
A custom client side web component library for creating reusable UI components with Shadow DOM and state management.



ZephyrJS is a lightweight, customizable web component framework for building modern web applications. It provides a set of reusable, encapsulated UI components and a core library for creating your own custom elements.


  • Custom Elements**: Built on Web Components standards
  • Shadow DOM**: Encapsulation for styles and markup
  • Reactive State Management**: Simple and efficient state handling
  • Template System**: Easy-to-use HTML templating
  • Two-way Data Binding**: Seamless updates between state and UI
  • Lifecycle Hooks**: Familiar component lifecycle management
  • Event Handling**: Simplified custom event system
  • Theming**: CSS variables for easy customization
  • Utility Classes**: Common CSS utilities included

Quick Start

Import ZephyrJS:

import  ZephyrJS, {defineCustomElement } from 'zephyrjs';

Create a custom element:

class MyComponent extends ZephyrJS {
  constructor() {

  componentDidMount() {
    // Component logic here

defineCustomElement('my-component', MyComponent);

Create the HTML template file (/templates/my-component.html):

<template id="my-component">
    :host {
      display: block;
      padding: 10px;
      border: 1px solid var(--primary-color);
    .content {
      font-family: var(--font-family-sans-serif);
  <div class="content">

Use in HTML:


Core Components

ZephyrJS comes with several pre-built components:

  <zephyr-accordion-item header="Section 1">
    Content for section 1.
  <zephyr-accordion-item header="Section 2">
    Content for section 2.

  <!-- Define your table structure here -->

<zephyr-basic-card title="Card Title" content="This is a simple card."></zephyr-basic-card>

<zephyr-button label="Click Me"></zephyr-button>

  <zephyr-basic-card title="Card 1" content="Content 1"></zephyr-basic-card>
  <zephyr-basic-card title="Card 2" content="Content 2"></zephyr-basic-card>

  <!-- Define your table structure here -->

  <option value="1">Option 1</option>
  <option value="2">Option 2</option>

<zephyr-input type="text" placeholder="Enter text"></zephyr-input>

  <!-- Define your Kanban board structure here -->

  <header slot="top"></header>
  <nav slot="left"></nav>
  <main slot="center"></main>


<zephyr-markdown-renderer content='
  # Markdown Content
  This is some **markdown** content to render.'

  <p>This is a modal content.</p>

  <p>This is a notification message.</p>

  <zephyr-tab name="Tab 1">
    Content for tab 1.
  <zephyr-tab name="Tab 2">
    Content for tab 2.

<zephyr-tooltip content="This is a tooltip">
  Hover over me

  <!-- Define your tree table structure here -->


Customize components using CSS variables:

[data-theme="custom"] {
    /* Main palette colors */
    --primary-color: #2C2C2C;    /* Dark gray */
    --secondary-color: #4B0000;  /* Dark red */
    --accent-color: #FF4500;     /* Bright orange-red */
    --background-color: #1A1A1A; /* Almost black */
    --neutral-color: #808080;    /* Medium gray */
    --secondary-color-light: #8B0000; /* Dark red */

    /* Semantic colors */
    --info-color: #FF6347;       /* Tomato */
    --info-background: #FFE4E1;  /* Light red */
    --success-color: #32CD32;    /* Lime green */
    --success-background: #F0FFF0; /* Honeydew */
    --danger-color: #DC143C;     /* Crimson */
    --danger-background: #FFE4E1; /* Light red */
    --warning-color: #FFD700;    /* Gold */
    --warning-background: #FFF8DC; /* Light yellow */

    /* Text colors */
    --light-text: #FFFFFF;       /* White */
    --dark-text: #FF4500;        /* Bright orange-red */

    /* Component-specific colors */
    --button-hover-bg: #CD5C5C;  /* Indian red */
    --input-focus-border: #FF4500; /* Adjusted to match the accent color */
    --button-click-bg: #B22222;  /* Firebrick */

