
Convert React component to web component without breaking a sweat.


React to Web Component

This library is meant to make maintaining legacy code less painful. Micro frontend will reduce your legacy core complexity enabling you to integrate React (application/widgets) in it.

Warning This library is not tested with react 18.


npm install convert-react-to-web-component


yarn add convert-react-to-web-component

and don't forget to install peer dependencies:

  • react
  • react-dom


import React from 'react';
import reactToWebComponent from 'convert-react-to-web-component';

const ReactApp = () => <div>Hello, world</div>;


this snippet will create <react-app> tag that can be used in plain html, angular template or twig.


To pass tag attributes to React component you have to specify them.

import React from 'react';
import reactToWebComponent from 'convert-react-to-web-component';

const ReactApp = ({ name, userLastName }) => (
  <div>Hello, {name} {userLastName}</div>

reactToWebComponent(ReactApp, { attributes: ['name', 'userLastName'] });

Attributes should be passed as kebab-case to your element.

    <react-app name="john" user-last-name="Cena">

React component will rerender on attribute change.

Tag name

By default created tag name will be given React component name converted to kebab-case. You can change name of tab by specifying your desired name.

import React from 'react';
import reactToWebComponent from 'convert-react-to-web-component';

const ReactApp = ({ name }) => <div>Hello, {name}</div>;

reactToWebComponent(ReactApp, { attributes: ['name']; name: 'app' });

now you can call you component with <app> tag.

Attribute modifier (middleware)

In some cases, you may want to use middleware to modify value before it is passed to React component. This can be useful when implementing functionality in twig or angular apps.

import React from 'react';
import reactToWebComponent from 'convert-react-to-web-component';

const ReactApp = ({ name }) => <div>Hello, {name}</div>;

const middleware = (value) => (
    value.includes('{') ? undefined : value

reactToWebComponent(ReactApp, { attributes: ['name'], middleware });

Shadow DOM

To prevent style interference between parent application and your react app you can pass shadowDom property which will create shadow root and mount react app to it.

import React from 'react';
import reactToWebComponent from 'convert-react-to-web-component';

const ReactApp = () => <div>Hello, World</div>;

reactToWebComponent(ReactApp, { shadowDom: "open" });

Additional stuff

If you came this far and read all that stuff above you may be planning to use this lib. If this is the case you may want to see a demo. But let's be honest I know you are pro, and you will definitely check out package.json to see what is available.

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