift Elements yourself.
  • If you want to make a bigger change or just want to talk with us, reach out to our team here on GitHub.

You can read the full license agreement in the LICENSE.md.