
Beginnings of Space Shooter Game made with PhaserJS. This is a simple game built using phaserjs which is a framework of javascript use for building HTML5 game.

MIT License


Table of Contents

About The Project

This is the basic start of a Space Shooter Game built with Phaser 3.The project had a deadline of five days total. Two of those days were allocated to designing, preparing and learning, while the final three days were allocated to building the project.

Live Demo

Here is the link to the game space-shooter

Built With

This progam was made using this technologies

Design Process

At the end of day two, I had learned the basics of PhaserJS, specifically, the physics and motion. There were several objectives I had when starting day three.

  • MVP - Try to build the core functionality before dolling it up.
  • Making sure that what I build is functional.
  • Try to make the code scalable by focusing on building a system.
  • The layout and look of the game can always change, but the functionality will become more difficult to alter over time.

Choosing the Building Blocks

Given the limited timeframe, there was not a lot of flexiblity afforded to me here, so I ran with what I could. Luckily, I found great music, sprites, etc in a short amount of time.

The design process here was dependent on basic cohesion, in order to fit the deadline.

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  1. Clone the repo
git clone


  1. Next step is to change directory by doing this below
cd space-shooter
  1. Next step is to install all the project dependencies by running this command below
npm install
  1. Then, next step is to run this command:

NB: This will open a new tab on your browser where you will see the game.

npm start

How to Play the Game

  • There are two control for moving the player which are:
  1. using the A, D, W and S key
  • Key A for moving to the left
  • Key D for moving to the right
  • Key W for moving to the top
  • Key S for moving to the bottom
  1. using the arrow / cursor key

To play the Game

You need to enter the name of the player in the input text field and clicked on the Submit Name button

After which you can now click on the Play button to start playing the game

Different Types of Enemies and their Points to be awarded in this Game

  • We have three different types of enemies in this game
    • The CarrierShip enemy which has a green color, to destory this type of enemy, you need to three of your laser to hit it before it can be destroy
    • The second type of enemy is the ChaserChip enemy, which chase the player when it closer to the player and you need two laser to hit this type of enemy before it can be destroy
    • The last type of enemy only need one laser to hit before it can be destroy
  • For each type of enemy, there are different points for them, like for the enemy type that need three laser to hit it before it can be destroy, you will have 3 point for destroying such enemy

Others Future Features

This project is an open source project, there are quite a features you could add to this project as well. A few I can think of are:



See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Project Link:
