
The Linux Commit Analyzer tracks patches from upstream and downstream kernels.

MIT License


Linux Commit Analyzer (CommA)

This tool populates a database with the details of which patches that are upstream (in linux-mainline) are missing from distros in their downstream kernels (e.g. Ubuntu kernels). For our use case, we are looking at Hyper-V patches and checking downstream azure specific kernels, but this is adaptable.

Getting Started

Install Dependencies

Setup Microsoft SQL repos (this is for mssql-tools):

Caution: these commands use sudo and add a package repository. Change the Ubuntu version to your version (cat /etc/os-release for the number).

. /etc/os-release
curl | sudo apt-key add -
curl${VERSION_ID}/prod.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/msprod.list

Install the required packages for connecting to the Microsoft SQL database:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install mssql-tools unixodbc-dev

For the symbol matcher, install exuberant-ctags as the default ctags will not work:

apt install exuberant-ctags

Install CommA

pip install .

Running CommA

  1. Provide the URL to the secrets repo with export COMMA_SECRETS_URL=<URL/to/secrets/repo>.
  2. Run comma run --upstream --downstream

This will parse the upstream and downstream repos.

Setting Up Secrets

Place database info into the following environment variables before running CommA: COMMA_DB_URL COMMA_DB_NAME COMMA_DB_USERNAME COMMA_DB_PW

[!TIP] We leave it to the user to keep their secrets secure before running CommA. Azure Pipelines provides a few mechanisms for managing secrets, use a comparable tool when creating a CommA pipeline to ensure you don't leak your database credentials.


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