
Simple youtube downloader. Contributions are always welcome!

MIT License




YouTubeDL is a graphical user interface for managing YouTube video and audio downloads using yt-dlp. It provides a simple and user-friendly way to fetch video information and download media files.

Project Structure

The project directory contains:

  • module/: Directory containing utility functions.
    • Source code for utility functions.
  • resources/: Directory containing images and other resources.
    • loading.gif: Loading animation GIF file.
  • .gitignore: Git ignore rules.
  • Source code for the GUI application.
  • config.json: Configuration file for the application.
    • The application will create it if it doesn't exist.
  • icon.ico: Icon for the application.
  • LICENSE: License information.
  • This file.
  • requirements.txt: List of Python dependencies.
  • YoutubeDL.spec: PyInstaller spec file for the GUI application.

Downloading the Executable

The compiled executable for Windows is not included in the repository. Instead, you can download it from the GitHub Releases page:



  • Fetch Video Information: Retrieve and display video details such as title, uploader, duration, and thumbnail.
  • Download Video and Audio: Download videos or audio from supported YouTube URLs.
    • It should be always targetting the highest quality.
  • Custom Configuration: Set paths for ffmpeg binary, and manage supported sites.
  • Loading Indicators: Visual feedback with a loading animation during long operations.

Installation - Windows

  1. Download the archive:

  2. Extract the archive:

    • Extract the downloaded
  3. Run the Application:

    • Open the archive that you just extracted.
    • Double-click the extracted .exe file to start the application.


To contribute to the development or modify the application:

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory:

    cd <path-to-project-directory>
  3. Install Dependencies:

    Ensure you have Python and pip installed. Then install the required Python packages:

    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt --ignore-requires-python
  4. Run the Application:

  5. Build the Executable:

    Use PyInstaller to bundle the application into a standalone executable.

    If you do not have PyInstaller installed:

    python -m pip install pyinstaller==6.6.0

    Build the executable:

    pyinstaller YoutubeDL.spec
  6. Test the Executable:

    The built executable will be located in the dist/ directory. Test it to ensure it works as expected.


A special thanks to the following projects and contributors that made this tool possible:

  • yt-dlp: A powerful YouTube video downloader that is used for fetching video and audio content.
  • FFmpeg: A comprehensive multimedia framework used for handling audio, video, and other multimedia files and streams.
  • PyQt5: A set of Python bindings for the Qt application framework, which provides the GUI capabilities for this application.
  • qdarktheme: A library for applying dark themes to PyQt5 applications, enhancing the visual appeal of the interface.

Your work and contributions are greatly appreciated!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.