
WindowsForms hotel management application working with MySQL database.


Hotel Management System


The Hotel Management System is a Windows Forms Application built using C# and MySQL. The application provides a user-friendly interface for hotel receptionists to manage guests, rooms, and reservations.


  • User Authentication: Users can log in with existing credentials. (If you don't have them, create them in the database)
  • Dashboard: Access to a home page with an overview of key information.
  • Manage Guests: Add, update, or delete guest information.
  • Manage Rooms: Add, update, or delete room details.
  • Manage Reservations: Add, update, or delete reservations.
  • Database Integration: All data is stored and managed using a MySQL database.



  • .NET Framework
  • MySQL Server
  • Visual Studio


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Open the project:

    Open the solution file (HotelManagementSystem.sln) in Visual Studio.

  3. Configure the database:

    Update the connection string in the App.config file with your MySQL database credentials.

        <add name="MySqlConnectionString" 
             providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" />
  4. Build and run the application:

    Build the solution in Visual Studio and run the application.



  • Enter your username and password to log in to the system.
  • Upon successful login, you will be redirected to the dashboard.


  • The dashboard provides an overview of the system, including quick links to manage guests, rooms, and reservations.

Manage Guests

  • Navigate to the 'Guests' section.
  • Add a new guest by filling out the form and clicking 'Add'.
  • Update an existing guest by selecting them from the list, modifying the details, and clicking 'Update'.
  • Delete a guest by selecting them from the list and clicking 'Delete'.

Manage Rooms

  • Navigate to the 'Rooms' section.
  • Add a new room by filling out the form and clicking 'Add'.
  • Update an existing room by selecting it from the list, modifying the details, and clicking 'Update'.
  • Delete a room by selecting it from the list and clicking 'Delete'.

Manage Reservations

  • Navigate to the 'Reservations' section.
  • Add a new reservation by filling out the form and clicking 'Add'.
  • Update an existing reservation by selecting it from the list, modifying the details, and clicking 'Update'.
  • Delete a reservation by selecting it from the list and clicking 'Delete'.


If you would like to contribute to this project, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.


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