
Python tools for interacting with Xcode project bundles

MIT License



xcodeproj is a utility for interacting with Xcode's xcodeproj bundle format.

It expects some level of understanding of the internals of the pbxproj format and schemes. Note that this tool only reads projects. It does not write out any changes. If you are looking for more advanced functionality like this, I recommend looking at the Ruby gem of the same name (which is unaffiliated in anyway).

To learn more about the format, you can look at any of these locations:

Getting Started

Loading a project is very simple:

project = xcodeproj.XcodeProject("/path/to/project.xcodeproj")

From here you can explore the project in different ways:

# Get all targets
for target in project.targets:

# Print from the root level, 2 levels deep (.project is a property on the root 
# project as other properties such as .schemes are also available)
for item1 in project.project.main_group.children:
    if not isinstance(item1, xcodeproj.PBXGroup):

    for item2 in item1.children:
        print("\t", item2)

# Check that all files referenced in the project exist on disk
for item in project.fetch_type(xcodeproj.PBXFileReference).values():
    assert os.path.exists(item.absolute_path())

# You can access the raw objects map directly:
obj = project.objects["key here"]

# For any object you have, you can access its key/identifier via the 
# `.object_key` property
key = obj.object_key

Note: This library is "lazy". Many things aren't calculated until they are used. This time will be inconsequential on smaller projects, but on larger ones, it can save quite a bit of time due to not parsing the entire project on load. These properties are usually stored though so that subsequent accesses are instant.

Note on Scheme Support

There's no DTD for xcscheme files, so the implementation has been guessed. There will definitely be holes that still need to be patched in it though. Please open an issue if you find any, along with a sample xcscheme file.


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