
Run multiple commands in parallel

MIT License



mprocs runs multiple commands in parallel and shows output of each command separately.

When you work on a project you very often need the same list of commands to be running. For example: webpack serve, jest --watch, node src/server.js. With mprocs you can list these command in mprocs.yaml and run all of them by running mprocs. Then you can switch between outputs of running commands and interact with them.

It is similar to concurrently but mprocs shows output of each command separately and allows to interact with processes (you can even work in vim inside mprocs).



Download binary (Linux, Macos, Windows)

Download executable for your platform and put it into a directory included in PATH.

npm (Linux, Macos, Windows)

npm install -g mprocs
yarn global add mprocs

homebrew (Macos, Linux)

brew install mprocs

cargo (All platforms)

cargo install mprocs

scoop (Windows)

scoop install mprocs

AUR (Arch Linux)

yay mprocs
yay mprocs-bin

MPR (Debian/Ubuntu)

git clone ''
cd mprocs/
makedeb -si


  1. Run mprocs cmd1 cmd2 … (example: mprocs "yarn test -w" "webpack serve")


  1. Create mprocs.yaml file
  2. Run mprocs command

Example mprocs.yaml:

    cmd: ["nvim"]
    shell: "nodemon server.js"
  webpack: "webpack serve"
    shell: "jest -w"
      NODE_ENV: test


JSON/YAML Configuration Schema

There are two kinds of configs: global and local. Global config is loaded from ~/.config/mprocs/mprocs.yaml (or ~\AppData\Roaming\mprocs\mprocs.yaml on Windows). Local config is loaded from mprocs.yaml from current directory (or set via cli argument: mprocs --config ./cfg/mprocs.yaml). Settings in the local config override settings the global.

  • procs: object - Processes to run. Only allowed in local config.
    • shell: string - Shell command to run (exactly one of shell or
      cmd must be provided).
    • cmd: array - Array of command and args to run (exactly one of
      shell or cmd must be provided).
    • cwd: string - Set working directory for the process. Prefix
      <CONFIG_DIR> will be replaced with the path of the directory where the
      config is located.
    • env: object<string, string|null> - Set env variables. Object keys are
      variable names. Assign variable to null, to clear variables inherited from
      parent process.
    • add_path: string|array - Add entries to the PATH
      environment variable.
    • autostart: bool - Start process when mprocs starts. Default: true.
    • autorestart: bool - Restart process when it exits. Default: false. Note: If process exits within 1 second of starting, it will not be restarted.
    • stop: "SIGINT"|"SIGTERM"|"SIGKILL"|{send-keys:
      A way to stop a process (using x key or when quitting mprocs).
  • hide_keymap_window: bool - Hide the pane at the bottom of the screen
    showing key bindings.
  • mouse_scroll_speed: integer - Number of lines to scrollper one mouse
  • scrollback: integer - Scrollback size. Default: 1000.
  • proc_list_width: integer - Process list window width.
  • keymap_procs: object - Key bindings for process list. See
  • keymap_term: object - Key bindings for terminal window. See
  • keymap_copy: object - Key bindings for copy mode. See


Default key bindings can be overridden in config using keymap_procs, keymap_term, or keymap_copy fields. Available commands are documented in the Remote control section.

There are three keymap levels:

  • Default keymaps
  • ~/.config/mprocs/mprocs.yaml (or ~\AppData\Roaming\mprocs\mprocs.yaml on Windows)
  • ./mprocs.yaml (can be overridden by the -c/--config cli arg)

Lower levers override bindings from previous levels. Key bindings from previous levels can be cleared by specifying reset: true field at the same level as keys.

Key bindings are defined between < and >, e.g., <Enter> (enter key), <Down> (down arrow), <Up> (up arrow), <C-q> (CTRL + q).

keymap_procs: # keymap when process list is focused
  <C-q>: { c: toggle-focus }
  <C-a>: null # unbind key
keymap_term: # keymap when terminal is focused
  reset: true
  <C-q>: { c: toggle-focus }
    c: batch
      - { c: focus-procs }
      - { c: next-proc }

$select operator

You can define different values depending on the current operating system. Any value in config can be wrapped with a $select operator. To provide different values based on current OS define an object with:

  • First field $select: os
  • Fields defining values for different OSes: macos: value. Possible
    values are listed here:
  • Field $else: default value will be matched if no value was defined for
    current OS. If current OS is not matched and field $else is missing, then
    mprocs will fail to load config.

