
Make your codeigniter application webpack powered and serve the static contents in a smarter way



Make your codeigniter application webpack powered and serve the static contents in a smarter way.

  • Do you still manage your static assets in older way?
  • Do you want to use React, Angular or VueJS in your codeigniter application?
  • Do you want your client codeigniter application modularized?

Codepackniter helps you to setup your existing codeigniter application powered by the Javascript world's most powerful tool WEBPACK. Basically it is a small utility helper that integrates laravel-mix (A famous asset management wrapper built around webpack by one of my favorites Jaffery Way) behind the scene.

How To Install:

npm install codepackniter -g

How To Use:

Once you are done with the package installation, go to your existing codeigniter project root and run the following command:

codepackniter make

The above command will setup webpack and install all the dependencies regarding laravel-mix. After finishing this command, go to your project layout file and add the following script tag for javascript compiled by mix.

<script src="<?php echo codepackniter("js/app.js") ?>"></script>

If you want to add the compiled sass file also, put a link tag in the same layout for app.css

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo codepackniter("css/app.css") ?>">

After doing all the above stuff, refresh the application and you should see the text Application is Webpack Powered now in browser console.

Thats it!

To make it more advance, you need to read the documentation for laravel-mix

Thanks To:

Laravel Mix