
Simple libraryto detect if a desktop application is running as classic Win32 or packaged with the Desktop Bridge

MIT License


Helpers for the Windows 10 Desktop Bridge

The library offers a simple class to detect if a desktop application is running as native or as converted inside the UWP container.

Example code:

public bool IsRunningAsUwp()
    DesktopBridge.Helpers helpers = new DesktopBridge.Helpers();
    return helpers.IsRunningAsUwp();

The repository contains also a sample for eery major .NET desktop technology:

  • Windows Forms
  • WPF
  • Console application

Important! The sample projects are based on Visual Studio 15 Preview and the Desktop Bridge extension

The library is available also on NuGet:

The library currently supports every application developed with .NET Framework >=4.0

Thanks to Raffaele Rialdi for the help with understanding how to properly use the P/Invoke approach


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