
A Vue SVG Symbol icon component for using SVG sprites icons. Easy to customize SVG icon 's color and size!!!

MIT License



A Vue SVG Symbol icon component for using SVG sprites icons. Easy to customize SVG icon 's color and size!!!

TIPS: vue-symbol-icon needs to be used in conjunction with svg-sprite-loader . So, please pre-install svg-sprite-loader and config it. Or use SVG symbols generated by other way.

The current version requires Vue 3. for Vue 2, pls use 2.x.


  • Using to display SVG symbols as icons.
  • Ability to manipulate SVG icons. e.g. using font-size and color.
  • Support Iconfont SVG symbol icons.
Version Support Vue Version Docs
v2.x v2 v2
v3.x v3 v3


# pnpm
$ pnpm add vue-symbol-icon

# yarn
$ yarn add vue-symbol-icon

# npm
$ npm i vue-symbol-icon


  <svg-icon icon-class="svg-symbol-name" font-size="36px" color="red" />

  <!-- In v1.2.0 and above -->
  <svg-icon name="svg-symbol-name" font-size="36px" color="red" />

In v2.x and above, you can use vue-symbol-icon as a global component via vue plugin:

import Vue from 'vue'
import SvgIcon from 'vue-symbol-icon'


Or, Local registration:

import { SvgIcon } from 'vue-symbol-icon'

export default {
  components: {

Plugin options

Key Type Default value Description
globalComponentName (Added in v2.1.0) string SvgIcon Define the global component name.
symbolIdPrefix (Added in v2.1.0) string icon- Set SVG symbol id prefix in global.

Component properties

Prop name Default value Description Type Added in
name undefined SVG symbol name which is SVG filename in the SVG folder. string v1.2.0
symbolIdPrefix undefined SVG symbol id prefix. string v1.2.0
iconClass undefined alias of name string v1.1.0
className undefined Add Extra class name to SVG Element string v1.1.0
color undefined Define SVG color string v1.1.0
fontSize undefined Define SVG size string/number v1.1.0
size undefined Alias of fontSize string/number v2.2.0
width undefined Alias of fontSize string/number v2.2.0

⚠️ TIPS, name and symbolIdPrefix form the Symbol id. Global plugin configuration has lower priority than component properties.

  <svg-icon symbol-id-prefix="icon-" name="symbol-name" />

It's look like:

<svg><use href="#icon-symbol-name" /></svg>

How to config svg-sprite-loader ?

In Vue CLI

  1. First, you need config webpack with chainWebpack:
// vue.config.js
const path = require('path')

function resolve(dir) {
  return path.resolve(__dirname, dir)

module.exports = {
  // ...
  chainWebpack(config) {
    // Change the configuration of url-loader so that it does not process svg files used as icons in the specified folder

    // Add svg-sprite-loader to process svg files in the specified folder
        symbolId: "icon-[name]"
  1. Then, place your .svg icon files in the src/icons/svg folder.

  2. Defines the entry point for batch importing .svg modules:

// src/icons/index.js

import SvgIcon from 'vue-symbol-icon' // svg component

// 2. require svg files
const req = require.context('./svg', false, /\.svg$/)
const requireAll = requireContext => requireContext.keys().forEach(requireContext)

export const installIcons = (app) => {
  1. Finally, these .svg files are centrally imported in the project entry file main.js.
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import { installIcons } from '@/icons'

const app = createApp(App)



In Nuxt2

Please use nuxt-symbol-icons module. more details see it's docs.