    /* Typography */
    --font-family-sans-serif: "Montserrat", "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif;
    --font-family-serif: "Merriweather", Georgia, serif;
    --font-family-monospace: "Fira Code", "Courier New", monospace;

    /* Body styles */
    --body-bg: var(--background-color);
    --body-color: #FF4500;       /* Bright orange-red for main text */

    /* Link styles */
    --link-color: var(--accent-color);
    --link-decoration: none;
    --link-hover-color: #FF6347; /* Tomato */

    /* Additional theme-specific variables */
    --header-bg: var(--primary-color);
    --header-color: var(--neutral-color);
    --footer-bg: var(--secondary-color);
    --footer-color: var(--primary-color);
    --button-primary-bg: var(--accent-color);
    --button-primary-color: white;
    --card-bg: #2C2C2C; /* Dark gray for card background */
    --card-border: var(--neutral-color);

    /* Button specific variables */
    --button-padding: 10px 20px;
    --button-border-radius: 5px;
    --button-font-size: 1em;
    --button-primary-bg-color: var(--accent-color);
    --button-disabled-background: var(--neutral-color);

    /* Card specific variables */
    --card-box-shadow: var(--shadow-light);
    --card-padding: 16px;
    --card-border-radius: 8px;
    --card-header-font-size: 1.5em;
    --card-header-margin-bottom: 12px;
    --card-content-margin-top: 8px;

    /* CardGroup Component Variables */
    --card-group-gap: 1rem;
    --card-min-width: 250px;
    --card-border-color: #808080;
    --card-header-color: #FF4500;
    --card-content-color: #CD5C5C; /* Indian red */
    --card-content-font-size: 1rem;

    /* Input specific variables */
    --input-margin: 10px 0;
    --input-padding: 10px;
    --input-border: 1px solid var(--neutral-color);
    --input-border-radius: 4px;
    --input-font-size: 1rem;
    --input-focus-border-color: var(--accent-color);

    /* Dropdown specific variables */
    --dropdown-padding: 10px;
    --dropdown-border: 1px solid var(--neutral-color);
    --dropdown-border-radius: 4px;
    --dropdown-font-size: 1rem;
    --dropdown-background: var(--background-color);
    --dropdown-arrow: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg viewBox="0 0 140 140" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><polygon points="0,0 140,0 70,70" style="fill:%23808080;"/></svg>');
    --dropdown-focus-border-color: var(--accent-color);

    /* Modal specific variables */
    --modal-background: var(--background-color);
    --modal-border-radius: 10px;
    --modal-box-shadow: var(--shadow-dark);
    --modal-width: 300px;
    --modal-z-index: 1000;
    --modal-header-padding: 16px;
    --modal-header-background: var(--primary-color);
    --modal-header-border-color: var(--neutral-color);
    --modal-header-font-size: 1.25em;
    --modal-body-padding: 16px;
    --modal-footer-padding: 16px;
    --modal-footer-background: var(--neutral-color);
    --modal-footer-border-color: var(--neutral-color);

    /* Notification specific variables */
    --notification-padding: 16px;
    --notification-background: var(--dark-text);
    --notification-border-color: var(--primary-color);
    --notification-font-size: 1em;
    --notification-success-background: var(--success-background);
    --notification-error-background: var(--danger-background);
    --notification-warning-background: var(--warning-background);
    --notification-success-text: var(--success-color);
    --notification-error-text: var(--danger-color);
    --notification-warning-text: var(--warning-color);

    /* Markdown Editor and Renderer Colors */
    --markdown-bg: #2C2C2C;
    --markdown-color: #FF4500;
    --markdown-keyword: #DC143C;
    --markdown-string: #32CD32;
    --markdown-number: #FFD700;
    --markdown-function: #FF6347;
    --markdown-comment: #75715E;
    --markdown-method: #FF4500;
    --markdown-tag: #4B0000;
    --markdown-attribute: #FF6347;
    --markdown-at-rule: #AF00DB;
    --markdown-punctuation: #000000;
    --markdown-property: #FF6347;
    --markdown-value: #4B0000;
    --markdown-selector: #FF4500;
    --markdown-indentation: #CCCCCC;
    --markdown-text: var(--markdown-indentation);

    --spacing-none: 0;
    --spacing-extra-small: 5px;
    --spacing-small: 10px;
    --spacing-medium: 16px;
    --spacing-large: 20px;

    --border-radius: 5px;

You can create your own theme to change the values to what suits your project over the defaults.

