
This repository includes multiple games implemented in C# using Windows Forms., showcasing different programming and design techniques.


C# Multi-Games

Welcome to the C# Multi-Games project! This repository includes multiple games implemented in C# using Windows Forms.

showcasing different programming and design techniques.


  • Multiple games available in one repo
  • User-friendly and intuitive interface
  • Scoring and tracking features for each game
  • Sound effects and timers for enhanced gameplay
  • Easy to navigate and play

Repo Included :

1. Puzzle Game

A classic sliding puzzle game where players must rearrange scrambled pieces to form a complete image.

  • Grid: 3x3 with one empty slot
  • Features: Timer, move counter, and shuffle functionality

Repo Link :


2. Snake Game

he Snake Game is a classic arcade game implemented as a desktop application image

Repo Link :


3. ReX Game

Repo Link :


4. Chicken Game

This is an exciting and interactive game where you control a rocket ship to shoot down chickens while avoiding falling eggs image

Repo Link :


5. Math Game

Repo Link :



To get started with the C# Multi-Games project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/C-Multi-Games.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd C-Multi-Games
  3. Open the solution file MultiGames.sln in Visual Studio.

  4. Build the solution to restore the necessary NuGet packages and compile the project.

  5. Run the application from Visual Studio.


  1. Launch the application by running it from Visual Studio.
  2. Select a game from the main menu.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to play the selected game.
  4. Interact with the game using the mouse or keyboard, depending on the game.
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