
you can use 'turncate-element' for any framework like Vue, React, Angular or any framewordk based on javascript without any worries. it is a custom element that is created based on ngx-truncate-text, which I had already created myself for angular.



You can use "turncate-element" for Vue, React, Angular or any JavaScript based framework without any worries. This is a custom element with which you can:

  • Identify hashtags, mentions and links.
  • Shorten and display the text as much as you want without losing the original text.
  • Highlight the words you want even if they are nested.
  • Create your own custom model.(very hot)

and a few other features.


see demo on stackblitz for Angular, React. Vue and simple html.


npm i truncate-element -s


Use in Angular

first of all, add CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA to app.module

import { CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';

  declarations: [
    imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule { }

and add the truncate-element.js or truncate-element.min.js to angular.json file.

"architect": {
    "build": {
        "scripts": [

then use truncate-element tag in html, with one of the following ways that you prefer:

<!--get element by id and set config attribute on it-->
<truncate-element id="ele">
  Lorem, #ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ducimus quas quos reiciendis   voluptatum corporis soluta beatae placeat assumenda! Fugit, aspernatur veritatis voluptatum assumenda neque minima, voluptatibus laboriosam sit

and in its .ts file :

myConfig: Config= {
more: "show",
less: "hide",
number: 50,
highlightList: [
{ name: "dolor", color: "red" },
"consequuntur", { name: "equ", color: "blue" },
{ name: "optio", color: "green" }
highlightCondition: "like",
completeWord: true,
hashtag: true,
hasLiteral: true,
identifyLink: {
                enabled: true,

ngOnInit()  or  anyfunction() {
var elem = document.getElementById("ele"); 
lorem ...

and no need any change in its .ts file.

<truncate-element  [attr.config]="farsiConfig">
در این #غربت خانگی بگو هرچی باید بگی ، ... .

and in its .ts file:

farsiConfig = JSON.stringify({
less: "پنهان",
more: "آشکار",
completeWord: true,
hasLiteral: true,
hashtag: true,
highlightCondition: "like",
highlightList: [
	{ name: 'لب', color: 'pink' },
	{ name: 'جنگل', color: 'green' },
	{ name: 'کتاب', color: '#aabbcc' }
number: 50

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Use in React

first add truncate-element.js or truncate-element.min.js to your project.

<script src="%PUBLIC_URL%/truncate-element[.min].js" type="text/javascript"></script>

class App extends Component<AppProps, AppState> {
  state = {
    //use in the thirth method
    farsiConfig: JSON.stringify({
      less: 'پنهان',

    // use in the first method
    myConfig: JSON.stringify({
      more: 'show',

  render() {
    setTimeout(() => {
      // use in the first method
      var element = document.getElementById('ele');
      element.setAttribute('config', this.state.myConfig);
    }, 0);

    return (
       {/* the first method */}
          <truncate-element id="ele">
            Lorem, #ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ducimus

          {/* the seconde method */}
          {/* use stringify object on config attribute directly */} 
          <truncate-element config='{"more":"ادامه","less":"پنهان","number":50,"highlightList":[{"name":"لب","color":"pink"},"سوار",{"name":"جنگل","color":"green"},"جنگ",{"name":"کتاب","color":"#aabbcc"}],"highlightCondition":"like","completeWord":true,"hashtag":true,"hasLiteral":true}'>
              در این #غربت خانگی بگو هرچی باید بگی ، بگو هرچی باید بگی... 
		      {/* the thirth method */}
          <truncate-element config={this.state.farsiConfig}>
              در این #غربت خانگی بگو هرچی باید بگی ، بگو هرچی باید بگی ...

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Use in Vue

first import 'truncate-element' to main.js then:

 <!-- the first method -->
    <truncate-element id="ele">
      Lorem, #ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ducimus quas

<!-- the second method -->

    <truncate-element :config="farsiConfig">
      در این #غربت خانگی بگو هرچی باید بگی ...

<!-- the thirth method -->
<!--  use stringify object on config attribute directly >

      در این #غربت خانگی بگو هرچی باید بگی ...

import Vue from "vue";

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      // use in the first method
      myConfig: {
        more: "show",

      // use in the second method
      farsiConfig: JSON.stringify({
        less: "پنهان",
  created: function () {
    // use in the first method
    setTimeout(() => {
      const conf=JSON.stringify(this.myConfig);
      const element = document.getElementById("ele");
      element.setAttribute('config', conf);

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Use in Simple HTML

add truncate-element[.min].js to .html file:

<script type="module" src="../dist/truncate-element.min.js"></script>

and then use the truncate-element tag like other framework.

<!-- get element by id and set config attribute on it-->
<truncate-element id='ele'>
        Lorem #ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Natus, ...

<!-- or -->
<!-- pass stringify object to config attribute directly-->
            در این #غربت خانگی بگو هرچی باید بگی ، بگو هرچی باید بگی ...
<!-- or -->
<-- set config , then add text to innerHTML later-->
<truncate-element id="wtext" config='{"more":"more","less":"less"}'>

         var config2 = JSON.stringify({
             more: "show",
             less: "hide",
             number: 50,
             highlightList: [
                 { name: "dolor", color: "red" },
                 "consequuntur", { name: "equ", color: "blue" },
                 { name: "optio", color: "green" }
             highlightCondition: "like",
             completeWord: true,
             hashtag: true,
             hasLiteral: true,
             identifyLink: {
                enabled: true,
         var elem = document.getElementById("ele");
         elem.setAttribute('config', config2);

         var elem2 = document.getElementById('wtext');
         elem2.innerHTML = "Lorem #ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur  ... ."    