Using ZephyrJS in HTML Project

Import the latest version from jsdelivr into your project as depicted below. From there, you will be able to make full usage of ZephyrJS.

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Title of project</title>
    <script type="module" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/RPDevJesco/[email protected]/zephyrcore/zephyr.js"></script>
    <script type="module" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/RPDevJesco/[email protected]/zephyrtemplates/ZephyrCore.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/RPDevJesco/[email protected]/zephyrcss/variables.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/RPDevJesco/[email protected]/zephyrcss/zephyr.css">

ZephyrJS also boasts a CSS Framework which houses utility classes and animations.

Available Utilities

Available Color Categories

Basic Colors: Standard colors like blue, red, green, etc.

  • --blue,
  • --red,
  • --green

Extended Colors: Additional named colors for more variety.

  • --lime,
  • --gold,
  • --navy

Light Shades: Lighter versions of basic colors.

  • --blue-light,
  • --red-light,
  • --green-light

Dark Shades: Darker versions of basic colors.

  • --blue-dark,
  • --red-dark,
  • --green-dark

Pastel Shades: Soft, muted colors.

  • --pastel-blue,
  • --pastel-green,
  • --pastel-pink

Additional Shades: Extra light variations of colors.

  • --light-blue,
  • --light-coral,
  • --light-sea-green

Custom Shades: Specific color variations for your project.

  • --custom-blue,
  • --custom-green,
  • --custom-red

Semantic Colors: Colors with specific meanings or uses.

  • --info-color,
  • --success-color,
  • --danger-color

Gradient Colors: Predefined gradient backgrounds.

  • --gradient-primary,
  • --gradient-secondary

Shadows: Predefined shadow styles.

  • --shadow-light,
  • --shadow-dark


Container and Grid System

  • .container: Main container class
  • .row: Flex row
  • .col: Flex column


  • .d-none,
  • .d-inline,
  • .d-inline-block,
  • .d-block,
  • .d-table,
  • .d-table-row,
  • .d-table-cell,
  • .d-flex,
  • .d-inline-flex
  • Responsive variants: .d-{breakpoint}-{value} (e.g., .d-md-none)


  • Flex container: .d-flex, .d-inline-flex
  • Justify content: .justify-content-start, .justify-content-end, .justify-content-center, .justify-content-between, .justify-content-around
  • Align items: .align-items-start, .align-items-end, .align-items-center, .align-items-baseline, .align-items-stretch


  • .position-static,
  • .position-relative,
  • .position-absolute,
  • .position-fixed,
  • .position-sticky
  • .top-0,
  • .right-0,
  • .bottom-0,
  • .left-0,
  • .top-50,
  • .right-50,
  • .bottom-50,
  • .left-50,
  • .top-100,
  • .right-100,
  • .bottom-100,
  • .left-100
  • .translate-middle,
  • .translate-middle-x,
  • .translate-middle-y



  • .m-0 to .m-5,
  • .mt-0 to .mt-5,
  • .mr-0 to .mr-5,
  • .mb-0 to .mb-5,
  • .ml-0 to .ml-5
  • .mx-0 to .mx-5,
  • .my-0 to .my-5
  • .m-auto,
  • .mx-auto,
  • .my-auto


  • .p-0 to .p-5,
  • .pt-0 to .pt-5,
  • .pr-0 to .pr-5,
  • .pb-0 to .pb-5,
  • .pl-0 to .pl-5
  • .px-0 to .px-5,
  • .py-0 to .py-5