Example mprocs.yaml:

  my process:
      $select: os
      windows: "echo %TEXT%"
      $else: "echo $TEXT"
        $select: os
        windows: Windows
        linux: Linux
        macos: Macos
        freebsd: FreeBSD

Running scripts from package.json

If you run mprocs with an --npm argument, it will load scripts from package.json. But the scripts are not run by default, and you can launch desired scripts manually.

# Run mprocs with scripts from package.json
mprocs --npm

Default keymap

Process list focused:

  • q - Quit (soft kill processes and wait then to exit)
  • Q - Force quit (terminate processes)
  • C-a - Focus output pane
  • x - Soft kill selected process (send SIGTERM signal, hard kill on Windows)
  • X - Hard kill selected process (send SIGKILL)
  • s - Start selected process, if it is not running
  • r - Soft kill selected process and restart it when it stops
  • R - Hard kill selected process and restart it when it stops
  • a - Add new process
  • C - Duplicate selected process
  • d - Remove selected process (process must be stopped first)
  • e - Rename selected process
  • k or - Select previous process
  • j or - Select next process
  • M-1 - M-8 - Select process 1-8
  • C-d or page down - Scroll output down
  • C-u or page up - Scroll output up
  • C-e - Scroll output down by 3 lines
  • C-y - Scroll output up by 3 lines
  • z - Zoom into terminal window
  • v - Enter copy mode

Process output focused:

  • C-a - Focus processes pane

Copy mode:

  • v - Start selecting end point
  • c - Copy selected text
  • Esc - Leave copy mode
  • C-a - Focus processes pane
  • C-d or page down - Scroll output down
  • C-u or page up - Scroll output up
  • C-e - Scroll output down by 3 lines
  • C-y - Scroll output up by 3 lines
  • h or - Move cursor up
  • l or - Move cursor right
  • j or - Move cursor down
  • h or - Move cursor left

Remote control

Optionally, mprocs can listen on TCP port for remote commands. You have to define remote control server address in mprocs.yaml (server: or via cli argument (mprocs --server To send a command to running mprocs instance use the ctl argument: mprocs --ctl '{c: quit}' or mprocs --ctl '{c: send-key, key: <C-c>}'.

Commands are encoded as yaml. Available commands:

  • {c: quit-or-ask} - Stop processes and quit. If any processes are running,
    show a confirmation dialog.
  • {c: quit} - Stop processes and quit. Does not show confirm dialog.
  • {c: force-quit}
  • {c: toggle-focus} - Toggle focus between process list and terminal.
  • {c: focus-procs} - Focus process list
  • {c: focus-term} - Focus process terminal window
  • {c: zoom} - Zoom into terminal window
  • {c: next-proc}
  • {c: prev-proc}
  • {c: select-proc, index: <PROCESS INDEX>} - Select process by index, top process has index 0
  • {c: start-proc}
  • {c: term-proc}
  • {c: kill-proc}
  • {c: restart-proc}
  • {c: force-restart-proc}
  • {c: show-add-proc}
  • {c: add-proc, cmd: "<SHELL COMMAND>"}
  • {c: duplicate-proc}
  • {c: show-remove-proc}
  • {c: remove-proc, id: "<PROCESS ID>"}
  • {c: show-rename-proc}
  • {c: rename-proc, name: "<NEW_NAME>"} - Rename currently selected process
  • {c: scroll-down}
  • {c: scroll-up}
  • {c: scroll-down-lines, n: <COUNT>}
  • {c: scroll-up-lines, n: <COUNT>}
  • {c: copy-mode-enter} - Enter copy mode
  • {c: copy-mode-leave} - Leave copy mode
  • {c: copy-mode-move, dir: <DIRECTION> } - Move starting or ending position
    of the selection. Available directions: up/right/down/left.
  • {c: copy-mode-end} - Start selecting end point of the selection.
  • {c: copy-mode-copy} - Copy selected text to the clipboard and leave copy
  • {c: send-key, key: "<KEY>"} - Send key to current process. Key examples:
    <C-a>, <Enter>
  • {c: batch, cmds: [{c: focus-procs}, …]} - Send multiple commands


mprocs vs tmux/screen

mprocs is meant to make it easier to run specific commands that you end up running repeatedly, such as compilers and test runners. This is in contrast with tmux, which is usually used to run much more long-lived processes - usually a shell - in each window/pane. Another difference is that tmux runs a server and a client, which allows the client to detach and reattach later, keeping the processes running. mprocs is meant more for finite lifetime processes that you keep re-running, but when mprocs ends, so do the processes it is running within its windows.

Copying doesn't work in tmux

Tmux doesn't have escape sequences for copying enabled by default. To enable it add the following to ~/.tmux.conf:

set -g set-clipboard on
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