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Help table - Config properties

property description type default version
less A word is displayed before the text is shortened string hide 1.0.0
more A word is displayed after the text is shortened string show 1.0.0
number Number of characters to display number 100 1.0.0
completeWord It prevents word break when shortening text on a part of the word. boolean false 1.0.0
hashtag Finds hashtag in text (any language, zero-width non-joiner is considered.) boolean false 1.0.0
hasLiteral If you want to see the text as it is (including "\ r", "\ n", "\ t"), use this feature boolean false 1.0.0
highlightList Colors the words you enter in the list with the color you specify in the list. If you enter a string without color, it will turn yellow by default. Array<HighlightQuery|string> [{ name: '', color: '' }] 1.0.0
highlightCondition This feature determines whether any similar word in your list found in the text will be highlighted or will find and highlight exactly the same words in the list. string exactly 1.0.0
mention Finds mention in text boolean false 1.1.0
identifyLink identifying Url in text IdentifyLink enabled:false 1.8.0

IdentifyLink properties

property description type default version
enabled by this property, activate or deactivate boolean false 1.8.0
hasQueryString identifying query string boolean false 1.8.0
title title attribute for anchor tag string "" 1.8.0
class class for anchor tag string "" 1.8.0
style style for anchor tag string text-decoration:none;color:blue; 1.8.0
domain array of suffix like ['com','ir','gov'] Array<string> [] 1.8.0
protocol array of prefix like ['ftp','www','http'] Array<string> [] 1.8.0
target refers to a window, tab or frame inside a page string _blank 1.8.0

Custom Model in v2.0.0 and higher

you can implement your favorite model for working on string. just define a class and extend ProccessModel. ProccessModel is abstract class with a process method that you should implement it.

 export class TimeModel extends ProccessModel {
        constructor() {
      process(model: WordModel): WordModel { ...

see the full examples on Demos.

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  • if determine protocol and domain in IdentifyLink property, URLs identify that have both protocol and domain. example:
  mention: true,
  identifyLink: {
     enabled: true,
     hasQueryString: true,
     title: "",
     class: "roja sample",
     style: '',
     domain: ['ir', 'com'],
     protocol: ['www'],
     target: "_blank",

and in text you have: ..., ... quam,, quis, ftp://quod.tis, quos,... Only this URL is recognized --> ''. for identifing all URLs use blank array for domain and protocol properties.

  • You can use Config and HighlighQuery interfaces for type of properties.

    import { Config , HighlightQuery} from 'truncate-element/interfaces';
    conf: Config = {
      more: "show",
      less: "hide",
    _highlight: HighlightQuery[] = [{ name: "dolor", color:  "red" },...];
  • before pass config attribute to the element , you should convert to string with JSON.stringify().

  • default color for toggle button is #ff00ff and cursor style is pointer , if you want to use custom style, use the builtin .toggleText class.

        color: aqua !important;
    	font-style: italic;
  • default color for hashtags is #1b95e0 (from twitter), if you want to use custom style, use the builtin .hashtag class.

  • default color for mentions is #0095f6 (from twitter), if you want to use custom style, use the builtin .mention class.

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  • v2.4.1

  • update Improved description.
  • v2.4.0

    • Improved highlight list review
    • The addition of nested highlights in more than 2 steps
    • Improved check and display of character count
    • Improving Performance
  • v2.0.2

    • fix bug for Class extends value undefined is not a constructor or null
  • v2.0.1

    • fix bug for Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegistry'
  • v2.0.0

    • a feature has been Added to create custom function (important feature). See the example below:
          const newConf: Config = {
            more: "show",
            less: "hide",
            number: 50,
          export class TimeModel extends ProccessModel {
            constructor() {
          process(model: WordModel): WordModel {
              const patt = /(\d{2}:\d{2})$/gmi;
              if (patt.test(model.word)) {
                  model.html = `<span style="background:#8bb49c">${model.word}</span>`;
                  model.type += ' time';
                  return model;
                  return model;
          const userModels: Array<Type<ProccessModel>> = [];
         let element = document.getElementById('test') as TruncateElement;

    for full example see Demos.

    • better highlighting.
      • it highlights words until two level.
      • you can highlight words in URLs (anywhere of URL).
      • you can highlight words in hashtag or mention
  • v1.8.1

    • fix a bug in subdomain and query string identifying
  • v1.8.0

    The following features have been added:

    • Identify the link
      • Query string identification
      • Add title, target, class and style
      • Domain and protocol detection
  • v1.1.1

    • If there were uppercase and lowercase words in the sentence, when they were highlighted, all words were changed to the last word found.
  • v1.1.0

    • finding mentions in text is added.

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  1. open command line and clone repository with command below :

    git clone

  2. install dependencies :

    npm i

  3. running in development mode :

    npm run dev

  4. for build :

    npm run build

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