
Local-First peer-to-peer replicated todo list with RxDB and WebRTC

APACHE-2.0 License


Local-First peer-to-peer replicated todo list with RxDB and WebRTC

This is a local first todo app that stores data locally with RxDB and replicates it peer-to-peer with WebRTC to other devices without sending the data throught any central server.

The whole app is implemented without a framework in about 200 lines of TypeScript code. To learn more about how it works, I recommend looking at the source code and read the Quickstart Guide.

Try live demo

The app is deployed with github pages at https://pubkey.github.io/rxdb-quickstart/. It will automatically assign you a room id as url hash. Open that url in another browser/device/tab to test the replication.

Start the app locally (requires Node.js v20 installed):

  • Fork&Clone the repository.
  • Run npm install to install the npm dependencies.
  • Run npm run dev to start the webpack dev server and leave it open.
  • Open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.