
🏰 A modern JavaScript starter using Webpack 4. Made in a simple way - good for learning or starting a new project without having to rollout cli-auto-builders.

MIT License



A modern JavaScript starter using Webpack 4. Made in a simple way - good for learning or starting a new project without having to rollout cli-auto-builders. You can view the demo here.

Looking to use Vue with this template? See here for the Vue repo flavor.


  • Webpack 4.14.0
  • Webpack-Dev-Server
  • Bootstrap 4.1
  • Babel
  • SASS Handling
  • Uglifying, Minimizing
  • html-webpack-plugin, mini-css-extract-plugin, optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin
  • @ Alias Support For Easy File Imports
  • ESLint
  • And more...

Installing / Getting started

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve using webpack-dev-server with hot reload at http://localhost:8080/
npm run watch

# build for production
npm run build

General Information

Note - Now updated to Webpack 4!

My goal with this project was to make a simple Webpack starter template for use in modern-day development projects. While it is a good thing that a lot of the popular frameworks bundle their own CLI's to help scaffold projects, I felt I was losing something in translation - especially when it came to Webpack and the project initialization.

I've used Grunt in the past - and have been using Gulp for many years now, and while Gulp and Grunt have been awesome, I believe the concepts Webpack introduces are critical and must be utilized in my projects going forward. I especially liked how Webpack coordinates everything for you - no more including code in the wrong order.

An issue I've had is finding a repository or tutorial that doesn't go too far - as I find it can be harmful when you are given too much - or too little - when learning.

So this project stops right before you would add a framework of your choosing. I've emulated a simple async/await promise call just to show that babel is working correctly.

In the end, I am an even bigger fan of Webpack now then when I started - although if I plan to use a framework in my application with 100% certainty - I may continue to choose the framework's chosen CLI tool when scaffolding with Webpack. Depends on the circumstances of course. I do really like vue-cli. It's just that sometimes I've found myself with the need to set it up myself - so this was a great learning experience, and hopefully it helps you.

Hit Me Up

Go ahead and fork the project! Message me here if you have questions or submit an issue if needed. I'll be making touch-ups as time goes on. Have fun with this!


Copywrite 2017 John Datserakis