
Add background Blur effect or Acrylic (Mica for win11) effect to explorer for win10 and win11

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ExplorerBlurMica - 2.0.1 Latest Release

Published by Maplespe 8 months ago

兼容了Windows 11 Preview Canary 23H2 26040和24H2 26052 #103 #101
优化了与StartAllBack的兼容性 #96
修复了使用Mica效果下重启后第一次打开标题栏出现白条 #96
增加了MicaAlt效果选项 使用'effect=4'来启用 现在'effect=2'为普通Mica效果 #90
恢复了'showLine'选项 现在可以通过'showLine=true'来隐藏TreeView与DUI视图之间的分割线 #94

感谢: OnCloud125252

Compatible with Windows 11 Preview Canary 23H2 26040 and 24H2 26052. #103 #101
Optimized compatibility with StartAllBack. #96
Fixed the opaque color of the title bar when opening it for the first time after reboot using the Mica effect. #96
Added MicaAlt effect option Use 'effect=4' to enable now 'effect=2' for normal Mica effect. #90
The 'showLine' option has been restored It is now possible to hide the split line between the TreeView and the DUI view with 'showLine=true'. #94

Updated and optimized registration and uninstall scripts
Thanks to: @OnCloud125252

ExplorerBlurMica - 2.0.0 Happy New Year

Published by Maplespe 10 months ago


  • clearWinUIBg : 清除Windows11的WinUI和Xaml工具栏背景 效果请参见预览图


  • 删除了smallBordershowLinedarkRibbon配置选项

此版本我们重构了整个项目 从0开始全部重写 着重优化了稳定性和性能 #34


  • 修复了Windows 10 Ribbon的渲染问题 因此删除了darkRibbon选项 因为它不再有意义
  • 修复了Windows 11 23H2、Dev、Canary的兼容问题 支持了新版使用WinUI工具栏的文件资源管理器 #39 #59 #62 #65 #67
  • 修复了控制面板的绝大部分控件的渲染问题(有少部分古老的组件无法修复 维护他们非常困难) #22 #38 #54 #56 #66 #70 #71 #77
  • 修复了预览面板窗口控件文本渲染异常的问题 也支持了WinUI版本的预览面板 #41
  • 修复了使用自绘滚动条(clearBarBg)导致地址栏下拉菜单滚动条颜色异常的问题 #53
  • 修复了Windows 10 新版搜索框(BingSearchSuggestionsBox)的渲染问题
  • 改进了组件的加载方式、弃用BHO方法 改用FolderExtension的COM组件方式加载 #58 #63 #79
  • 改进了与StartAllback的兼容性问题 包括其他未提到的第三方软件等 #25 #28 #55 #73 #75
  • 优化了TreeView与DUI视图之间的分割线 我们使其颜色与工具栏线条一致 符合视觉标准 因此删除了showline选项
  • 从1.0.6版本开始就已修复了Windows 10 Acrylic模糊效果超出边界的问题, 通过缩小边框来缓解这个问题的方法已经不在有意义 因此也删除了smallBorder选项


从此版本开始 我们不再发布完整的源代码(.cpp) 但保留部分头文件(.h) 因为我们发现有人违反其开源协议
真正了解其原理的人即使只有头文件定义 也能理解其思路,而不是将我的项目改一个名称和CLSID成为其他付费软件

Add new feature settings:

  • clearWinUIBg : Remove the WinUI and Xaml toolbar backgrounds from Windows 11, see the preview image for the effect.

Configuration file changes:

  • Removed smallBorder, showLine, darkRibbon configuration options.

In this version, we refactored the whole project, rewriting it from scratch and focusing on optimizing stability and performance. #34

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed Windows 10 Ribbon rendering issues, so removed the darkRibbon option because it no longer makes sense.
  • Fixed Windows 11 23H2, Dev, Canary compatibility issue, supported new version of File Explorer with WinUI toolbar.(#39 #59 #62 #65 #67)
  • Fixed rendering issues for most controls in the control panel (a few old components could not be fixed because they were very difficult to maintain).(#22 #38 #54 #56 #66 #70 #71 #77)
  • Fixed text rendering exception of Preview Panel window control, also supports WinUI version of Preview Panel.(#41)
  • Fixed the problem that using clearBarBg causes the color of the scrollbar in the address bar dropdown to be wrong.(#53)
  • Fixed a rendering issue with the new version of BingSearchSuggestionsBox for Windows 10.
  • Improved the component loading method, abandoned the BHO method, and used the COM component loading method of FolderExtension instead.(#58 #63 #79)
  • Improved compatibility with StartAllback, including other unmentioned third-party software.(#25 #28 #55 #73 #75)
  • Optimized the split line between TreeView and DUI view We made its color consistent with the toolbar line to meet the visual standard, so we removed the showline option.
  • Since version 1.0.6 the problem with the Windows 10 Acrylic blur effect going beyond the border has been fixed.
    It no longer makes sense to mitigate this issue by reducing the border so the smallBorder option has also been removed.


Starting from this version, we don't release the full source code (.cpp) but we keep some of the header files (.h) because we found people violating the open source agreement.
People who really understand how it works, even with just the header definitions, can understand the idea, rather than changing the name or CLSID of my project to make it a new piece of payware or part of it!

