
A webpack plugin allowing to call Flow type checker.



A webpack plugin allowing to call Flow type checker during each webpack compilation.

Key features

  • It doesn't require flow to be in $PATH.
  • No dependencies. Plugin can reuse project's flow-bin installation.
  • It can make webpack to exit with non-zero return code, if flow validation fails.
  • It works per project, not per file.


Run in you project directory:

npm install --save-dev flow-webpack-plugin flow-bin

or using yarn:

yarn add flow-webpack-plugin flow-bin --dev

Add to your webpack configuration file webpack.config.js:

const FlowWebpackPlugin = require('flow-webpack-plugin')

module.exports = {
    plugins: [
        new FlowWebpackPlugin(),
        // ...
    // ...

Note: flow-bin package is not a hard dependency. If flow is already installed on your system, it can be reused through flowPath option.

Demo project illustrates integration of Webpack, Flow and Babel using this plugin.


Valid codebase: Valid codebase

Flow validation error: Flow validation error


Constructor of FlowWebpackPlugin accepts optional configuration object of following properties:

const FlowWebpackPlugin = require('flow-webpack-plugin')

new FlowWebpackPlugin({
    failOnError: false,
    failOnErrorWatch: false,
    reportingSeverity: 'error',
    printFlowOutput: true,
    flowPath: require.main.require('flow-bin'),
    flowArgs: ['--color=always'],
    verbose: false,
    callback: (result) => {}
option type default value description
failOnError boolean false Webpack exits with non-zero error code if flow typechecking fails.
failOnErrorWatch boolean false Webpack in watch mode exits with non-zero error code if flow typechecking fails.
reportingSeverity 'warning' | 'error' 'error' Webpack severity level of reported flow type problems. When using webpack-dev-server, page reload is blocked in case of webpack error. warning can be used to enable page reloads in case of flow errors when using webpack-dev-server.
printFlowOutput boolean true true ~ Output of flow is printed at the end of webpack compilation in case of error, false ~ output of flow is discarded.
flowPath string require('flow-bin') if flow-bin package is installed. Otherwise the parameter is required. Path to flow executable. It may be both absolute, relative to the 'cwd' of webpack process or just name of an executable on the PATH.
flowArgs Array<string> ['--color=always'] if standard output is directed to a terminal, otherwise [] Flow command line arguments. See flow cli documentation.
verbose boolean false It enables plugin logging for debug purposes.
callback ({exitCode: number, stdout: string, stderr: string}) => ?Promise<any> (result) => {} Custom user function that is called when Flow check finishes and is passed Flow type check result. If function returns a promise, it is called asynchronously.

Type annotations strip

This plugin performs type validation of the code. To remove the Flow type annotations and create pure Javascript code babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types can be used.