
WinBox is a modern HTML5 window manager for the web: lightweight, outstanding performance, no dependencies, fully customizable, open source!

APACHE-2.0 License


Demo  •  Getting Started  •  Options  •  API  •  Themes  •  Customize  •  Changelog

Live Demo and Code Examples

Support this Project

Hello my name is Thomas, also known as ts-thomas. This is a personal project which I fully made in my free time. It is hosted by the Github account from the company Nextapps where I work to give it more exposure. I have never received any financial support for this project from the company Nextapps as some of you might have guessed, since it is a free and open source project. I'm really happy that WinBox.js is getting so much positive feedback and also feature requests. Please feel free to support me by making a personal donation which helps me a lot to keep this project alive and also to providing all the contribution to keep WinBox.js on a professional top-end level.

Plugins / Add-ons / Extensions

Vue 2 and 3 (a wrapper component that adds the ability to mount Vue components in WinBox.js):

A React controlled component for WinBox.js, with full Reactful props and state.:

Getting Started

Get Latest Stable Build (Recommended):

Get Latest (NPM):

npm install winbox

Use Bundled Version (Recommended)

The bundled version includes all assets like js, css, html and icon images as base64.

A best practice is to load the library as async and use some modern preloading mechanism:

    <link rel="preload" href="winbox.bundle.min.js" as="script">
    <!-- BOTTOM OF BODY -->
    <script src="winbox.bundle.min.js" async></script>
    <!-- YOUR SCRIPT -->
    <script src="my-script.js" defer></script>

When you get troubles with unavailable references then remove the async or defer from this example and invest some minutes later to find out how you can properly load js assets asynchronously today.

Use Non-Bundled Version

The non-bundled version needs to load js and css separately (css already includes icons as base64).

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="winbox.min.css">
    <script src="winbox.min.js"></script>

You can also load the non-bundled version in the same way.

ES6 Modules

The ES6 modules are located in src/js/. But you need to load the stylesheet file explicitly since this is just automatically loaded by the bundled version.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/winbox.min.css">
<script type="module">
  import WinBox from "./src/js/winbox.js";

You can also load modules via CDN, e.g.:

<script type="module">
  import WinBox from "[email protected]/src/js/winbox.js";

The ES6 modules are not minified. Please use your favored bundler or build tool for this purpose.



  • new WinBox(title, options<key: value>) : winbox

Global methods:

  •, options<key: value>) : winbox
  • WinBox.stack() : Array<winbox>

Instance member methods:

  • winbox.mount(src)
  • winbox.unmount(dest)
  • winbox.setUrl(string)
  • winbox.setTitle(string)
  • winbox.setIcon(url)
  • winbox.move(x, y)
  • winbox.resize(width, height)
  • winbox.close(boolean)
  • winbox.focus(state)
  • winbox.blur(state)
  • winbox.hide(state)
  • winbox.minimize(state)
  • winbox.maximize(state)
  • winbox.fullscreen(state)
  • winbox.restore(state)
  • winbox.setBackground(string)
  • winbox.addClass(name)
  • winbox.removeClass(name)
  • winbox.hasClass(name)
  • winbox.toggleClass(name)
  • winbox.addControl(options)
  • winbox.removeControl(name)

Instance properties (readonly):

  • winbox.index
  • winbox.window
  • winbox.body

Instance properties (writable):

  • winbox.x
  • winbox.y
  • winbox.width
  • winbox.height
  • winbox.right
  • winbox.bottom
  • winbox.left
  • winbox.minwidth
  • winbox.minheight
  • winbox.maxwidth
  • winbox.maxheight

Instance state boolean properties (readonly):

  • winbox.min
  • winbox.max
  • winbox.full
  • winbox.hidden
  • winbox.focused

Callback methods:

  • winbox.oncreate
  • winbox.onshow
  • winbox.onhide
  • winbox.onclose
  • winbox.onfocus
  • winbox.onblur
  • winbox.onmove
  • winbox.onresize
  • winbox.onfullscreen
  • winbox.onmaximize
  • winbox.onminimize
  • winbox.onrestore


Create and Setup Window

Basic Window

When no root was specified the window will append to the document.body.

new WinBox("Window Title");

Alternatively:"Window Title");


new WinBox({ title: "Window Title" });


var winbox = WinBox();
winbox.setTitle("Window Title");

Custom Root

The root is the unique element in a document where the window will append to. In most cases that is usually the document.body which is the default root. Multiple roots at the same time are just partially supported (they share the same viewport actually).

