
This library helps you easily create a Java application to send WhatsApp messages

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whatsapp-api-client-java is a library for integration with WhatsApp messenger using the API service green-api.com. You should get a registration token and an account ID in your personal cabinet to use the library. There is a free developer account tariff.


The documentation for the REST API can be found at the link. The library is a wrapper for the REST API, so the documentation at the link above also applies.


To send a message or perform other Green API methods, the WhatsApp account in the phone app must be authorized. To authorize the account, go to your cabinet and scan the QR code using the WhatsApp app.





implementation group: 'com.green-api', name: 'whatsapp-api-client-java', version: 'version'


How to initialize an object

You can configure your bean, use application.yml, or instantiate class via the constructor.

Via configuration:

public class GreenApiConf {

    public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
        return new RestTemplateBuilder().build();

    public GreenApi greenApi(RestTemplate restTemplate) {
        return new GreenApi(

Via application.yml:

To use a ready-made bean that is created based on application.yml parameters, specify the parameters of your instance in the application.yml file as follows:

   host: https://api.green-api.com
   hostMedia: https://media.green-api.com
   instanceId: {{yourInstance}}
   token: {{yourToken}}

Make sure you have a RestTemplate bean with your configuration, like this:

public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder restTemplateBuilder){
    return restTemplateBuilder.build();

And add com.greenapi.client to the base scanning packages using the @ComponentScan annotation:

@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.greenapi.client", "com.example"})
public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var context = SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);

Via constructor:

var restTemplate = new RestTemplateBuilder().build();

    var greenApi1 = new GreenApi(

    var greenApi2 = new GreenApi(

How to send message

Link to example: sendMessageExample.java.

public class SendMessageExample {
    private void sendMessageExample(GreenApi greenApi) {
        var message = greenApi.sending.sendMessage(
                .chatId("[email protected]")
                .message("hola a todos")

        if (message.getStatusCode().is2xxSuccessful()) {
        } else {
            log.warn("Message isn't sent, status code: " + message.getStatusCode());

How to create a group and send message

Link to example: CreateGroupSendMessageExample.java.

class CreateGroupSendMessageExample {

   private void createGroupAndSendMessage(GreenApi greenApi) {
      var groupMembers = new ArrayList<String>();
      groupMembers.add("[email protected]");
      groupMembers.add("[email protected]");
      groupMembers.add("[email protected]");

      var group = greenApi.groups.createGroup(
                              .groupName("Test Group")

      if (group != null) {
         var message = greenApi.sending.sendMessage(
                                 .message("hola a todos")

         if (message != null) {
            log.info("Create group: " + group.isCreated() +
                    "\nSend message: " + message.getIdMessage());

How to send a file by uploading from the disk

To send a file, you need to give the path to the file.

Link to example: SendFileByUploadExample.java.

public class SendFileByUploadExample {

    private void sendFileByUploadExample(GreenApi greenApi) {
        var file = new File("User/username/folder/Go-Logo_Blue.svg");

        var response = greenApi.sending.sendFileByUpload(OutgoingFileByUpload.builder()
            .chatId("[email protected]")

        if (response.getStatusCode().isError()) {
            log.warn("message sending is failed");

        log.info("message sent, id: " + Objects.requireNonNull(response.getBody()).getIdMessage());

How to send a file by URL

Link to example: SendFileByUrlExample.java.

public class SendFileByUrlExample {

    private void sendFileByUrlExample(GreenApi greenApi) {
        var response = greenApi.sending.sendFileByUrl(OutgoingFileByUrl.builder()
            .chatId("[email protected]")

        if (response.getStatusCode().isError()) {
            log.warn("message sending is failed");

        log.info("message sent, id: " + Objects.requireNonNull(response.getBody()).getIdMessage());

How to send a file by UploadFile + SendFileByUrl

Link to example: UploadFileAndSendByUrlExample.java.

public class UploadFileAndSendByUrlExample {

    private void uploadExample(GreenApi greenApi) throws IOException {
        var file = new File("User/username/folder/Go-Logo_Blue.svg");

        var response = greenApi.sending.uploadFile(file);
        if (response.getStatusCode().isError()) {
            log.error("upload file failed");

        var responseEntity = greenApi.sending.sendFileByUrl(

        log.info("file sent, message id: " + Objects.requireNonNull(responseEntity.getBody()).getIdMessage());

How to send a Poll

Link to example: SendPollExample.java.

public class SendPollExample {
    private void sendPollExample(GreenApi greenApi) {
        var options = new ArrayList<Option>();
        options.add(new Option("option 1"));
        options.add(new Option("option 2"));
        options.add(new Option("option 3"));

        var dto = OutgoingPoll.builder()
            .chatId("[email protected]")
            .message("text message")

        var response = greenApi.sending.sendPoll(dto);

How to receive incoming notifications

To start receiving notifications, you need to pass a handler function to webhookConsumer.start(). The handler function should implement the WebhookHandler interface. When a new notification is received, your handler function will be executed. To stop receiving notifications, you need to call the webhookConsumer.stop() function.

