
Animated hamburger menu icons for modern web apps (1.8 KB) 🍔

MIT License



  • Small: Just 1,8 KB (minified and gzipped). Size Limit controls the size.
  • Fast: Built with standards based Custom Elements.
  • Bulletproof: Written in strict TypeScript and covered by 30+ tests.
  • Framework-agnostic: Can be used with any framework.
  • Simple: Uses native <button> with a click listener internally.
  • Accessible: Follows WAI-ARIA guidelines for toggle buttons.
  • No dependencies

Live demo


npm install vanilla-hamburger --save

Or use one of the following content delivery networks: CDN:

<script type="module" src=""></script>

Skypack CDN:

<script type="module" src=""></script>


<tilt-burger size="lg" label="Menu"></tilt-burger>
<script type="module">
  import 'vanilla-hamburger';

  const burger = document.querySelector('tilt-burger');
  burger.addEventListener('pressed-changed', (event) => {
    const pressed = event.detail.value;

ES modules

vanilla-hamburger is authored using ES modules which are natively supported by modern browsers. However, it also uses "bare module imports" which are not yet standardized and require a small transform.

We recommend the following tools for the ES modules based development:

None of these tools are needed when importing the component from CDN.

Available variants

vanilla-hamburger provides 13 separate elements for different hamburger types.

File to import HTML element
"cross-burger.js" <cross-burger>
"fade-burger.js" <fade-burger>
"pivot-burger.js" <pivot-burger>
"rotate-burger.js" <rotate-burger>
"slant-burger.js" <slant-burger>
"sling-burger.js" <sling-burger>
"spin-burger.js" <spin-burger>
"spiral-burger.js" <spiral-burger>
"squash-burger.js" <squash-burger>
"squeeze-burger.js" <squeeze-burger>
"tilt-burger.js" <tilt-burger>
"turn-burger.js" <turn-burger>
"twirl-burger.js" <twirl-burger>

When using one hamburger, ~1.8 KB will be added to your bundle (min + gzip).


The following properties can be used to customize hamburger elements:

Property Default Description
direction left The animation direction of the icon, left or right.
disabled false When set to true, the internal <button> id disabled.
distance md The distance between the lines: sm, md or lg.
duration 0.4 The duration of the animation. Can be set to zero.
easing cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0, 1) A valid transition-timing-function CSS value.
label hamburger Accessible label set on the internal <button>.
pressed false Set to true when element is pressed.
size 32 Size of the icon. Should be a number between 12 and 48.

Note: direction property is not supported by <squash-burger> and <squeeze-burger>.

Overriding styles

vanilla-hamburger exposes CSS Shadow Parts allowing to override the default styles:

cross-burger {
  color: #999;

cross-burger[pressed] {
  color: #666;

cross-burger[disabled] {
  opacity: 0.7;

cross-burger::part(bar) {
  border-radius: 9em;

cross-burger::part(button) {
  outline: none;
  background: currentColor;
  border-radius: 50%;
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity 0.5s;

cross-burger::part(button):hover {
  opacity: 0.12;

cross-burger::part(button):focus {
  opacity: 0.16;

Base classes

vanilla-hamburger provides a set of base classes that can be imported without registering custom elements. This is useful if you want to create your own hamburger icon with a different tag name.

import { Cross } from 'vanilla-hamburger/lib/entrypoints/cross.js';

customElements.define('custom-burger', class extends Cross {});


It is recommended to have a tap/click area of at least 48x48 pixels. Therefore, padding will be added around the icon to create a surface of exactly this size.

Keyboard interaction is provided using native <button>, which dispatches the click event on Enter and Space keys. The underlying native button has aria-pressed attribute set based on the pressed property.

Remember to use label property to provide an accessible label for the native button.

TypeScript support

vanilla-hamburger supports TypeScript and ships with types in the library itself; no need for any other install.

All the included custom elements are compatible with lit-analyzer and lit-plugin extension for Visual Studio Code, so you can benefit from type checking in lit-html templates.

Browser support

vanilla-hamburger uses Custom Elements and Shadow DOM, and does not support IE11 or legacy Edge.

Why vanilla-hamburger?

vanilla-hamburger has all the benefits of hamburger-react with one important difference.

While hamburger-react does not have direct dependencies, it still expects you to use React. This means that Angular, Vue, Svelte or vanilla JS users would have an extra dependency in their apps.

Now when all the evergreen browsers support standards based Custom Elements, it's perfect time to build such tiny and lightweight UI controls as web components rather than framework components.