new WinBox("Window Title", {
    root: document.body

Custom Color

Supports all CSS styles which are also supported by the style-attribute "background", e.g. colors, rgba, hsl, gradients, background images.

new WinBox("Custom Color", {
    background: "#ff005d"


var winbox = new WinBox("Custom Color");

Custom Border

Supports all units.

new WinBox({
    title: "Custom Border",
    border: "1em"

You can also define multiple border values (the order is: top, right, bottom, left):

new WinBox({
    title: "Custom Border",
    border: "0 1em 15px 1em"

Custom Titlebar Icon

Supports all datatypes which are also supported by the style-attribute "background-image", e.g. URL, base64 encoded data. The default icon size is 20 x 20 pixels.

new WinBox({
    title: "Custom Icon",
    icon: "img/icon.svg"


var winbox = new WinBox("Custom Icon");

See below in the style section to find out how to easily customize the titlebar icon style via css.

Custom Viewport

Define the available area (relative to the document) in which the window can move or could be resized (supports units "px" and "%").

new WinBox("Custom Viewport", {
    top: "50px",
    right: "5%",
    bottom: 50,
    left: "5%"

Alternatively (but just support numbers!):

var winbox = new WinBox("Custom Viewport"); = 50;
winbox.right = 200;
winbox.bottom = 0;
winbox.left = 200

Custom Position / Size

Supports keywords "right" for x-axis, "bottom" for y-axis, "center" for both, units px and % also for both.

new WinBox("Custom Viewport", {
    x: "center",
    y: "center",
    width: "50%",
    height: "50%"
new WinBox("Custom Viewport", {
    x: "right",
    y: "bottom",
    width: "200px",
    height: "200px"

Alternatively (also supports same units and keywords as above):

var winbox = new WinBox("Custom Viewport");

winbox.resize("50%", "50%")
      .move("center", "center");

Alternatively (just support numeric values as px when directly assigned!):

var winbox = new WinBox("Custom Viewport");

winbox.width = 200;
winbox.height = 200;

winbox.x = 100;
winbox.y = 100;

In some cases you need to execute .resize() before .move() to properly apply relative positions which is taking the windows size into account.

Overflow Window

Allow the window to move outside the viewport borders on left, right and bottom (default is "false").

new WinBox({
    title: "Overflow Window",
    overflow: true

Modal Window

new WinBox({
    title: "Modal Window",
    modal: true

Window Stack

The window stack gets you an ordered list of every created window which wasn't already closed. The last focused windows is placed as last entry in the Array.

const a = new WinBox("A"); // window A gets focused
const b = new WinBox("B"); // window B gets focused
const c = new WinBox("C"); // window C gets focused
a.focus(); // window A gets focused

// get window stack ordered by focus history
const stack = WinBox.stack(); // [B, C, A]


Feel free to create your own themes and share them with us.

You will find all themes here.

Load the corresponding css files (or use a bundler), e.g.:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/winbox.min.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/themes/modern.min.css">
    <script src="dist/js/winbox.min.js"></script>

Just add the name of the theme via class:

var winbox = new WinBox({
    title: "Theme: Modern",
    class: "modern"


var winbox = new WinBox("Theme: Modern");

You can change themes during the lifetime of the window.

Manage Window Content

Set innerHTML

Do not forget to sanitize any user inputs which is part of the html as this can lead to unintended XSS!

new WinBox("Set innerHTML", {
    html: "<h1>Lorem Ipsum</h1>"


var winbox = new WinBox("Set innerHTML");
winbox.body.innerHTML = "<h1>Lorem Ipsum</h1>";

Mount DOM (Cloned)

When cloning you can easily create multiple window instances of the same content in parallel.

<div id="content">
    <h1>Lorem Ipsum</h1>
    <p>Lorem ipsum [...]</p>
var node = document.getElementById("content");

new WinBox("Mount DOM", {
    mount: node.cloneNode(true)


var node = document.getElementById("content");
var winbox = new WinBox("Mount DOM");


Mount DOM (Singleton) + Auto-Unmount

A singleton is a unique fragment which can move inside the document. When creating multiple windows and mounting the same fragment to it, the fragment will leave the old window (see the method above for cloning).

This workaround is also compatible if you are using server-side rendering.

You can simply use a hidden backstore to hold contents, as well you can use any other strategy like a templating engine etc.