WebhookConsumer is a class responsible for processing messages. For its correct functioning, it requires GreenApi and NotificationMapper. You can inject them into it using beans or through the constructor.

NotificationMapper is a bean responsible for converting a JSON object into a Java object. It uses the ObjectMapper from the com.fasterxml.jackson library, which should be available as a bean in your configuration or set via the constructor.

WebhookHandler is an interface. You can write any class to handle notifications; just implement the interface and execute your logic in the handle() method or use a lambda expression.

public interface WebhookHandler {
    void handle(Notification notification);

Link to example: WebhookExample.java.

public class WebhookExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      var context = SpringApplication.run(WebhookExample.class, args);

      var webhookConsumer = (WebhookConsumer) context.getBean("webhookConsumer");
      webhookConsumer.start(notification -> System.out.println("New webhook received: " + notification));

Since each notification is automatically cast to a java object, you can filter the notification by any field yourself. A description of the structure of notification objects can be found at this link: Documentation For convenience, all types of hooks and messages are named similarly to the documentation:

Java object Webhook's json object
TextMessageWebhook TextMessage
TemplateMessageWebhook TemplateMessage
StickerMessageWebhook StickerMessage
ReactionMessageWebhook ReactionMessage
QuotedMessageWebhook QuotedMessage
PollUpdateMessageWebhook PollUpdateMessage
PollMessageWebhook PollMessage
LocationMessageWebhook LocationMessage
ListMessageWebhook ListMessage
GroupInviteMessageWebhook GroupInviteMessage
FileMessageWebhook imageMessage, videoMessage, documentMessage, audioMessage
ExtendedTextMessageWebhook ExtendedTextMessage
ButtonsMessageWebhook ButtonsMessage
ContactMessageWebhook ContactMessage
ContactsArrayMessageWebhook ContactMessage
TemplateButtonsReplyMessageWebhook TemplateButtonsReplyMessage
ButtonsResponseMessageWebhook ButtonsResponseMessage
ListResponseMessageWebhook ListResponseMessage

List of examples

Description Link to example
How to send message SendMessageExample.java
How to create a group and send message CreateGroupSendMessageExample.java
How to send a file by uploading from the disk SendFileByUploadExample.java
How to send a file by URL SendFileByUrlExample.java
How to send a file by UploadFile + SendByUrl UploadFileAndSendByUrlExample.java
How to receive incoming notifications WebhookExample.java

