
My Windows Ansible Playbooks Playground



This is My Windows Ansible Playbooks Playground.

This targets Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11.


  • These playbooks might work only when you start from scratch, in a machine that only has a minimal installation.
    • They might seem to work in other scenarios, but that is by pure luck.
    • There is no support for upgrades, downgrades, or un-installations.


Add your machines into the Ansible inventory.yml file.

Review the development.yml playbook.

See the facts about the dm1 machine:

./ dm1 -m ansible.builtin.setup

Run an ad-hoc command in the dm1 machine:

./ dm1 -m win_command -a 'whoami /all'
./ dm1 -m win_shell -a 'Get-PSSessionConfiguration'

Lint the development.yml playbook playbook:

./ --offline --parseable development.yml

Run the development.yml playbook against the dm1 machine:

./ --limit=dm1 development.yml | tee ansible.log

List this repository dependencies (and which have newer versions):


Windows Management

Ansible can use one of the native Windows management protocols: psrp (recommended) or winrm.

Its also advisable to use the credssp transport, as its the most flexible transport:

transport local accounts active directory accounts credentials delegation encryption
basic yes no no no
certificate yes no no no
kerberos no yes yes yes
ntlm yes yes no yes
credssp yes yes yes yes

For more information see the Ansible CredSSP documentation.


In a Windows PowerShell session, with Administration privileges, use the following commands to troubleshoot the machine and the WinRM service.

Try connecting to a machine with, e.g.:

winrm id
winrs -r: "-u:Administrator" "-p:MyPassword" "whoami /all"
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName -Port 5985
Invoke-Command -ComputerName -Port 5985 -ScriptBlock { whoami /all }

Verify the listening addresses:

Get-NetConnectionProfile # NB WinRM only works on non-Public network profiles.
netsh http show iplisten
netsh interface portproxy show all # NB if not empty, watch for conflicts.
netstat -aon | Select-String :5985
winrm enumerate winrm/config/listener
winrm get winrm/config

If required, modify the network profile, or delete/add listening addresses with, e.g.:

Get-NetConnectionProfile `
  | Where-Object { $_.NetworkCategory -ne 'DomainAuthenticated' } `
  | Set-NetConnectionProfile -NetworkCategory Private
netsh http delete iplisten ipaddress=
netsh http add iplisten ipaddress=
Remove-WSManInstance winrm/config/Listener -SelectorSet @{Address="*";Transport="http"}
New-WSManInstance winrm/config/Listener -SelectorSet @{Address="*";Transport="http"}
Restart-Service WinRM

Verify the Group Policy (GPO) or Local Policy:

gpresult.exe /h gporesult.html && start gporesult.html
# NB ensure the policy filters are set to * or
#    the policy/filters do not exist at all.
$winRmPolicyKeyPath = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WinRM\Service'
if (Test-Path $winRmPolicyKeyPath) {
  Get-ItemProperty -Path $winRmPolicyKeyPath -Name IPv4Filter
  Get-ItemProperty -Path $winRmPolicyKeyPath -Name IPv6Filter

If required, modify them with, e.g.:

$winRmPolicyKeyPath = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WinRM\Service'
if (!(Test-Path $winRmPolicyKeyPath)) {
  New-Item -Force -Path $winRmPolicyKeyPath | Out-Null
Set-ItemProperty -Path $winRmPolicyKeyPath -Name IPv4Filter -Value '*'
Set-ItemProperty -Path $winRmPolicyKeyPath -Name IPv6Filter -Value '*'
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $winRmPolicyKeyPath -Name IPv4Filter
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $winRmPolicyKeyPath -Name IPv6Filter
Restart-Service WinRM