<div id="backstore" style="display: none">
    <div id="content">
        <h1>Lorem Ipsum</h1>
        <p>Lorem ipsum [...]</p>
var node = document.getElementById("content");

new WinBox("Mount DOM", {
    mount: node

Auto-Unmount is a helpful feature which automatically moves back the fragment to the backstore source when closing the window.


var node = document.getElementById("content");
var winbox = new WinBox("Mount DOM");


Explicit Unmount

<div id="backstore" style="display: none">
    <div id="content">
        <h1>Lorem Ipsum</h1>
        <p>Lorem ipsum [...]</p>
<div id="backstore-2" style="display: none"></div>
var node = document.getElementById("content");
var winbox = new WinBox("Mount DOM");

Move fragment from hidden backstore to the window body:


Move fragment back to the hidden backstore source:


Or move fragment to another destination:


Or just auto-unmount as default when closing:


Override default auto-unmount behavior when closing the window:

new WinBox("Mount DOM", {
    mount: node,
    onclose: function(){

Manual Mount Contents

Feel free to use the winbox.body directly:

var node = document.getElementById("content");
var winbox = new WinBox("Mount DOM");


Or delegate it as a root to your templating engine, e.g.:


Open URI / URL

Do not forget to sanitize any user inputs when it is part of the url as this can lead to unintended XSS!

The onload callback is optionally.

new WinBox("Open URL", {
    url: "",
    onload: function(){ /* extern page loaded */}

You can use every URI scheme which is supported by src attribute, e.g. URL, image or video, base64 encoded data.


var winbox = new WinBox("Open URL");
winbox.setUrl("", function(){ 
    /* extern page loaded */

The WinBox Window Instance

Window States / Information:

var winbox = new WinBox();

console.log("Window ID:",;
console.log("Window Index:", winbox.index);
console.log("Current Maximize State:", winbox.max);
console.log("Current Minimize State:", winbox.min);
console.log("Current Fullscreen State:", winbox.full);
console.log("Current Hidden State:", winbox.hidden);
console.log("Current Focused State:", winbox.focused);

Window Size:

var winbox = new WinBox();

winbox.width = 200;
winbox.height = 200;

console.log("Current Width:", winbox.width);
console.log("Current Height:", winbox.height);

Window Position:

var winbox = new WinBox();

winbox.x = 100;
winbox.y = 100;

console.log("Current Position X:", winbox.x);
console.log("Current Position Y:", winbox.y);

Window Viewport:

var winbox = new WinBox(); = 50;
winbox.right = 50;
winbox.bottom = 50;
winbox.left = 50;

// update window if needed:

console.log("Current Viewport Top:",;
console.log("Current Viewport Right:", winbox.right);
console.log("Current Viewport Bottom:", winbox.bottom);
console.log("Current Viewport Left:", winbox.left);

The window body acts like the document.body and has a scroll pane:

var winbox = new WinBox();
winbox.body.innerHTML = "<h1>Lorem Ipsum</h1>";

Get the DOM element from the window outer frame:

var winbox = new WinBox();
var root = winbox.window;

You also can get the window element by DOM id:

var winbox = new WinBox();
var root = document.getElementById(;

The window element points to the window most outer root element which also holds the window control and state classes:

You can access and modify the window DOM element directly:

const root = winbox.window;
const hidden = root.classList.contains("hide");
const focused = root.classList.contains("focus");

Or as an equivalent to the example above by using the WinBox built-in methods respectively:

const hidden = winbox.hasClass("hide");
const focused = winbox.hasClass("focus");

You can grab the winbox instance from the window outer frame DOM element:

var winbox = new WinBox();
// assume you have a DOM reference to the winbox window:
var window_element = document.getElementById(;
// grab corresponding instance from window element:
winbox = window_element.winbox;


var winbox = new WinBox();

Focus a window (bring up to front):


Blur a focused window:


Set the minimized state of a window:


Set the maximized state of a window:


Set the fullscreen state of a window:


Restore the state of a window:


Hide a specific window:


Show a specific hidden window:;;

Close and destroy a window:


Close and destroy a window depending on custom conditional (e.g. by a confirmation status):

winbox.close(false || true);

Chaining Methods

var winbox = WinBox();

      .resize("50%", "50%")
      .move("center", "center")

When using "center" as position you need to call .resize() before .move().


You can assign callbacks via the option payload when creating a window.

The keyword this in your callback function refers to the corresponding WinBox Instance.

var winbox = WinBox({
    oncreate: function(options){
        options.autosize = true;
    onfocus: function(){
    onblur: function(){
    onresize: function(width, height){
        console.log("width:", width, "height:", height);
    onfullscreen: function(){
    onminimize: function(){
    onmaximize: function(){
    onrestore: function(){
    onmove: function(x, y){
        console.log("x:", x, "y:", y);
    onclose: function(force){
        // return "true" to skip the closing
        // return "false" to allow closing
        // use delegated force parameter optionally
        return !confirm("Close window?");

The "onclose" callback

The event onclose will be triggered right before closing and stops closing when a callback was applied and returns a truthy value.

