
A Portable Executable parser in Zig


ZPE - Zig Portable Executable Parser

ZPE is a library and a command-line tool that allows you to parse and inspect the structure of Portable Executable files.


ZPE can parse and display the following components of a PE file:

  • DOS Header
  • Rich Header
  • NT Headers
  • Section Headers
  • Import Directory
  • Export Directory
  • Base Relocation Directory

Usage as a Command-Line Tool

$ zpe --file-path path/to/your/file

You can also selectively display specific parts of the PE file:

$ zpe --file-path path/to/your/file --print-dos-header --print-nt-headers

The Available command-line options are:

  • --file-path: The path to the Portable Executable file you want to analyze.
  • --print-dos-header: Print the contents of the DOS header.
  • --print-rich-header: Print the contents of the Rich header.
  • --print-nt-headers: Print the contents of the NT headers.
  • --print-section-headers: Print the contents of the section headers.
  • --print-import-directory: Print the contents of the import directory.
  • --print-export-directory: Print the contents of the export directory.
  • --print-base-relocation-directory: Print the contents of the base relocation directory.

Usage as a Library

const std = @import("std");
const PEParser = @import("zpe").PEParser;

fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    defer _ = gpa.deinit();
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();

    var parser = try PEParser.init(allocator, "path/to/your/file");
    defer parser.deinit();

    try parser.parse();

    // Access the parsed information
    std.debug.print("DOS Header Magic: 0x{X}\n", .{parser.dos_header.?.e_magic});
    // ...


If you find any issues or want to contribute to the development of ZPE, feel free to open a new issue or submit a pull request on the ZPE GitHub repository.