
Evaluate a News Article with NLP" is a single-page app that uses the MeaningCloud API to analyze news article sentiment, providing insights on polarity and subjectivity. It leverages tools like Webpack, Node.js, and Express for efficient performance.


Evaluate a News Article with NLP Project Description This single-page application evaluates the sentiment of news articles using the MeaningCloud Sentiment Analysis API. Users can enter a valid article URL, and the application will analyze the sentiment of the article, providing insights such as polarity, subjectivity, and other sentiment metrics.

Technologies Used Webserver: Node.js

Manages backend server operations and handles requests. Web Application Framework: Express

Facilitates backend routing and API management. Build Tool: Webpack

Development Mode: Features Hot Module Replacement (HMR) for real-time updates. Includes source maps for easier debugging. Production Mode: Minifies code and optimizes assets for performance. Splits code into bundles for improved load times. Integrates service workers to enhance offline capabilities. External Script: Service Worker

Provides offline functionality and caching for better performance. External API: MeaningCloud

Provides sentiment analysis for evaluating and interpreting news articles. Styling: Sass

Used for modular and maintainable styling. Testing: Jest

Ensures code quality and functionality with unit tests. Getting Started To get this project up and running locally, follow these steps:

Clone the Repository git clone https://github.com/haneen-daoud/udacity_nlp_Project_evaluate-news-article.git Install Dependencies

Navigate to the project directory and install the necessary npm packages:

npm install Set Up Environment Variables Create a .env file in the root of the project directory with the following content:

API_KEY=your_api_key Start the Application

Development Server: npm run dev

Production Build: npm run build

Run the Server: npm start

Run Tests To execute the unit tests for the project: npm run test
