
A rapid Rails 7 application template for personal use bundled with Tailwind CSS


A free and simple starting point for Ruby on Rails 7 applications.. This particular template utilizes Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.

Included gems

Tailwind CSS by default

This template comes with Tailwind CSS preconfigured for use. To make use of tools like @apply and @layer a more sophisticated setup is required likely using PostCSS and JavaScript bundling.

How it works

When creating a new rails app simply pass the template filename and ruby extension through. I opt for esbuild instead of the default importmap configuration for JavaScript.

$ rails new sample_app -j esbuild -m template.rb

Once installed what do I get?

  • Tailwind CSS by default. You may opt for Bootstrap, Bulma, Sass, and PostCSS but this will require manual changes to the existing markup in the generated template view files.
  • Devise with a new name field already migrated in. The name field maps to the first_name and last_name fields in the database thanks to the name_of_person gem.
  • Enhanced views and devise views using Tailwind CSS.
  • The Stripe gem installed with the Stripe API to make accepting payments on the web. Be sure to add your own unique API keys.
  • Support for Friendly IDs thanks to the handy friendly_id gem. Note that you'll still need to do some work inside your models for this to work. This template installs the gem and runs the associated generator.
  • Optional Foreman support. Run .bin/dev to kick off rails and Tailwind processes. Foreman needs to be installed as a global gem on your system for this to work. i.e. gem install foreman
  • Custom view helper defaults for basic button and form elements.
  • Scaffolding templates made with Tailwind CSS

Boot it up

$ ./bin/dev

Watch an overview

Coming soon!


Made by @justalever (yours truly). Find me on Twitter,, GitHub.