
Webpack Encore Standalone Twig Functions

MIT License


Webpack Encore Twig Integration

Webpack Encore Standalone Twig Functions. Allows usage of Webpack Encore in Twig Templates without Symfony. Optimized for PHP-DI style containers.

This allows you to use the splitEntryChunks() and enableVersioning() features from Webpack Encore by reading the entrypoints.json and manifest.json files.


composer require lcharette/webpack-encore-twig

Documentation & Usage

Whenever you run Encore, two configuration files are generated in your output folder (default location: public/build/): entrypoints.json and manifest.json. Each file is similar, and contains a map to the final, versioned filenames.

The first file – entrypoints.json – is generated when the splitEntryChunks() option is defined in your webpack.config.js and will be read by the encore_entry_script_tags() and encore_entry_link_tags() Twig helpers this package provides. If you're using these, then your CSS and JavaScript files will render with the new, versioned filename.

The second file - manifest.json - is generated when Asset Versioning option (enableVersioning()) is defined in your webpack.config.js and will be read to get the versioned filename of other files, like font files or image files (though it also contains information about the CSS and JavaScript files).

Both features (splitEntryChunks() and enableVersioning()) are defined as two separate Twig Extensions (EntrypointsTwigExtension and VersionedAssetsTwigExtension respectively) in case you need/want to enable only one of the two.

splitEntryChunks and entrypoints.json

Encore writes an entrypoints.json file that contains all of the files needed for each "entry". To reference entries in Twig, you need to add the EntrypointsTwigExtension extension to the Twig Environment. This accept EntrypointLookup, which itself accept the path to the entrypoints.json, and the TagRenderer (which itself accept EntrypointLookup).

use Lcharette\WebpackEncoreTwig\EntrypointsTwigExtension;
use Lcharette\WebpackEncoreTwig\TagRenderer;
use Symfony\WebpackEncoreBundle\Asset\EntrypointLookup;
use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader;

$entryPoints = new EntrypointLookup('./path/to/entrypoints.json');
$tagRenderer = new TagRenderer($entryPoints);
$extension = new EntrypointsTwigExtension($entryPoints, $tagRenderer);

// Create Twig Environment and add extension
$loader = new FilesystemLoader('./path/to/templates');
$twig = new Environment($loader);

Now, to render all of the script and link tags for a specific "entry" (e.g. entry1), you can:

{# any template or base layout where you need to include a JavaScript entry #}

{% block javascripts %}
    {{ parent() }}

    {{ encore_entry_script_tags('entry1') }}

    {# or render a custom attribute #}
    {{ encore_entry_script_tags('entry1', attributes={
        defer: true
    }) }}
{% endblock %}

{% block stylesheets %}
    {{ parent() }}

    {{ encore_entry_link_tags('entry1') }}
{% endblock %}

If you want more control, you can use the encore_entry_js_files() and encore_entry_css_files() methods to get the list of files needed, then loop and create the script and link tags manually.

Custom Attributes on script and link Tags

Custom attributes can be added to rendered script or link in 3 different ways:

  1. Via global config, using the defaultAttributes argument on the TagRenderer constructor, or using the setter method:

    $tagRenderer->setDefaultAttributes(['crossorigin' => 'anonymous']);
  2. Via specific script or link argument on the TagRenderer constructor, or using the setter method:

    $tagRenderer->setDefaultScriptAttributes(['defer' => null]);
    $tagRenderer->setDefaultLinkAttributes(['hreflang' => 'en']);
  3. When rendering in Twig - see the attributes option in the docs above.

enableVersioning and manifest.json

To read the manifest file to be able to link (e.g. via an img tag) to certain assets, you need to add the VersionedAssetsTwigExtension extension to the Twig Environment. This accept JsonManifest, which itself accept the path to the manifest.json.

use Lcharette\WebpackEncoreTwig\JsonManifest;
use Lcharette\WebpackEncoreTwig\VersionedAssetsTwigExtension;
use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader;

$manifest = new JsonManifest('./path/to/manifest.json');
$extension = new VersionedAssetsTwigExtension($manifest);

// Create dumb Twig and test adding extension
$loader = new FilesystemLoader();
$twig = new Environment($loader);

In your Twig template, just wrap each path in the Twig asset() function like normal:

<img src="{{ asset('build/images/logo.png') }}" alt="ACME logo">

Dependency Injection & Autowiring

When using a PSR Dependency Injection Container with autowiring, like PHP-DI, you can define EntrypointLookup and JsonManifest in your definition factory via their respective interface (EntrypointLookupInterface and JsonManifestInterface). For example :

use Lcharette\WebpackEncoreTwig\JsonManifest;
use Lcharette\WebpackEncoreTwig\JsonManifestInterface;
use Symfony\WebpackEncoreBundle\Asset\EntrypointLookup;
use Symfony\WebpackEncoreBundle\Asset\EntrypointLookupInterface;

// ...

return [
    EntrypointLookupInterface::class => function () {
        return new EntrypointLookup('./path/to/entrypoints.json');
    JsonManifestInterface::class => function () {
        return new JsonManifest('./path/to/manifest.json');

EntrypointsTwigExtension and VersionedAssetsTwigExtension can then be injected into your other classes via the container :

use Lcharette\WebpackEncoreTwig\EntrypointsTwigExtension;
use Lcharette\WebpackEncoreTwig\VersionedAssetsTwigExtension;

// ...

$extension = $container->get(EntrypointsTwigExtension::class);

$extension = $container->get(VersionedAssetsTwigExtension::class);

Using Without Twig

Both script and link tags can be generated in vanilla PHP and without Twig using the underlying public methods on the TagRenderer class:

Getting script and link tag from entrypoints.json:

$entryPoints = new EntrypointLookup('./path/to/entrypoints.json');
$tagRenderer = new TagRenderer($entryPoints);

// Returns the tags as string
$scriptsString = $tagRenderer->renderWebpackScriptTags('entry1');
$linksString = $tagRenderer->renderWebpackLinkTags('entry1');

// Returns the list of files as an array of strings
$jsFiles = $tagRenderer->getJavaScriptFiles('entry1');
$cssFiles = $tagRenderer->getCssFiles('entry1');

Same goes for the versioned assets, using the underlying public methods on the JsonManifest class:

Getting versioned from manifest.json:

$manifest = new JsonManifest('./path/to/manifest.json');
$path = $manifest->applyVersion('build/images/logo.png');

See Also