Font Size

  • .text-xs,
  • .text-sm,
  • .text-base,
  • .text-lg,
  • .text-xl,
  • .text-2xl,
  • .text-3xl,
  • .text-4xl

Font Weight

  • .font-light,
  • .font-normal,
  • .font-medium,
  • .font-semibold,
  • .font-bold

Text Alignment

  • .text-left,
  • .text-center,
  • .text-right,
  • .text-justify

Text Decoration

  • .underline,
  • .line-through,
  • .no-underline

Text Transform

  • .uppercase,
  • .lowercase,
  • .capitalize,
  • .normal-case

Line Height

  • .leading-none,
  • .leading-tight,
  • .leading-normal,
  • .leading-loose

Letter Spacing

  • .tracking-tight,
  • .tracking-normal,
  • .tracking-wide


Background Colors

  • .bg-primary,
  • .bg-secondary,
  • .bg-success,
  • .bg-danger,
  • .bg-warning,
  • .bg-info,
  • .bg-light,
  • .bg-dark

Text Colors

  • .text-primary,
  • .text-secondary,
  • .text-success,
  • .text-danger,
  • .text-warning,
  • .text-info,
  • .text-light,
  • .text-dark


  • .border,
  • .border-top,
  • .border-right,
  • .border-bottom,
  • .border-left,
  • .border-0
  • .rounded,
  • .rounded-top,
  • .rounded-right,
  • .rounded-bottom,
  • .rounded-left,
  • .rounded-circle,
  • .rounded-0


  • .shadow-sm,
  • .shadow,
  • .shadow-lg,
  • .shadow-none



  • .w-25,
  • .w-50,
  • .w-75,
  • .w-100,
  • .w-auto
  • .max-w-25,
  • .max-w-50,
  • .max-w-75,
  • .max-w-100,
  • .max-w-none


  • .h-25,
  • .h-50,
  • .h-75,
  • .h-100,
  • .h-auto
  • .max-h-25,
  • .max-h-50,
  • .max-h-75,
  • .max-h-100,
  • .max-h-none


  • .pointer-events-none,
  • .pointer-events-auto
  • .user-select-none,
  • .user-select-auto


  • .overflow-auto,
  • .overflow-hidden,
  • .overflow-visible,
  • .overflow-scroll
  • .overflow-x-auto,
  • .overflow-x-hidden,
  • .overflow-x-visible,
  • .overflow-x-scroll
  • .overflow-y-auto,
  • .overflow-y-hidden,
  • .overflow-y-visible,
  • .overflow-y-scroll


  • .focus-visible: Provides a visible outline for keyboard focus
  • .skip-to-main: Allows keyboard users to skip to the main content
  • .high-contrast-border: Adds a border in high contrast mode
  • .reduce-motion: Removes animations and transitions for users who prefer reduced motion

Logical Properties

  • Margin: .m-inline-start-1, .m-inline-end-1, .m-block-start-1, .m-block-end-1
  • Padding: .p-inline-start-1, .p-inline-end-1, .p-block-start-1, .p-block-end-1
  • Border: .border-inline-start, .border-inline-end, .border-block-start, .border-block-end
  • Text alignment: .text-start, .text-end
  • Position: .inset-inline-start-0, .inset-inline-end-0, .inset-block-start-0, .inset-block-end-0

Responsive Classes

Many utilities include responsive variants that apply at different breakpoints:

  • sm: Small screens (≥576px)
  • md: Medium screens (≥768px)
  • lg: Large screens (≥992px)
  • xl: Extra large screens (≥1200px)


