
An accessible, fast, and WCAG 2.1 compliant toggle style tooltip web component using role=status.

MIT License



A small (8KB), accessible, fast, and WCAG 2.1 compliant toggle style tooltip web component using role=status.


  1. WCAG 2.1 compliant:
  2. Fast: no jank repaint (turn on paint flashing in DevTools...nada)
  3. Screen reader friendly (interaction model allows explicit feedback)
  4. Supports optional hover (which is also compliant with WCAG 1.4.13)
  5. Basic styling with CSS custom properties

Demo / Screen Reader

To see the tooltip in action within JAWS 2020, see

Install with Tools

Install the component:

npm i @justinribeiro/toggle-tooltip
# or
yarn add @justinribeiro/toggle-tooltip

Install with CDN

If you want the paste-and-go version, you can simply load it via CDN:

<script type="module" src="[email protected]/dist/index.js">


Fire it up:

<script type="module">
   import '@justinribeiro/toggle-tooltip/index.js';
  <span slot="tooltip">
    I'm a tooltip!

See other uses in demo/index.html.


$ git clone [email protected]:justinribeiro/toggle-tooltip.git
$ cd toggle-tooltip
$ yarn install
$ yarn start

# run the tests
$ yarn test


Property Attribute Type Default Description
hover hover boolean false Setting hover as attribute on component allows for the mouseover andmouseout events to become active for this instance of the toggle-tooltipNote: this mode is complaint with WCAG SC 1.4.13 Content on Hover or FocusTODO: I suppose I could watch for the change and then add/remove the eventhandlers...but I don't have a use case for the at the moment
label label string "'more info'" Define the internal button aria-label when an svg icon or other non-textis used
show show boolean "'more info'" Define the internal button aria-label when an svg icon or other non-textis used


Method Type Description
close (noReFocus?: boolean): void Close the tooltipoReFocus: Don't refocus to the button (probably because wetabbed off and are moving through the document)
open (): void Open the tooltip and focus to it


Name Description
Default slot injects into button value, useful for icon
tooltip Any message or links you'd like in the tooltip status message

CSS Custom Properties

Property Default
--toggle-tooltip-button-background-color "transparent"
--toggle-tooltip-button-border "none"
--toggle-tooltip-button-padding 0
--toggle-tooltip-status-background-color "#fafafa"
--toggle-tooltip-status-border "1px solid #ccc"
--toggle-tooltip-status-border-radius "0.5rem"
--toggle-tooltip-status-box-shadow "none"
--toggle-tooltip-status-padding "1rem"