
A PowerShell extension of Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey for local and remote registry management

MIT License



The WinRegOps module provides a comprehensive set of PowerShell functions to interact with the Windows registry, offering a simplified interface for common operations such as reading, writing, deleting, and exporting registry keys and values. It extends the functionality of the Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey .NET class and enables local and remote registry operations with enhanced error handling.

This module is designed to handle registry tasks such as retrieving specific values, managing subkeys, and exporting registry keys. Whether performing configuration management tasks on local machines or managing registry settings across multiple remote systems, WinRegOps simplifies interaction with the Windows registry.

The module can be used independently or as a dependency for higher-level system configuration or management modules, providing flexibility and reliability in registry management operations.

Key Features

  • Open registry keys on both local and remote machines using
    Get-OpenBaseKey and Get-OpenRemoteBaseKey.
  • Query and retrieve registry values using Get-RegistryValue.
  • Create, delete, and backup registry keys and their subkeys with functions
    like New-RegistryKey, Remove-RegistrySubKey, and Backup-RegistryKey.
  • Export registry keys to files using the reg.exe utility, with the
    Export-RegistryKey and Invoke-RegCommand functions.
  • Enhanced error handling for permission issues and remote registry access.
  • Support for multiple registry hives, such as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and

Typical Use Cases

  • Automating system configuration: Easily modify or retrieve registry
    settings during system setup or maintenance tasks.
  • Profile and application management: Use the module to configure profile
    settings or manage application-specific registry values.
  • Registry backup and recovery: Export critical registry keys before making
    changes, ensuring that backups are available if needed.
  • Remote registry management: Seamlessly access and modify registry keys on
    remote systems without needing manual intervention.


To install WisherTools.Helpers, you have two options:

  1. Install from PowerShell Gallery You can install the module directly from the PowerShell Gallery using the Install-Module command:

    Install-Module -Name WinRegOps
  2. Install from GitHub Releases You can also download the latest release from the GitHub Releases page. Download the .zip file of the release, extract it, and place it in one of your $PSModulePath directories.


Example 1: Opening a Local Registry Key

Use the Get-OpenBaseKey function to open a registry hive on the local machine:

$registryKey = Get-OpenBaseKey -RegistryHive 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'

This opens the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive on the local machine.

Example 2: Exporting a Registry Key

The Export-RegistryKey function allows you to export a registry key to a file for backup purposes:

Export-RegistryKey -RegistryPath "HKCU\Software\MyApp" -ExportPath "C:\Backup\MyApp.reg"

This exports the registry key HKCU\Software\MyApp to the file C:\Backup\MyApp.reg.

Example 3: Opening a Remote Registry Key

Use the Get-OpenRemoteBaseKey function to open a registry key on a remote computer:

$registryKey = Get-OpenRemoteBaseKey -RegistryHive 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' -ComputerName 'RemotePC'

This opens the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive on the remote computer RemotePC.

Example 4: Removing a Registry Subkey

You can remove a registry subkey using Remove-RegistrySubKey:

$key = Open-RegistryKey -RegistryPath 'HKLM\Software'
Remove-RegistrySubKey -ParentKey $key -SubKeyName 'MyApp' -WhatIf

This will show what would happen if the MyApp subkey were deleted without actually performing the deletion.

Example 5: Backing Up a Registry Key

The Backup-RegistryKey function allows you to back up a registry key to a specified backup directory:

Backup-RegistryKey -RegistryPath 'HKLM\Software\MyApp' -BackupDirectory 'C:\Backups'

This backs up the registry key HKLM\Software\MyApp to the C:\Backups directory.

Key Functions

  • Get-OpenBaseKey: Opens a registry hive on the local computer. Supports
    both 32-bit and 64-bit views.
  • Get-OpenRemoteBaseKey: Opens a registry hive on a remote computer.
    Requires the remote registry service to be running.
  • Get-RegistryValue: Retrieves a specific value from a registry key.
  • Export-RegistryKey: Exports a registry key to a .reg file.
  • Invoke-RegCommand: Executes a registry-related command using the reg.exe
    utility. This function is used internally for registry exports and other commands.
  • Backup-RegistryKey: Backs up a registry key from a local or remote
    computer to a specified backup file.
  • Remove-RegistrySubKey: Removes a subkey from a specified parent registry
    key, supporting -WhatIf and -Confirm for safety.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork this repository, submit pull requests, or report issues. You can contribute by adding new features, improving the existing code, or enhancing the documentation.