
Install Clojure on Windows with Scoop

MIT License


scoop-clojure Build status

This is a new and convenient way to install Clojure on Windows.

  • WSL2 is not required
  • Administrator privileges are not required
  • High chance it works on your corporate Windows system

First install Scoop installer. Installation steps for scoop and additional information can be found here. Don't worry installation is easy.

if you like this project.


To install Clojure with Scoop you have to add two important buckets first:

# if you don't have git version control system installed
# it is required for adding new external buckets to your scoop installer
# you can skip this step otherwise
scoop install git

# add scoop bucket for Java
scoop bucket add java

# add scoop bucket with extras, here there is a dependency on visual studio redistributable 'extras/vcredist2022'
scoop bucket add extras

# add scoop bucket for clojure build
scoop bucket add scoop-clojure

Now we are ready to install Java and Clojure by issuing following commands:

# install TCK certified Java runtime and compiler if you need to (optional)
scoop install temurin-lts-jdk

# install official clojure tools
scoop install clj-deps

# update to the newest version
scoop update clj-deps

After successfully running steps above, you should be able to run Clojure with following:


Emacs users should now issue clj and clojure commands without hassle.

Other tools available in this bucket

  • babashka: A port of the clojure bash script to Clojure
  • bb-http-server: Babashka to serve static assets
  • bb-web: A babashka fork for small web-apps
  • bibcal: Calculate dates based on the Bible and the 1st Book of Enoch
  • bootleg: Simple template processing command line tool to help build static websites
  • carve: Carve will search through your code for unused vars and will remove them
  • clj-kondo: A linter for Clojure code that sparks joy
  • clojure-lsp: Language server for Clojure
  • cq: Clojure Command-line Data Processor for JSON, YAML, EDN, XML and more
  • datalevin: A simple, fast and durable Datalog database
  • grasp: Grep Clojure code using clojure.spec regexes
  • hiccup-cli: CLI to convert HTML to Hiccup syntax
  • jet: CLI to transform between JSON, EDN and Transit, powered with a minimal query language
  • joker: A small interpreted dialect of Clojure written in Go. It is also a Clojure(Script) linter
  • lmgrep: A Grep-like utility based on Lucene Monitor
  • pathom-viz: Visualization tools for Pathom
  • pgmig: Standalone PostgreSQL migration runner
  • puget: A CLI version of puget
  • shh: A CLI password manager designed for efficiency
  • trenchman: A standalone nREPL/prepl client written in Go and heavily inspired by Grenchman

Babashka based utilities

  • bbin: Babashka script or project installer
  • eql-cli: A CLI for executing EQL queries on EDN data
  • neil: A CLI to add common aliases and features to deps.edn-based projects

Tools installation

Install extras

First add extras bucket to unlock required dependencies:

scoop bucket add extras


Now pick from the following tools:

scoop install babashka
scoop install bb-http-server
scoop install bb-web
scoop install bibcal
scoop install bootleg
scoop install carve
scoop install clj-kondo
scoop install clojure-lsp
scoop install cq
scoop install datalevin
scoop install hiccup-cli
scoop install grasp
scoop install jet
scoop install joker
scoop install lmgrep
scoop install pathom-viz
scoop install pgmig
scoop install puget
scoop install shh
scoop install trenchman

or babashka based utilities:

scoop install bbin
scoop install eql-cli
scoop install neil


These tools are updated quite often, don't forget to update regularly with:

scoop update *


If you had enough of Clojure for some reason. It's easy to uninstall it using scoop:

scoop uninstall clj-deps

Also applies to every tool above.

Scoop directory

This scoop bucket is also listed in Scoop directory where to check other useful buckets with tons of packaged software.

Contributor Code of Conduct

This project adheres to No Code of Conduct. We are all adults. I accept anyone's contributions. Nothing else matters.

For more information please visit the No Code of Conduct homepage.