
WhatsApp Bot Simple! Bot ini dirancang untuk memberikan berbagai macam fitur dan kemudahan dalam berinteraksi melalui WhatsApp. Dengan dukungan penuh dari Maelyn APIs (https://maelyn.tech), bot ini memiliki kemampuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan, memberikan informasi, dan banyak lagi.

MIT License


Haruna-Bot adalah WhatsApp bot yang telah saya modifikasi dari kode asli SuryaRB, dengan tujuan untuk sepenuhnya mengintegrasikan seluruh fitur yang ditawarkan oleh Maelyn APIs. Saya melakukan penyesuaian kode untuk memastikan bahwa bot ini tidak hanya memenuhi kebutuhan saya saat ini, tetapi juga dapat memberikan pengalaman yang lebih baik dan lebih responsif bagi pengguna lainnya.

Table of Contents



  1. Install Nodejs
    apt install nodejs
  2. Install Git
    apt install git
  3. Install NVM (Node Version Manager)
    curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
  4. Load NVM Script
    source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh
  5. Install Node.js v20
    nvm install 20
  6. Set Node.js v20 as Default
    nvm use 20
  7. Clone the repository
    git clone https://github.com/ClayzaAubert/Haruna-Bot.git
  8. Install the dependencies
    npm install
  9. Create or rename the .env.example file to .env
    Get your API key from API Dashboard
  10. Edit the config.js file
export const Config = {
	// The bot's phone number
	// required if use pairing code
	phone_number: "62xxxx",

	// Owner's phone number
	owners: ["62xxx"],

	// use pairing or not
	use_pairing_code: true,

	// Wait time for requesting pairing (in milliseconds)
	pairing_wait: 1000 * 6,

	// prefix for commands
	prefix: ["!", "."],

	// use .env file for API key & Bing Cookie
	maelyn_apikey: process.env.MAELYN_APIKEY,
	bing_cookie: process.env.BING_COOKIE,
	// for menu list thumbnails
	profile: {
	    namebot: "Kurodate Haruna",
	    powered: "By Maelyn APIs",
	    web: "https://maelyn.tech",
	images: {
	    menu: "https://telegra.ph/file/f40d32d686760637e49c4.jpg",
	    allmenu: "https://telegra.ph/file/460a444e140f5a5948532.jpg",

	// timezone
	timezone: "Asia/Jakarta",

	// Database settings
	database: {
		// use mongo or not
		use_mongo: true,
		mongo_url: "mongodb://localhost:27017/database",

		// Path to the database file
		path: "./database.json",

		// Save interval (in milliseconds)
		save_interval: 10_000,

		// show database save logs
		debug: false,
  1. Run the application:

node index.js / npm start / yarn start

or using pm2:

pm2 start index.js --name "HarunaBot"
pm2 logs HarunaBot

Creating features/plugins

Create new file in Features folder with the following template

export default {
	// Command to trigger the execution
	// Can be an array of strings to have multiple triggers
	command: ["command", "command2"],
	// Description of the command, displayed in the menu
	description: "The description of the command",
	// Category as header in the menu
	category: "My Category",

	// If true, only the owner listed in config.js can call the command
	owner: false,
	// Only admin in the group can call the command
	admin: false,
	// If hidden, the command will not be shown in the menu
	hidden: false,
	// If true, user limit will be checked before executing the command
	// If the limit is reached, the command will not be executed
	limit: false,

	// If true the command only can be call in group chat
	group: false,
	// If true the command only can be call in private chat
	private: false,

	 * Handler function to execute the command
	 * @param {import("../../Utils/Messages").ExtendedWAMessage} m - The message object.
	 * @param {import("../Handler").miscOptions} options - The options.
	execute: async function (
	) {
		// Single reply
		m.reply("Hello World");

		// Single reply with fancy text
		// 2nd parameter is the style of the text listed in Config/Fonts.js
		m.reply("Hello World", "funky");

		// Reply then update message
		m.replyUpdate("previous message", async (update) => {
			// do something
			// update the message
			update("new message");

		// react to the message

		// delete the message (if the bot has the permission to do so)

		// Download media (image, video, audio)
		const media = m?.download?.().catch(() => null);
		if (media) {
			// Do something with the media buffer

		// Make a request to the ITSROSE API (Axios instance)
		// api.get() and api.post() are the same as axios.get() and axios.post()
		// 1st parameter is the path to the endpoint (without the base URL)
		// 2nd parameter is the request body or query parameters (optional)
		// See Utils/ApiRequest.js for more information
		const response = await api.get("/path/to/endpoint", { param: "value" });
		if (response.data.status) {
			// Do something with the response
			const data = response.data;

	// Message to display when the command execution fails
	// %cmd alias for the command, %error alias for the error
	failed: "Failed to haruna the %cmd command\n\n%error",

	// Message to display while waiting for the command to finish (useless for now)
	// aliase:
	// %name = user pushName
	// %tag = tag the user
	// %group = group subject/name
	wait: null, // null | string | string[] | any
	// wait: ["Please wait %tag", "Hold on %tag, fetching response"], // random if array

	// Message to display when the command execution is done (useless for now)
	// aliase:
	// %name = user pushName
	// %tag = tag the user
	// %group = group subject/name
	// %exec = speed the execution time "12.345 ms"
	done: null, // null | string | string[] | any
	// done: "Success %exec" // random if array


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


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