
Power BI Angular component. This library lets you embed Power BI report, dashboard, dashboard tile, report visual, or Q&A in your Angular application.

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Power BI Angular component. This library lets you embed Power BI reports, dashboards, tiles, report visuals, Q&As and paginated reports in your Angular application.

Quick Start


Import the 'PowerBIEmbedModule' inside your target module:

import { PowerBIEmbedModule } from 'powerbi-client-angular';

  imports: [
  exports: ...,
  declarations: ...

Embed a Power BI report

    [embedConfig] = {{
        type: "report",
        id: "<Report Id>",
        embedUrl: "<Embed Url>",
        accessToken: "<Access Token>",
        tokenType: models.TokenType.Embed,
        settings: {
            panes: {
                filters: {
                    expanded: false,
                    visible: false
            background: models.BackgroundType.Transparent,

    [cssClassName] = { "reportClass" }

    [phasedEmbedding] = { false }

    [eventHandlers] = {
        new Map([
            ['loaded', () => console.log('Report loaded');],
            ['rendered', () => console.log('Report rendered');],
            ['error', (event) => console.log(event.detail);]

How to bootstrap a PowerBI report:

    [embedConfig] = {{
        type: "report",
        id: undefined,
        embedUrl: undefined,
        accessToken: undefined, // Keep as empty string, null or undefined
        tokenType: models.TokenType.Embed,
        hostname: "https://app.powerbi.com"

Note: To embed the report after bootstrapping, update the embedConfig (with at least accessToken and embedUrl).

Embedding other Power BI artifacts

The library is offering the following components that can be used to embed various Power BI artifacts.

Component Selector to use for embedding
PowerBIReportEmbedComponent <powerbi-report>
PowerBIDashboardEmbedComponent <powerbi-dashboard>
PowerBITileEmbedComponent <powerbi-tile>
PowerBIVisualEmbedComponent <powerbi-visual>
PowerBIQnaEmbedComponent <powerbi-qna>
PowerBIPaginatedReportEmbedComponent <powerbi-paginated-report>

You can embed other artifacts such as:

    [embedConfig] = "<IDashboardEmbedConfiguration>"
    [cssClassName] = "<className>"
    [eventHandlers] = "<Map of String and eventHandler>"


This demo includes an Angular application that embeds a sample report using the PowerBIReportEmbed component. It demonstrates the complete flow from bootstrapping the report, to embedding and updating the embedded report. It also demonstrates using the powerbi report authoring library, by enabling the user to change the type of a report visual from a report using the "Change visual type" button. It also sets a 'DataSelected' event.

npm run demo

Redirect to http://localhost:4200/ to view in the browser.


Use case Details
Embed Power BI To embed your powerbi artifact, pass the component with at least type, embedUrl and accessToken in embedConfig property.
Apply style class Pass the name(s) of style classes to be applied to the embed container div to the cssClassName property.
Set event handlers Pass a map object of event name (string) and event handler (function) to the eventHandlers prop. Key: Event name Value: Event handler method to be triggeredEvent handler method takes two optional parameters:First parameter: EventSecond parameter: Reference to the embedded entity List of supported events is given here: Additional events
Reset event handlers To reset event handler for an event, set the event handler's value as null in the eventHandlers map of properties.
Bootstrap Power BI To bootstrap your powerbi entity, pass the property embedConfig to the component without accessTokenNote: embedConfig should at least contain type of the powerbi entity being embedded. Available types: "report", "dashboard", "tile", "visual" and "qna".Refer to How to bootstrap a report section in Quick Start. Note: A paginated report cannot be bootstrapped.
Using with PowerBI Report Authoring 1. Install powerbi-report-authoring as an npm dependency.2. Use the report authoring APIs using the embedded report's instance.
Phased embedding (Report type only) Set the phasedEmbedding property value to true Refer to the Phased embedding article.

Note: Supported browsers are Edge, Chrome, and Firefox.

Properties accepted by Components

Property Description Supported by
embedConfig Configuration for embedding the PowerBI entity (required) All
phasedEmbedding Phased embedding flag (optional) Report
eventHandlers Map of pair of event name and its handler method to be triggered on the event (optional) Report, Dashboard, Tile, Visual, Qna
cssClassName CSS class to be set on the embedding container (optional) All
service Provide the instance of PowerBI service (optional) All

Supported Events

Events supported by various Power BI entities:

Entity Event
Report "buttonClicked", "commandTriggered", "dataHyperlinkClicked", "dataSelected", "loaded", "pageChanged", "rendered", "saveAsTriggered", "saved", "selectionChanged", "visualClicked", "visualRendered"
Dashboard "loaded", "tileClicked"
Tile "tileLoaded", "tileClicked"
QnA "visualRendered"

Event Handler to be used with Map

type EventHandler = (event?: service.ICustomEvent<any>, embeddedEntity?: Embed) => void | null;

Using supported SDK methods for Power BI artifacts


Import the 'PowerBIReportEmbedComponent' inside your targeted component file:

import { PowerBIReportEmbedComponent } from 'powerbi-client-angular';

Initialize inside the Component

@ViewChild(PowerBIReportEmbedComponent) reportObj!: PowerBIReportEmbedComponent;


You can use reportObj to call supported SDK APIs.

There are two ways in which reportObj can be used:

  • Expose the Report object globally.


    1. Create one class variable, for example, report.
    2. Implement the AfterViewInit hook for the component class.
     class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit { ... }
    1. Define the ngAfterViewInit method as follows:
     ngAfterViewInit(): void {
         this.report = this.reportObj.getReport();
    1. this.report points to the Report object from the library and can be used to call SDK methods such as, getVisuals, getBookmarks etc.
    async getReportPages(): Page[] {
        // this.report is a class variable, initialized in step 3
        const pages = await this.report.getPages();
  • Use reportObj inside a class method.

    This approach will not expose the Report object globally, instead reportObj would be available locally in the function.


    async getReportPages(): Page[] {
        const report = this.reportObj.getReport();
        const visuals = await report.getPages();


The library supports Angular applications having version >= 13.


powerbi-client (https://www.npmjs.com/package/powerbi-client)

Peer Dependencies

@angular/common (https://www.npmjs.com/package/@angular/common)

@angular/core (https://www.npmjs.com/package/@angular/core)


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Data Collection.

The software may collect information about you and your use of the software and send it to Microsoft. Microsoft may use this information to provide services and improve our products and services. You may turn off the telemetry as described in the repository. There are also some features in the software that may enable you and Microsoft to collect data from users of your applications.

If you use these features, you must comply with applicable law, including providing appropriate notices to users of your applications together with a copy of Microsoft’s privacy statement. Our privacy statement is located at Microsoft Privacy Statement. You can learn more about data collection and use in the help documentation and our privacy statement. Your use of the software operates as your consent to these practices.


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Top 6.92% on Npmjs.org
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