
An extension to the Krypton Toolkit suite of controls for .NET framework 4.7

BSD-3-CLAUSE License


Toolkit Suite Extended .NET 5.470


Announcement - 1st November 2020

As of 1st November 2020, this repository has been archived. This means the NuGet packages associated with this have been deprecated and all new issues, suggestions etc. will likely to be ignored.

What do I do?

The projects associated with Krypton have been under reconstruction to accommodate all frameworks in one unified codebase where possible. You can browse, post issues/suggestions and follow the successor to this project here

Thank you for all your support!


An extension to the Krypton Toolkit suite of controls for .NET framework 4.7


Module Name Current Version


Building this repository from code

In order to compile the code, you MUST restore/update the NuGet packages in order to build successfully!


Krypton Releases



Control Examples

Please refer to examples to see what each control looks like.


Demo Application

You can check out the pre-built demo application from downloading it here


What does each module do?

Please refer to Module Descriptions for more information.


2020-01-01 Build 2014 - January 2020 Update

  • Changed copyright year from 2019 to 2020
  • New KryptonInputBoxExtended dialog
  • New KryptonRunDialog
  • License headers in code
  • Fixes & enhancements to Krypton Outlook Grid courtesy of richterAI
  • Binaries are now placed in one central Bin folder
  • Upgraded to Krypton Toolkit Suite - version: 5.470.2098
  • General fixes


2019-12-01 Build 1660 - December 2019 Update

  • Implemented #98, Add Border Colour Control Properties
  • Implemented #100, Progress bar
  • Made it easier to use KryptonUACElevatedButton, elevation will now occur on OnClick if ProcessName is populated
  • Directory changes


2019-11-01 Build 1576 - November 2019 Update

  • Fixed #102, PInvokeImbalance memory leak, courtesy of zenglanmu
  • New Krypton about dialog box
  • New screen colour picker
  • New Visual Studio 2019 inspired theme
  • New themes by Byte#7189
  • Reorganised custom theme directory for better accessibility
  • General bugfixes
  • Support for .NET Framework 4.0 has now ended!


2019-10-01 Build 1400 - October 2019 Update

  • You can now have granular control over the appearance over the Krypton components, #95 & #89, labelled as KryptonExtendedToolkit5470StandardControlsExtendedModule
  • More #96


2019-09-09 Discord community server

  • A new Discord community server has been set-up to discuss bugs, issues, new features etc. You can join by clicking the button above.


2019-09-01 Build 1331 - September 2019 Update

  • More item and project templates (floating MenuStrips & ToolStrip templates)
  • More toolbar features in KryptonExtendedToolkit5470ExtendedMenuAndToolbarItemsModule
  • Define corner radius for selected controls, #96
  • Updated with module information


2019-08-12 Build 1216 - August 2019 Update

  • Added ExtendedKryptonColourButton control with a kryptonised custom colour UI
  • Started componentising toolkit
  • Modularisation of the toolkit. These modules are:
    • KryptonExtendedToolkit5470CoreModule - Contains the core components
    • KryptonExtendedToolkit5470ExtendedColourControlsModule - Enhanced colour controls
    • KryptonExtendedToolkit5470ExtendedDialogsModule - Enhanced dialogs
    • KryptonExtendedToolkit5470ExtendedMenuAndToolbarItemsModule - MRU & other toolbar features
    • KryptonExtendedToolkit5470FloatingMenuAndToolbarsModule - Floatable menu & toolbars
    • KryptonExtendedToolkit5470IOComponentsModule - Specific filesystem controls
    • KryptonExtendedToolkit5470KryptonOutlookGridModule - Krypton Outlook Grid control
    • KryptonExtendedToolkit5470NaviSuiteModule - NaviSuite controls
    • KryptonExtendedToolkit5470TaskDialogsModule - Task dialogs
  • Floating menu and toolstrips and associated components are now in a separate binary for easier toolbox navigation - Floating Toolbars.dll
  • The GripStyle visibility is now set to true and DockStyle is set to None by default on the FloatingMenuStrip
  • Add documentation via sandcastle
  • Dashboard will be updated in due course


2019-07-01 Build 1180 - July 2019 Update

  • Implement TaskDialog by Konstantin Preißer
  • Floating Menu & Tool strips - Bought back one of the pre Office 2007 features (IMPORTANT: Always set the GripStyle to visible on FloatingMenuStrip!)
  • Fixed issue #79, How many MessageBoxes are being exported!?! and which work?
  • Fixed issue #72, Pressing Yes on the Password Generator exit messageBox does not thing!
  • Fixed issue #67, The Following resource does not seem to exist in FlatTabControl
  • Fixed issue #68, The Following resources do not seem to exist in the TreeViewExt
  • Replaced FileSystemTreeView with KryptonFileSystemTreeView using KryptonTreeView. Need help for setting the default FolderIcon as it currently uses the Visual Studio icon for directories.
  • Added Visual Studio item and project templates, issue #56. Downloadable from here
  • Upgraded to Krypton Toolkit Suite - version: 5.470.1222
  • Build 1180 (build date Monday 1st, July 2019) is now available on NuGet