List of all library methods

Method Description Documentation
account.getSettings() The method is aimed for getting the current settings of the account settings GetSettings{:target="_blank"}
account.setSettings() The method is aimed for setting an account settings settings SetSettings{:target="_blank"}
account.getStateInstance() The method is aimed for getting the account state GetStateInstance{:target="_blank"}
account.getStatusInstance() The method is aimed for getting the status of the account instance socket connection with WhatsApp GetStatusInstance{:target="_blank"}
account.reboot() The method is aimed for rebooting an account Reboot{:target="_blank"}
account.logout() The method is aimed for logging out an account Logout{:target="_blank"}
account.qr() The method is aimed for getting QR code QR{:target="_blank"}
account.getAuthorizationCode() The method is intended to authorize an instance by phone number. The method is used as an alternative to the QR method. GetAuthorizationCode{:target="_blank"}
account.setProfilePicture() The method is aimed for setting an account picture SetProfilePicture{:target="_blank"}
device.getDeviceInfo() The method is aimed for getting information about the device (phone) running WhatsApp Business application GetDeviceInfo{:target="_blank"}
groups.createGroup() The method adds a participant to a group chat. IMPORTANT: If one tries to create a group with a non-existent number, WhatsApp may block the sender's number. CreateGroup{:target="_blank"}
groups.updateGroupName() The method changes a group chat name UpdateGroupName{:target="_blank"}
groups.getGroupData() The method gets group chat data GetGroupData{:target="_blank"}
groups.addGroupParticipant() The method adds a participant to a group chat AddGroupParticipant{:target="_blank"}
groups.removeGroupParticipant() The method removes a participant from a group chat RemoveGroupParticipant{:target="_blank"}
groups.setGroupAdmin() The method sets a group chat participant as an administrator SetGroupAdmin{:target="_blank"}
groups.removeAdmin() The method removes a participant from group chat administartion rights RemoveAdmin{:target="_blank"}
groups.setGroupPicture() The method sets a group picture SetGroupPicture{:target="_blank"}
groups.leaveGroup() The method makes the current account user leave the group chat LeaveGroup{:target="_blank"}
journals.getChatHistory() The method returns the chat message history GetChatHistory{:target="_blank"}
journals.getMessage() The method returns the chat message GetMessage{:target="_blank"}
journals.lastIncomingMessages() The method returns the last incoming messages of the account. In the default mode the incoming messages for 24 hours are returned LastIncomingMessages{:target="_blank"}
journals.lastOutgoingMessages() The method returns the last outgoing messages of the account. In the default mode the last messages for 24 hours are returned LastOutgoingMessages{:target="_blank"}
queues.showMessagesQueue() The method is aimed for getting a list of messages in the queue to be sent ShowMessagesQueue{:target="_blank"}
queues.slearMessagesQueue() The method is aimed for clearing the queue of messages to be sent ClearMessagesQueue{:target="_blank"}
readMark.readChat() The method is aimed for marking messages in a chat as read. Either all messages or a specified message in a chat can be marked as read ReadChat{:target="_blank"}
receiving.receiveNotification() The method is aimed for receiving one incoming notification from the notifications queue ReceiveNotification{:target="_blank"}
receiving.deleteNotification() The method is aimed for deleting an incoming notification from the notification queue DeleteNotification{:target="_blank"}
receiving.downloadFile() The method is aimed for downloading incoming and outgoing files DownloadFile{:target="_blank"}
sending.sendMessage() The method is aimed for sending a text message to a personal or a group chat SendMessage{:target="_blank"}
sending.sendButtons() The method is aimed for sending a button message to a personal or a group chat SendButtons{:target="_blank"}
sending.sendTemplateButtons() The method is aimed for sending a message with template list interacrive buttons to a personal or a group chat SendTemplateButtons{:target="_blank"}
sending.sendPoll() The method is aimed for sending a poll a personal or a group chat SendPoll{:target="_blank"}
sending.sendListMessage() The method is aimed for sending a message with a select button from a list of values to a personal or a group chat SendListMessage{:target="_blank"}
sending.sendFileByUpload() The method is aimed for sending a file uploaded by form (form-data) SendFileByUpload{:target="_blank"}
sending.sendFileByUrl() The method is aimed for sending a file uploaded by Url SendFileByUrl{:target="_blank"}
sending.uploadFile() The method is designed to upload a file to the cloud storage, which can be sent using the sendFileByUrl method UploadFile{:target="_blank"}
sending.sendLocation() The method is aimed for sending a location message SendLocation{:target="_blank"}
sending.sendContact() The method is aimed for sending a contact message SendContact{:target="_blank"}
sending.sendLink() The method is aimed for sending a message with a link, by which an image preview, title and description will be added SendLink{:target="_blank"}
sending.forwardMessages() The method is intended for forwarding messages to a personal or group chat ForwardMessages{:target="_blank"}
service.checkWhatsapp() The method checks WhatsApp account availability on a phone number CheckWhatsapp{:target="_blank"}
service.getAvatar() The method returns a user or a group chat avatar GetAvatar{:target="_blank"}
service.getContacts() The method is aimed for getting a list of the current account contacts GetContacts{:target="_blank"}
service.getContactInfo() The method is aimed for getting information on a contact GetContactInfo{:target="_blank"}
service.deleteMessage() The method deletes a message from a chat DeleteMessage{:target="_blank"}
service.archiveChat() The method archives a chat. One can archive chats that have at least one incoming message ArchiveChat{:target="_blank"}
service.unarchiveChat() The method unarchives a chat UnarchiveChat{:target="_blank"}
service.setDisappearingChat() The method is aimed for changing settings of disappearing messages in chats SetDisappearingChat{:target="_blank"}
webhook.start() The method is aimed for starting to receive webhooks
webhook.stop() The method is aimed for stopping to receive webhooks

Service methods documentation

Service methods documentation


Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) terms. Please see file LICENSE.