Within your callback function just return true to stops the closing or return false to perform closing as default.

new WinBox({ 
    onclose: function(){
        // return "true" to skip the closing
        // return "false" to allow closing
            return true;

The force parameter from the winbox.close(boolean) will be delegated to your callback function as the first parameter. You need to handle the "force" state in your callback function.

var winbox = WinBox({ 
    onclose: function onclose(force){
        // use delegated force parameter optionally
        return !force && !confirm("Close window?");

Close the window and execute callback as default (will show the prompt from example above):


Force closing the window (does not show the prompt from example above):


Use Control Classes

WinBox provides you some built-in control classes you can pass when creating a window instance.

All control classes from this list could be added or removed during lifetime of the window (after creation). State classes like max, min, full, hidden and focus could not be changed manually! For this purpose use the WinBox member methods accordingly e.g. maximize(), minimize(), hide().

Without the header the user isn't able to move the window frame. It may be useful for creating fixed popups.

Pass in classnames when creating the window to apply behaviour:

const winbox = WinBox({
    class: [ "no-min", "no-max", "no-full", "no-resize", "no-move" ]

The example above is a good start to create classical popups.

Alternatively you can use a whitespace separated string:

const winbox = WinBox({
    class: "no-min no-max no-full no-resize no-move"

You can add or remove all control classes from above along the window's lifetime:

const winbox = WinBox();

const state = winbox.hasClass("no-resize") &&

Custom Splitscreen

Use the viewport limit to define your own splitscreen areas, e.g. for a simple vertical split:

new WinBox("Split Left", {
    right: "50%"

new WinBox("Split Right", {
    left: "50%"

Same way you can also define custom sizes and positions for each split as well as complex grids, e.g.:

new WinBox("Split Top-Left", { right: "66%", bottom: "50%", max: true });
new WinBox("Split Bottom-Left", { right: "66%", top: "50%", max: true });

new WinBox("Split Middle", { left: "34%", right: "34%", max: true });

new WinBox("Split Top-Right", { left: "66%", bottom: "50%", max: true });
new WinBox("Split Bottom-Right", { left: "66%", top: "50%", max: true });

The splitscreen from above will look like this grid:

|             |              |              |
|             |              |              |
|  Top Left   |              |  Top Right   |
|             |              |              |
|             |              |              |
---------------    Middle    ----------------
|             |              |              |
|             |              |              |
| Bottom Left |              | Bottom Right |
|             |              |              |
|             |              |              |

You can set the values for the viewport dynamically, doing this makes it possible to size the grid dynamically and also change the grid schema.

Custom Controls

This example will add a custom control button .wb-like to the window heading toolbar along some CSS for icon styling:

.wb-like {
    background-size: 20px auto;
} {
    background-image: url(demo/heart-filled.svg) !important;

Attach a control to the window toolbar:

    // the position index
    index: 1,
    // classname to apply styling
    class: "wb-like",
    // icon url when not specified via classname
    image: "demo/heart.svg",
    // click listener
    click: function(event, winbox){
        // the winbox instance will be passed as 2nd parameter
        // "this" refers to the button which was clicked:

Remove a control from the window toolbar:


Custom Template (Layout)

You can fully customize the WinBox window layout by providing a custom template via the config during creation. This way you can add new elements to the window or re-arrange them.

This example will add a control button .wb-custom to the window toolbar by using a custom template along some CSS:

.wb-custom {
    background-image: url(demo/icon-github.svg);
    background-size: 17px auto;

Create by using a custom template:

const template = document.createElement("div");
template.innerHTML = `
    <div class=wb-header>
        <div class=wb-control>
            <span class=wb-custom></span>
            <span class=wb-close></span>
        <div class=wb-drag></div>
    <div class=wb-body></div>

new WinBox("Custom Template", { template });

The .wb-drag element needs to be existing when the user should be able to move the window by dragging the heading toolbar.

Customize Window

Additionally, take a look into the themes folder to get some ideas how to customize the window.

