
Renders a Graphviz graph from the text source to SVG.

MIT License



WebComponents for rendering a Graphviz graph and for editing its source script with syntax highlighting. Uses @hpcc-js/wasm to generate the graph image in the web browser using WASM. See it working on-line!


  • Lightweight WebComponents (graph 1.7 kB minified, 0.8 kB gzipped, 0.7 kB brotlied, script editor 24.1 kB minified, 9.2 kB gzipped, 8.2 kB brotlied).
  • Renderer downloaded in the background (613 kB minified, 475 kB gzipped, 473 kB brotlied).
  • Bundled renderer available, if you don't need to load the renderer script in the background (639 kB minified, 485 kB gzipped, 481 kB brotlied).
  • IntelliSense for VS Code.

Related tools:


Render a graph:

<graphviz-graph graph="
  digraph G {
    main -> parse -> execute;
    main -> cleanup;
<script defer src=[email protected]/dist/graph.min.js></script>

Show a script editor and render the edited content to a graph:

<graphviz-script-editor id=source value="
  digraph G {
    main -> parse -> execute;
    main -> cleanup;
<graphviz-graph id=graph></graphviz-graph>
<script type=module>
  import '[email protected]/dist/index.min.mjs'
  document.getElementById('source').addEventListener('update', event => {
    document.getElementById('graph').graph = event.detail


Make sure that you have installed Node.js. Use your favourite package manager (NPM, Yarn or PNPM) to add the graphviz-webcomponent module to your project. Add -D on the command line if you use a bundler:

npm i graphviz-webcomponent
yarn add graphviz-webcomponent
pnpm i graphviz-webcomponent

If you write a plain HTML page, insert the graphviz-webcomponent script pointing either to CDN or to the local filesystem:

<script src=[email protected]/dist/index.min.js></script>
<script src=node_modules/graphviz-webcomponent/dist/index.min.js></script>

If you're going to use the script from a URL different from unpkg, or compile it to your application scripts, and you won't take one of the scripts with the bundled Web worker renderer, you will have to set the rendererUrl property accordingly. See the configuration for more information.

Distributed scripts:

  • index.min.js - both graphviz-graph and graphviz-script-editor elements
  • index-bundled.min.js - both graphviz-graph and graphviz-script-editor elements and the Web worker renderer
  • graph.min.js - the graphviz-graph element
  • graph-bundled.min.js - the graphviz-graph element and the Web worker renderer
  • script-editor.min.js - the graphviz-script-editor element
  • renderer.min.js - web worker for the graphviz-graph element

The first three scripts are available as ES6 modules with the file extension .mjs too. They export the HTML elements as classes.



The custom element graphviz-graph generates an SVG and displays it in its shadow root.

<graphviz-graph graph="..." scale="..."></graphviz-graph>


The attribute graph supplies the graph script in the Graphviz format. Whenever the graph attribute changes, the element content will be re-generated and re-rendered. If this attribute is empty, the element content will be empty. If generating of the image fails, the element will display an error message.

The attribute scale sets the "zoom" level for the SVG content. It has to be convertible to a real number greater than 0. Values in the interval (0;1>) decrease the image size, values greater than 1 increase it. The default value is 1, which means the original size. The value can be convertent to percents of the original size by multiplying by 100.


The property graphCompleted returns a promise with the result of the last rendering. If the rendering hasn't been finished yet, the promise will be pending. Whenever the graphviz-graph is being re-rendered again, the property graphCompleted will return a new promise. If rendering succeeds, the promise will be resolved with a string containing the SVG content. If rendering fails, the promise will be resolved with am object { message } containing the error message. The property graphCompleted is an alternative to waiting for the event render.


Whenever the SVG image inside the graphviz-graph element is successfully updated, the custom event render with the SVG source as details will be triggered on the element. If the rendering fails, the custom event error with the Error instance as details will be triggered.


The method tryGraph(graph: string): Promise<string> can be called to conditionally set the graph attribute. If rendering the graph script succeeds, the input value will be set to the graph attribute, the graphviz-graph element will be updated (including triggering the render event) and the Promise will be resolved with the output SVG. If rendering the graph script fails, the graphviz-graph element will remain unchanged (no error event triggered) and the Promise will be rejected with the error.


The graphviz-graph element uses a Web Worker to perform the rendering in the background and WASM to improve the computation performance. The external script is loaded from a URL, which can be customized. The default is:

graphvizWebComponent = {
  rendererUrl: '[email protected]/dist/index.min.js',
  delayWorkerLoading: false

The global object graphvizWebComponent can be set before the graphviz-webcomponent scripts (index.min.js or graph.min.js) are imported to change the defaults. Changing the properties after the scripts are loaded will have no effect.

If you set graphvizWebComponent.delayWorkerLoading to true, the web worker will be downloaded when the first graphviz-graph element will be inserted to the page.

If you want to enforce only local resources, you can change the URLs to relative paths within your project by setting the global graphvizWebComponent object, for example:

  graphvizWebComponent = {
    rendererUrl: '../node_modules/graphviz-webcomponent/dist/renderer.min.js'

Configuring the rendererUrl via graphvizWebComponent can be avoided, if you don't need to load the renderer script in the background. Choose one of the scripts with -bundled in their name then:

<script src=[email protected]/dist/index-bundled.min.js></script>
<script src=node_modules/graphviz-webcomponent/dist/graph-bundled.min.js></script>
import 'graphviz-webcomponent/bundled'


The custom element graphviz-script-editor shows a graph source with syntax highlighting and allows its editing.

<graphviz-script-editor value="..." tab="..." class="..."></graphviz-graph>


The attribute value accepts the graph script in the Graphviz format. Whenever this attribute changes, the editor will be re-rendered. The value attribute reflects the immediate changes made in the editor.

The attribute tab can specify characters inserted when the Tab key is pressed. It is two spaces (" ") by default.

The attribute class controls features by special class names:

  • line-numbers will add line numbers to the left border of the editor.
  • match-braces will show the second brace brace, when the first one is hovered above.
  • rainbow-braces will show pairs of braces with different colours.


Whenever the content of the editor changes, the custom event update with the source script as details will be triggered on the element. The attribute value will contain the latest editor content.


The language support in the VS Code editor can offer auto-completion and hover information for custom elements. To enable this feature for custom elements in this package, insert the following property to settings.json:

"html.customData": ["node_modules/graphviz-webcomponent/dist/html-custom-data.json"]

You will need to restart the VS Code to have this change applied.

If your IDE accepts the custom elements manifest, you will find it packaged at node_modules/graphviz-webcomponent/dist/custom-elements.json.


Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Ferdinand Prantl

Licensed under the MIT license.