  • visible - sets item visible
  • invisible - sets item invisible

Available Animations

  • fade-in: Fades in the element
  • swing: Swings the element back and forth
  • slide-in-left: Slides in the element from different directions
  • slide-in-right: Slides in the element from different directions
  • slide-in-up: Slides in the element from different directions
  • slide-in-down: Slides in the element from different directions
  • slide-in-bottom: Slides in the element from different directions
  • slide-out-top: Slides out the element to the top
  • bounce: Makes the element bounce
  • rotate: Rotates the element 360 degrees
  • zoom-in, zoom-out: Zooms the element in or out
  • flip: Flips the element horizontally
  • pulse: Makes the element pulse
  • shake: Shakes the element
  • wobble: Makes the element wobble
  • text-hide: Hides text by moving it up
  • text-reveal: Reveals text by moving it up
  • typewriter: Creates a typewriter effect
  • floating: Makes the element float up and down
  • blur-in, blur-out: Blurs the element in or out
  • hinge: Creates a hinge effect
  • glitch: Creates a glitch effect
  • ripple: Creates a ripple effect
  • spotlight: Creates a spotlight effect
  • text-shadow-pop: Makes text pop out with a shadow
  • elastic-scale: Scales the element with an elastic effect
  • roll-in, roll-out: Rolls the element in or out
  • flash: Makes the element flash
  • swing-in, swing-out: Swings the element in or out


ZephyrJS is MIT licensed.


For support, please open an issue on our GitHub repository.

Built with ❤️


Form-Related Components

  • <zephyr-form>: A wrapper component for handling form submissions, validation, and data management.
  • <zephyr-checkbox>: A customizable checkbox input element with clear styling options.
  • <zephyr-radio>: Similar to <zephyr-checkbox>, but for radio button groups.
  • <zephyr-switch>: A toggle switch component for binary options.
  • <zephyr-select>: A styled dropdown selection component.
  • <zephyr-datepicker>: A calendar component for date input.
  • <zephyr-timepicker>: A component for selecting time.
  • <zephyr-calendar>: A full calendar component for scheduling and events.
  • <zephyr-range-slider>: An input slider for selecting a value within a range.
  • <zephyr-file-upload>: A component for handling file uploads.
  • <zephyr-multi-form>: Guides users through multi-step processes, such as checkout processes.

Authentication Components

  • <zephyr-login-form>: A pre-built login form component.
  • <zephyr-signup-form>: A registration form component.
  • <zephyr-password-strength>: A password strength indicator.

Utility Components

  • <zephyr-scroll-to-top>: A button to scroll back to the top of the page.
  • <zephyr-infinite-scroll>: A component to handle infinite scrolling.
  • <zephyr-lazy-load>: A component for lazy loading images or other content.

Navigation & Layout Components

  • Popover/Popover Menu: Similar to tooltips but more complex, allowing for interaction within the content.
  • <zephyr-navbar>: A top-level navigation bar component.
  • <zephyr-sidebar>: A collapsible side navigation menu.
  • <zephyr-breadcrumb>: A navigational aid that shows the user's path within a website or application.
  • <zephyr-grid>: A flexible grid system for creating responsive layouts (could integrate with a popular CSS grid library).
  • <zephyr-carousel>: A slideshow component for displaying images or content.
  • <zephyr-masonry>: A masonry layout component for dynamic content arrangement.
  • <zephyr-pagination>: A component to help users navigate through large sets of data.

Data Visualization Components

  • <zephyr-chart>: A generic chart component that can be configured for various chart types (line, bar, pie, etc.). Could potentially integrate with a charting library like Chart.js or D3.js.
  • <zephyr-progress>: A progress bar or circle component for visualizing progress.
  • <zephyr-timeline>: A component to display events or data points in chronological order.

Interactive Components

  • <zephyr-drawer>: A sliding panel that emerges from the side of the screen.
  • <zephyr-snackbar>: A brief notification that appears at the bottom of the screen.
  • <zephyr-rating>: A component for displaying and collecting user ratings (e.g., star ratings).

Additional Ideas

  • <zephyr-avatar>: A circular image component for displaying user profile pictures.
  • <zephyr-badge>: A small label or tag to highlight a piece of information.
  • <zephyr-loader/spinner>: Animated loading indicators to provide feedback during asynchronous operations.
  • <zephyr-audio-player>: A component for playing audio files.
  • <zephyr-video-player>: A component for playing video files.
  • <zephyr-sortable-list>: Allows users to reorder list items via drag and drop.