2019-06-01 Build 1030 - June 2019 Update

  • New issue templates
  • Implemented repository tags for better GitHub SEO
  • Implement WindowsAPICodePackModel.cs class for dealing with WindowsAPICodePack features
  • New Palette Explorer controls
  • Merged all settings into Toolkit Settings.dll
  • Begun work on #70
  • Implemented NaviSuite by Jacobmesu
  • New file varifier app to work with May's file checksum calculator
  • New KryptonFileInformationDialog to replace the Windows default one with some extra features
  • Upgraded to Krypton Toolkit Suite - version: 5.470.1204
  • Demo app is available to download
  • Build 1030 (build date Saturday 1st, June 2019) is now available on NuGet


2019-05-01 Build 934 - May 2019 Update

  • Outlook 2003 style toast notification
  • File checksum calculator (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 and RIPEMD-160)
  • New KryptonPaletteManager class for dealing with creating custom KryptonPalette's
  • Ribbon enhancements, merge two ribbons together #150
  • Capture version information from another file
  • Playground application reorganisation
  • Images of controls to show developers what they look like
  • Image resizing utility - resize & save images on the fly
  • New palette explorer user controls - will make it quicker to design the application
  • Fix palette theme selector, issue #71
  • General tidyup of code & API updates
  • XML documentation files for DLLs
  • Upgraded to Krypton Toolkit Suite - version: 5.470.901
  • Build 934 (build date Wednesday 1st, May 2019) is now available on NuGet


2019-04-01 Build 855 - April 2019 Update

  • Build 855 (build date Monday 1st, April 2019) is now available on NuGet
  • New palette theme selector
  • New KryptonToastNotification window
  • New circular progressbar control
  • Random password generator (for use on future user creation dialog)
  • New developer API tools for internal development of the toolkit
  • Begun re-working the Palette Explorer application
  • New Palette Upgrade Tool application for upgrading any older palette xml files
  • Upgraded to Krypton Toolkit Suite - version: 5.470.794
  • Theme *.xml files are now available to view and edit in the Visual Studio solution under the themes folder
  • All theme files are now bundled with the NuGet package


2019-03-01 Build 796

  • Build 796 (build date Friday 1st, March 2019) is now available on NuGet
  • New colour wheel colour dialog
  • New toggle switch control
  • New rounded textbox control
  • Integrated ookii.dialogs code
  • Working on new folder browser dialog and file browser
  • New theme chooser component (proof of concept for a more sophisticated UI for next update)
  • Groundwork for new elements for next update
  • Upgraded to Krypton Toolkit Suite - version: 5.470.720
  • Removed LinqBridge requirement, #48
  • Reorganised Playground test application


2019-02-01 Extended Renderer Integration

  • Fully merged the ExtendedRenderer project codebase
  • Tidy up control placement in code
  • Upgraded to Krypton Toolkit Suite - version: 5.470.717
  • New NuGet package, build 700 (build date Friday 1st, February 2019) is now available


2019-09-01 Build 653

  • Build 653 has been uploaded to NuGet


2019-01-08 ExtendedKryptonMessageBox - Extra Features

  • Begun work on Auto time out & 'do not show me again' options. (Needs finishing)


2018-01-05 KryptonCommandLinkButton - Layout

  • New control, KryptonCommandLinkButton
  • Add Designer to allow drag and drop in IDE
  • Add defaults to demonstrate layout and then allow user to change the values
  • Add Code to the Playground to show defaults


2019-01-03 ExtendedKryptonMessageBox - Use larger, and optional fonts

  • Complete the optional font usage for the ExtendedKryptonMessageBox
  • Add code behind the PlayGrounds MessageBox Test button.


2018-12-03 December 2018 Update

  • New controls, including a new, theme-able scrollbar - need help implementing it into controls i.e ComboBox, rich textbox etc.
  • Partially implemented the ExtendedRenderer project - due to be completed in early 2019.
  • Tooling.dll has now been renamed to Core.dll
  • Consolidate settings
  • Begun work on a new colour dialog
  • Build 580 (build date Monday 3rd December 2018) is now available through NuGet


2018-11-12 November 2018 Update

  • Refinements to code
  • Set your own colour intensity
  • Automatic updating of colours has been centralised
  • Work on a new ribbonised Palette Explorer is in progress
  • Going forward: possibility of merging the now defunct ExtendedRenderer project into this project in order to keep code maintained


2018-10-24 Version 540

  • Version 540 (build date Wednesday 24 October, 2018) is now available through NuGet


2018-10-17 October 2018 Update (New NuGet package to follow soon)

  • New floating toolbar/window feature
  • Re-work of Palette Editor UI to tidy up (ribbon UI is a possibility)
  • Started feasibility work on a "Kryptonised" common file dialog (any help is appreciated)
  • New splash screen for Palette Editor application
  • Removed requirement for DLLs in favor of NuGet management
  • General bug fixes