The window boilerplate:

Hide or disable specific icons:

.wb-min   { display: none }
.wb-full  { display: none }
.wb-max   { display: none }
.wb-close { display: none }

Modify a specific icon:

.wb-max {
    background-image: url(src/img/max.png);
    background-position: center;
    background-size: 15px auto;

Use black standard icons (useful for bright backgrounds):

.wb-control { filter: invert(1) }

Modify or disable resizing areas on the window borders:

/* north */
.wb-n  { display: none }

/* east */
.wb-e  { display: none }

/* south */
.wb-s  { display: none }

/* west */
.wb-w  { display: none }

/* north-west */
.wb-nw { display: none }

/* north-east */
.wb-ne { display: none }

/* south-west */
.wb-sw { display: none }

/* south-east */
.wb-se { display: none }

Modify or disable the window drop shadow:

.winbox { box-shadow: none }

Style the header title:

.wb-title { font-size: 12px }

Style the titlebar icon:

.wb-icon {
    width: 35px;
    background-size: 35px 35px;

Style the window background (frame):

.winbox {
    background: linear-gradient(90deg, #ff00f0, #0050ff);
    border-radius: 12px 12px 0 0;

Style the body of a window element and set the frame border:

.wb-body {
    /* the width of window frame border: */
    margin: 4px;
    color: #fff;
    background: #131820;

The margin of .wb-body corresponds to the width of the window border.

Apply styles when window is in "minimized" state:

.winbox {
    border-radius: 10px;
.winbox.min {
    border-radius: 0;
.winbox.min .windbox-title {
    font-size: 12px;

Apply styles when window is NOT in "minimized" state:

.winbox:not(.min) {
    /* apply styles */

Apply styles when window is in "maximized" state:

.winbox {
    border-radius: 10px;
.winbox.max {
    border-radius: 0;
.winbox.max .wb-max {
    opacity: 0.5;

Apply styles when window is NOT in "maximized" state:

.winbox:not(.max) {
    /* apply styles */

Apply styles when window is in "fullscreen" state:

.wb-body:fullscreen {
    /* apply styles */

Apply styles when window is in "focus" state:

.winbox {
    background: #999;
.winbox.focus {
    background: #0050ff; 
.winbox .wb-control {
    display: none;
.winbox.focus .wb-control {
    display: block;

Apply styles when window is NOT in "focus" state (the same logic from example above, but shorter):

.winbox:not(.focus) {
    background: #999;
.winbox:not(.focus) .wb-control {
    display: none;

Apply styles when window is in "modal" state:

.winbox.modal .wb-close { display: none }

Customize the modal background overlay:

.winbox.modal:after {
    background: #0d1117;
    opacity: 0.5;
    animation: none;

Style Scrollbars

.wb-body::-webkit-scrollbar {
    width: 12px;
.wb-body::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
    background: transparent;
.wb-body::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
    border-radius: 10px;
    background: #263040;
.wb-body::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:window-inactive {
    background: #181f2a;
.wb-body::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {
    background: transparent;

Useful Hints

Often you need to hide specific content parts when it was mounted to a window or hiding when NOT inside a window:

Now you can add the two classes "wb-hide" and "wb-show" to any element to control visibility between the two states "inside" and "outside" a window:

    <main id="content">
        <header class="wb-hide">Hide this header when in windowed mode</header>
            <!-- page contents -->
        <footer class="wb-show">Hide this footer when NOT in windowed mode</footer>

The display property when using "wb-show" might not fit your needs. Please change this css class definition to your desired display-state accordingly.

new WinBox({
    mount: document.getElementById("content")

Best Practices

  • Use a non-scrolling body element to get the best user experience on mobile devices.
  • Or provide an alternative view strategy for mobile devices, e.g. when the device is a touch device then open a classical app view. If a mouse pointer is available, then mount this view to the WinBox window. Also, you can place a switch button in your application where the user can also toggle between these two modes.

WinBox on Angular application

Step 1: Install WinBox library

npm i winbox

Step 2: Install WinBox types

npm i @types/winbox --save-dev

Step 3: Import WinBox in a component

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import 'winbox';
declare const WinBox: WinBox.WinBoxConstructor;

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: '<button (click)="openWindow()">Open Window</button>'
export class AppComponent {
  openWindow() {;

WinBox on Vue application

It uses the native teleport component in Vue 3 and recommends for Vue 2 users.

WinBox on React application

A React controlled component for WinBox.js, with full Reactful props and state. Includes all configurations of WinBox.js by using React component props.

Custom Builds

Go to the root directory of WinBox and run:

npm install

Perform a build:

npm run build

The final build is located in the dist/ folder.

Copyright 2021-2023 Thomas Wilkerling, Hosted by Nextapps GmbH Released under the Apache 2.0 License