
A webpack plugin for upload file to qiniu clound

MIT License

  npm i --save-dev upload-to-qiniu-webpack-plugin


const UploadToQiniuWebpackPlugin = require('upload-to-qiniu-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {
  entry: 'index.js',
  output: {
    path: __dirname + '/dist',
    filename: 'index_bundle.js'
  plugins: [
    new UploadToQiniuWebpackPlugin({
        qiniuAccessKey: 'ARA9LIvdx3JFZyADmwohmNSIjVxgpzIA4',
        qiniuSecretKey: 'aK19LEtOfStwsvn5TqkVFnbzxlI5FNU7',
        qiniuBucket: 'bucket-test',
        qiniuZone: 'Zone_z0',

You can pass a hash of configuration options to upload-to-qiniu-webpack-plugin. Allowed values are as follows

Name Type Default Description
qiniuAccessKey {String} null Your Qiniu AccessKey
qiniuSecretKey {String} null Your Qiniu SecretKey
qiniuBucket {String} null Your Qiniu Bucket Name
qiniuZone {String} null Your Qiniu zone code
enabledRefresh {Boolean} false Is enable refresh the file on Qiniu Clound after file upload
excludeHtml {Boolean} true Is exclude html file
onlyRefreshHtml {Boolean} false only refresh html file (eg: */demo/index.html + */demo/), throws an exception in the case of a failure.
prefixPath {String} - prefix path for the file
uploadLogPath {String} webpackConfig.context Provide a directory where log file should be stored
uploadTaget {String} webpackConfig.output.path The target file/folder to upload

About Zone:

Name value
华东 "Zone_z0"
华北 "Zone_z1"
华南 "Zone_z2"
北美 "Zone_na0"