
🍓 Jam is your own open source Clubhouse for mini conferences, friends, communities

AGPL-3.0 License



Jam is an open source alternative to Clubhouse, Twitter Spaces and similar audio spaces.

With Jam you can create audio rooms that can be used for panel discussions, jam sessions, free flowing conversations, debates, theatre plays, musicals and more. The only limit is your imagination.

try Jam for free on https://jam.systems/

get your own Jam server hosted by us with the Jam Early Access Program here

join the Jam community on Discord

follow Jam on Twitter

find Jam on Product Hunt

join our weekly Jam Jam (a Jam where we jam about Jam) every Wed @ 8pm CEST (2pm EDT)

add the /jam shortcut to your Slack workspace:

add Jam to your Wordpress, Webflow or Shopify:


Feature Comparison

An overview for how Jam compares to similar services like Clubhouse or Twitter Spaces. We intend to keep this table up to date as the services evolve. Please let us know what you care about and how we can make it easier for you to understand whether Jam is right for you.

Jam Clubhouse Twitter Spaces
Branded Rooms set your own logo, color
Embed in your app or website iFrame, WebView, JS SDK
Animated Reactions ( ) ( )
Description w/ Links w/ Markdown support show tweets
Earn Money dedicated support forPayPal.me, Bitcoin:, Gumroad no built in supportcurrently not allowedunless specifically authorized see Terms of Service(Conditions of Use #9) no built in support
Platform support Web, iOS, Android,macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS App Store & invite iOS App Store & invite
Data Sovereignty EU (Frankfurt, Germany ) open source, host wherever you want USA , China (Audio API Provider) proprietary, no self-hosting USA (?) proprietary, no self-hosting
Number of Speakers in a Room ~ 15+ (limited by p2p bandwidth) ~ 100s (?) 10
Number of People in a Room unlimited (depending on server) up to 8000 (?) unlimited (?)
Discovery off-platform (social networks, messengers) hallway, upcoming events, off-platform fleet bar, off-platform

Animated Reactions ( see a demo)

Branded Rooms: set a picture and a color for your room

Earn Money: dedicated support for linkinging to off-platform services to charge money or sell your own products

Room Configuration via URL

You can configure a room by adding parameters as query parameters or as base64URL encoded string in the hash component of a url.

You can take a look at examples for room configurations via URLs in our examples directory or in our Glide tutorial

key value note
room.name name of the room
room.description description of the room
room.color CSS value (e.g. "red" #CCCCCC) primary color of the room, used for the primary action button and some styling like background chrome color, note that you need to encode the hash sign using %23 if passed as query parameter (#CCCCCC becomes %23CCCCCC)
room.stageOnly true users join directly on stage instead of in the audience
ux.noLeave true removes the "leave" button
ux.autoCreate true create room if it does not exist yet
ux.autoJoin true users join the room automatically without having to click a button to join
ux.autoRejoin true users re-join the room automatically if they have been in the room previously without having to click a button to join
identity.name name of the user
identity.avatar image URL of the user avatar, profile picture, user photo
keys.seed string seed for deriving a public/private keypair a seed for deriving a public/private keypair. this keypair is for the current user within the room (related: creating rooms with a known set of moderators requires the public keys of the moderators)

Known Issues and Solutions

** iPhone: audio output sometimes switches randomly between loudspeaker and earspeaker.**

Workaround: use bluetooth or cable headphones, this way audio will always go through the headphones.

** iPhone & Android: when phone goes to sleep/lockscreen because of inactivity the microphone or sound output might stop working until you unlock the screen again**

Workaround: make sure you are using Jam in the standalone browser instead of within a webview

Participants can hear me but I can not hear them

When participants join a room on Jam they start in the audience, you can add them to the stage by tapping on them and by tapping the "invite to stage" button

Host Your Own Server

Hosting your own Jam server is easy.

Minimum Requirements

To run your own Jam instance we recommend a minimum of 1 GB RAM and a 1GHz CPU.

e.g.: a Raspberry Pi (1+ GB RAM) or the smallest Digital Ocean Basic Droplet (1 GB RAM) or the smallest Linode shared plan (1 GB RAM) or t2.micro (1 GB RAM) on Amazon Web Services should be enough to get started.


  1. Install docker and docker-compose (https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/)
  2. git clone https://gitlab.com/jam-systems/jam.git
  3. cd jam
  4. git checkout stable
  5. cd deployment
  6. cp .env.example .env
  7. nano .env set JAM_HOST to the domain you want Jam to be available (If you are deploying on AWS you need a domain you own pointing to your sever as letsencrypt does not issue certificates for *.compute.amazonaws.com domains)
  8. In your DNS settings point ${JAM_HOST}, and *.${JAM_HOST} to your IP address (if you don't want a wildcard you need the subdomains stun and turn (e.g. stun.jam.example.com and turn.jam.example.com))
  9. If you are behind a NAT:
    1. Open ports 3478 and 3480, both TCP and UDP, and 80 and 443, TCP, on your firewall
    2. nano turnserver.conf set realm to your domain. If you are running coturn behind NAT, you may need to add the parameter external-ip and give it the value of your public IP address.
  10. docker-compose up -d


NOTE: Make sure you have the newest version of docker-compose (install according to https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/).

  1. cd jam/deployment
  2. git checkout stable
  3. git pull
  4. docker-compose pull
  5. docker-compose up -d

NOTE: If you update from a version before March 23rd to one after and you want to keep users' identities and rooms:

  1. cd jam/deployment
  2. docker-compose down
  3. git checkout stable
  4. git pull
  5. docker-compose pull
  6. mv ../pantryredis ../data
  7. docker-compose up -d


If you want to build your own audio room UI from scratch, or even develop a Jam bot, then Jam gives you the tools to do so as well! Take a look at jam-core, our npm package which exposes all functionalities of Jam as a JavaScript library, without prescribing any UI.

For easily integrating jam-core into a React app, check out the companion package jam-core-react. The official Jam app itself is primarily built on jam-core-react.


In in the ui directory use yarn to install dependencies and yarn start to start the local development server.

Directory overview:

deployment/ docker compose file for deploying and hosting of Jam

pantry/ a lightweight server for handling authentication and coordination of Jam

ui/ web based user interface based on the React framework

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