2018-10-08 NuGet package

  • A new NuGet package is available from here (please note that the Palette Editor binary or themes are not included)


2018-09-25 September Update

  • Refined Palette Editor UI
  • Allow users to define any colour in the Palette Editor using a context menu
  • Begun work on a new typeface/font dialog box
  • Begun work on a new Define Basic Palette Colours UI to allow users to define custom basic palette colours (currently in pre-alpha stages)
  • Updated the required Krypton DLLs to build 643 (build date Tuesday 25th September, 2018)
  • General code updates


2018-08-27 Colour Controls & Palette Editor

  • New colour controls and UI options have been implemented to easily create brand new themes
  • New application named Palette Editor has been implemented to create new themes (89% completed) - feedback would be welcome
  • New debugging options
  • A new circular picture box
  • Tidy up code


2018-08-07 Palette colour generator

  • New API to allow a complementary colour set to be generated.
  • Begun work on a slimmed down version of a palette designer
  • New project icon
  • Idea for a randomly generated colour - Need help for fixing!


2018-06-21 Build paths

  • Reset build paths, so no errors should be incurred.


2018-06-2018 Slate silver theme

  • One new theme called Slate Silver, stylised for the 2007/2010 and 2013 theme sets.


2018-06-11 New palettes & gradient toolstrip label

  • There are now 50+ new palettes to choose from.
  • A new toolstrip label capable of background gradients is now available to use, as per #28.


2018-05-22 Colour Mania!

  • Colours... colours... colours... We now have 26 new colours to choose from! Find the xml files in the Palettes folder, this will be updated regularly, so be sure to come back often! Alternatively, if you would like to request/submit a colour palette, then please submit a base colour in a hexadecimal format plus a suitable name for it on the New Palette Ideas issues thread.


2018-04-29 Tinkering with the References

  • Tinkering with the References.
  • Start to fill out the WIX installer project.


2018-04-17 Application Update XML Configuration

  • Nearly completed first design stage of the Update File Creator.
  • New installer project (Advanced Installer & WIX).


2018-04-16 Krypton Extended Messagebox

  • Laid basic foundation for a designable Krypton MessageBox.


2018-04-11 Nuget package migration/consolidation

  • Migrated packages.config over to PackageReference (must have the latest Visual Studio 2017 Preview build to utilise this feature).


2018-04-10 New Menu control

  • KryptonNumericUpDown control can now be used on menu & toolbar controls.


2018-03-28 Toolkit changes

  • The ExtendedControls.dll has now been renamed to KryptonExtendedToolkit.dll
  • Build output paths changed for neatness
  • The releases tab is now activated


2018-03-13 Krypton Application Updater (XML based version) update

  • Base groundwork for XML updater & parsing XML files has been completed
  • New XML files labelled Update.xml and CheckSum.xml have been created to explain to developers how to use the updater back-end.
  • TODO: Connect the framework up to UI elements.


2018-03-10 Krypton Application Updater (XML based version)

  • Begun fundamental groundwork on an XML based application updater (classes/settings/UI).
  • Improved documentation with the aid of GhostDoc.


2018-03-08 New controls

  • New wizard control based off of Aero Wizard base implemented, ready for conversion to Krypton controls
  • New "Most Recently Used" files option for File menu, see Playground for proper implementation


2018-02-27 Toolkit update

  • A new Windows Forms application Playground has been added to test controls and features added to the toolkit.


2018-02-25 New Control, methods and documentation

  • Added a new toolstrip menu item UAC shield control
  • Added/cleaned up documentation for methods
  • New setter/getter methods for certain properties in Global Utilities
  • New method ElevateProcessWithAdministrativeRights(string processName) for elevating your application with administrative rights (to be used in conjunction with the recently added UAC shield controls)
  • New file for project


2018-02-24 New Control

  • Krypton UAC shield button
  • New options for developers to check if the user is running Windows 7 or higher. 64-bit checks will follow soon.


2018-02-08 New controls

  • Extended 'KryptonTextBox' to have watermark functionality.
  • Wrapped 'KryptonTextBox' into a toolstrip container object to make it easier to add new functionality i.e watermarks.


2018-02-06 New resources

  • New icons for MessageBoxes


2018-02-05pm New Globals.cs class for enumerations

  • New Globals.cs class for custom enumerations. (Needs documentation finishing off)
  • NOTE FOR FUTURE REFRENCE: Find suitable icons for MessageBoxes (CC license maybe?)


2018-02-05am Krypton outlook grid & Krypton messagebox base

  • Fixed bug with Krypton outlook grid
  • Incorporated a base Krypton MessageBox as a reference for extending


2018-02-04 Krypton outlook grid

  • Fully incorporated Krypton Outlook Grid code


2018-02-03 Krypton outlook grid

  • Krypton Outlook Grid 45% complete
  • Altered assembly info
  • Variables and comments with color renamed to colour


2018-02-02 Initial commit

  • Added generic C# .gitignore file
  • Created solution with two class projects inside labelled Extended Controls and Krypton Outlook Grid
  • Automatic versioning
  • High DPI support configuration
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