
A swipeable element built with Polymer 1.2

MIT License



Update (1.0.0)

Highlights of v1.0.0:

  • Added fade attribute for simple fade in/ fade out effect when swiping.
  • Removed resetSwipe attribute which is redundant and being taken care by new method resetPosition().
  • Fixed layout issue on Safari Mobile.
  • Added custom mixins to style the element.
  • Prettier demo.
  • Code restructured.

See the component page for more information.

paper-swipe provides enables swipe gestures to swipe content to either the left or the right to unveil the underlay behind it.


<paper-swipe>By default, it can be swiped to either the left or the right.</paper-swipe>
<paper-swipe disable-swipe>Swipe Gestures disabled</paper-swipe>
<paper-swipe fade>Swipe with fade in/ fade out effect</paper-swipe>
<paper-swipe left-swipe>Only Left Swipe</paper-swipe>
<paper-swipe right-swipe>Only Right Swipe</paper-swipe>
<paper-swipe on-tap-underlay='tapHandler'>Tap Event Handler</paper-swipe>
<paper-swipe on-edge='edgeHandler'>Panel is now at the edge of the screen</paper-swipe>

paper-swipe allows user to use the custom DOM in the body to create basically any contents and it has two different sections which allows the customization by using the content and underlay attributes:


  <div underlay>Underlay content goes here...</div>
  <div content>Content of swiping element goes here...</div>

Event handling

paper-swipe has been added some features to fire certain events such as tap-underlay and edge so that user can make use of it to perform additional functions as you like:


<paper-swipe on-edge="edgeHandler"
  <div underlay>Underlay content goes here...</div>
  <div content>Fire `edge` event when the panel is at the edge of the screen...</div>

<paper-swipe on-tap-underlay="tapHandler">
  <div underlay>Underlay content goes here...</div>
  <div content>Fire `tap-underlay` event when the panel is being clicked...</div>

There are two ways to disable the swiping on the content panel by using on-tap-underlay or on-click event handler:


<paper-swipe on-edge="resetPanel" on-tap-underlay="disablePanel">
    <div underlay>Click to reset the panel from the edge to its origin...</div>
    <div content>Swipe to remove the panel...</div>

<paper-swipe on-edge="resetPanel">
    <div underlay on-click="disablePanel">Click to reset the panel from the edge to its origin...</div>
    <div content>Swipe to remove the panel...</div>


Note, it's important that specifying explicit height to the paper-swipe will render both the content and underlay layers to have the same height. Especially when multiple paper-swipe on the same document, explicit height will make all elements look consistent.

paper-swipe {
  height: 100px;

paper-swipe {
  --paper-swipe: {
    height: 100px;

The following custom properties and mixins are also available for styling:

Custom mixin Description Default
--paper-swipe Mixin applied to paper-swipe {}
--paper-swipe-swipeable-container Mixin applied to paper-swipe-swipeable-container {}
--paper-swipe-content Mixin applied to swipeable content {}
--paper-swipe-underlay Mixin applied to underlay beneath the swipeable content {}

Demo + boilerplate generator

paper-swipe demo + boilerplate generator

Getting Started

  1. Install with bower bower install --save paper-swipe

  2. Load the web component and the dependencies

<script src="/path-to-bower-components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="/path-to-bower-components/polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="/path-to-bower-components/paper-swipe/paper-swipe.html">
  1. Markup with <paper-swipe></paper-swipe>

  2. Done

Supported Browsers

Same as Polymer