ExplorerBlurMica - 1.0.7

Published by Maplespe about 1 year ago


  • clearAddress : 清除地址栏背景颜色
    (注意:如果你使用了StartAllBack 请将"右侧经典搜索栏"选项关掉 否则它会覆盖本程序的效果)
  • clearBarBg : 清除滚动条背景颜色
    (注意:由于系统滚动条本身不透明 因此为了去除背景色 滚动条是由本程序自绘的 它可能和系统样式有所差别)
  • effect=3 : 将effect设置为3 则启用Blur(Clear)效果 这是一个没有任何着色的纯模糊效果 #42

原来的[blend]配置改为[light][dark]分别配置 请注意修改! 详情见config.ini

修复了Windows 11多标签页 打开新的标签页后 旧的标签页showLine效果失效
修复了DPI更改时和切换显示器时 丢失窗口效果的问题 #46
修复了文件资源管理器的"属性"页面和文件对话框的渲染问题 #35
修复了控制面板从"属性"页面打开时渲染错误 #48 (2023-8-11 1:58 追加)

Add new feature settings:

  • clearAddress : Clear the background of the address bar.
    (Note: If you use StartAllBack, you must close the "Classic search box", otherwise it overrides the effect of this program).
  • clearBarBg : Clear the background color of the scrollbar.
    (Note: Since the system scrollbar itself has a background color that cannot be removed,
    when this option is turned on, the scrollbar is drawn by the program and the style may be different from the system).
  • effect=3 : Set effect to 3 to enable the Blur(Clear) effect This is a pure blur effect without any coloring #42

Configuration file changes (system color adaptation support #32):
The original [blend] configuration has been changed to [light] and [dark] separately Please note the changes! See config.ini for details.

Bug fixes:
Fixed Windows 11 multi-tabbing issue where the showLine effect on old tabs is not working when opening new tabs.
Fixed missing window effects when changing DPI and switching monitors #46.
Fixed a rendering issue with the File Explorer Properties page and the File dialog #35.
Fixed a rendering error when the Control Panel is opened from the Properties page #48 (Added August 11, 2023 at 1:58 p.m.)
Fixed and optimized some rendering issues.

ExplorerBlurMica - 1.0.6

Published by Maplespe over 1 year ago


  • showLine : 该选项指定是否在主视图的TreeView和预览面板之间显示一条分隔线。 true或者false
  • darkRibbon : Ribbon的文本颜色和背景在Windows 10 Light模式下呈现不正确, 这个选项允许你将Ribbon设置为Dark模式,以缓解这一问题。

修复了Windows 10 Acrylic效果超出窗口边框的问题 smallBorder选项现在默认false

Add new feature settings

  • showLine : This option specifies whether to show a separator line between the TreeView and the preview panel in the main view.
  • darkRibbon : Ribbon text colors and backgrounds are rendered incorrectly in Windows 10 Light mode.
    This option allows you to set the ribbon to dark mode to alleviate this problem.
    For more information, please see ReadMe.

Fixed Windows 10 Acrylic effect out of window border issue. smallBorder option now defaults to false

ExplorerBlurMica - 1.0.5

Published by Maplespe over 1 year ago

修复了与StartAllBack等软件调节导航栏相关的功能的兼容性问题 #17

Fixed the compatibility issue with the function of modifying the navigation bar with software such as StartAllBack #17
Fixed some rendering issues in the control panel and the issue of rendering abnormalities when opening certain pages via shell.
Optimized program efficiency and code.

ExplorerBlurMica - 1.0.4

Published by Maplespe almost 2 years ago

修复了特定情况下可能出现背景渲染错误的问题 #10
修复了控制面板命令模块和导航栏渲染错误的问题 #9
修复了微软输入法文字颜色渲染错误的问题 #8

Fixed possible rendering errors in certain cases #10
Fixed control panel's command module and navbar rendering errors #9
Fixed Microsoft IME input text rendering error in edit box #8

ExplorerBlurMica - 1.0.3

Published by Maplespe almost 2 years ago

修复了win10 dark 主题颜色下地址栏不透明的问题 #7
修复了win10 配置文件 Blur效果和Acrylic效果参数ID相反的问题

Fixed the problem that the Win10 dark address bar was opaque #7
Fixed the problem that the Blur effect of the win10 configuration file was opposite to the Acrylic effect parameter ID.

ExplorerBlurMica - 1.0.2

Published by Maplespe almost 2 years ago

  1. 支持Windows 22H2系统 支持多标签页 #5
  2. 修复了Windows11 最左边有白色竖条的问题
  3. 修复了Windows11 暗色模式下地址栏不透明的问题
  4. 增强了程序稳定性
  5. 增加了Windows11的Acrylic支持 Mica效果现在为effect=2

  1. Support Windows 22H2 system supports multiple tabs #5
  2. Fixed the problem of white vertical bar on the left of WIndows11
  3. Fixed the problem of opaque address bar in Windows 11 dark mode
  4. The program stability is enhanced
  5. Added Acrylic support for Windows 11, Mica effect is now effect=2
ExplorerBlurMica - 1.0.1

Published by Maplespe about 2 years ago

Fixed the bug of opaque ribbon bar in Windows 10 English language system

ExplorerBlurMica - 1.0.0

Published by Maplespe about 2 years ago