
Array arguments made bearable

GPL-2.0 License



Many functions and methods in WordPress accept arguments as an associative array which your IDE or code editor cannot autocomplete like it does for individual function parameters.

$query = new WP_Query( [
	'post_type' => 'post',
	'category' => 'does this accept an ID or a slug?',
] );

This library provides well-documented classes which represent many of the associative array parameters used throughout WordPress. Using them at the point where you populate the arguments means you get autocompletion and intellisense in your code editor, and strict typing thanks to typed properties. Comprehensive types and constraints for PHPStan are also included.

Current status

Last updated for WordPress 6.6.


  • PHP 8.0+


composer require johnbillion/args

Changes in version 2

In Args version 2.0 and higher:

  • Many arguments have had their type strictness increased for added type safety.
  • The Base class which is implemented by all of the Args classes no longer implements ArrayAccess, Countable, or IteratorAggregate. See this issue for further information.
  • PHP 8.0+ is now required.


Usage with a class constructor:

$args = new \Args\WP_Query;

$args->tag = 'amazing';
$args->posts_per_page = 100;

$query = new \WP_Query( $args->toArray() );

Usage with a procedural function parameter:

$args = new \Args\register_post_type;

$args->show_in_rest = true;
$args->taxonomies = [ 'genre', 'audience' ];

$story = register_post_type( 'story', $args->toArray() );

Meta queries, tax queries, and date queries

The query classes in WordPress support variously meta_query, tax_query, and date_query arguments. These are fully supported and you can construct them in a structured and strongly typed way.

Creating a meta_query argument:

$args = new \Args\WP_Query;

// Create a clause
$clause = new \Args\MetaQuery\Clause;
$clause->key = 'my_meta_key';
$clause->value = 'my_meta_value';

// Add the clause
$args->meta_query->clauses[] = $clause;

$query = new \WP_Query( $args->toArray() );

Creating a tax_query argument:

$args = new \Args\WP_Query;

// Create a clause
$clause = new \Args\TaxQuery\Clause;
$clause->taxonomy = 'post_tag';
$clause->terms = [ 'amazing' ];

// Add the clause
$args->tax_query->clauses[] = $clause;

$query = new \WP_Query( $args->toArray() );

Creating a date_query argument:

$args = new \Args\WP_Query;

// Create a clause
$clause = new \Args\DateQuery\Clause;
$clause->year = 2000;
$clause->compare = '>=';

// Add the clause
$args->date_query->clauses[] = $clause;

$query = new \WP_Query( $args->toArray() );

Alternatively you can construct a complete query object by calling the fromArray() static method with the same nested array syntax that WordPress core uses:

$args = new \Args\WP_Query;

// Set the meta query from an array
$array = [
		'key' => 'my_meta_key',
		'value' => 'my_meta_value',
$args->meta_query = $args->meta_query::fromArray( $array );

$query = new \WP_Query( $args->toArray() );

What's provided


  • \Args\WP_Query
  • \Args\register_post_type
  • \Args\wp_insert_post
  • \Args\wp_update_post
  • \Args\get_posts
  • \Args\register_post_meta
  • \Args\register_post_status

Taxonomies and terms

  • \Args\WP_Term_Query
  • \Args\register_taxonomy
  • \Args\wp_insert_term
  • \Args\wp_update_term
  • \Args\get_terms
  • \Args\get_categories
  • \Args\get_tags
  • \Args\register_term_meta
  • \Args\wp_count_terms
  • \Args\wp_get_object_terms
  • \Args\wp_dropdown_categories


  • \Args\WP_User_Query
  • \Args\wp_insert_user
  • \Args\wp_update_user
  • \Args\get_users


  • \Args\WP_Comment_Query
  • \Args\get_comments


  • \Args\wp_remote_get
  • \Args\wp_remote_post
  • \Args\wp_remote_head
  • \Args\wp_remote_request
  • \Args\wp_safe_remote_get
  • \Args\wp_safe_remote_post
  • \Args\wp_safe_remote_head
  • \Args\wp_safe_remote_request


  • \Args\WP_Block_Type
  • \Args\register_block_type


  • \Args\WP_Customize_Control
  • \Args\WP_Customize_Manager
  • \Args\WP_Customize_Panel
  • \Args\WP_Customize_Section
  • \Args\WP_Customize_Setting

Everything else

  • \Args\paginate_links
  • \Args\register_meta
  • \Args\register_rest_field
  • \Args\wp_get_nav_menus
  • \Args\wp_nav_menu
  • \Args\wp_die
  • \Args\wp_dropdown_languages
  • \Args\wp_generate_tag_cloud

Type checking

Typed class properties are implemented in this library where possible. If you pass a value of the wrong type to an argument that is typed, you'll get a fatal error as long as you're using strict types:

declare( strict_types=1 );

No more mysterious bugs due to incorrect types.

Note that several parameters in WordPress accept multiple types, for example the $ignore_sticky_posts argument for \WP_Query can be a boolean or an integer. In some of these cases I've opted to type the parameter with the most appropriate type even though it can technically accept other types.

Static analysis

PHPStan-specific @phpstan-var tags are used for properties that have a fixed set of values or other constraints. This allows for even greater type and value checking via static analysis with PHPStan.

Ensure you're using a recent version of PHPStan to make the best use of these constraints.


Check out for information about generating your own Args definitions or contributing to the Args library.

But why?

I have a name for these array-type parameters for passing arguments. I call them Stockholm Parameters. We've gotten so used to using them that we forget what a terrible design pattern it is. This library exists to work around the immediate issue without rearchitecting the whole of WordPress.


The time that I spend maintaining this library and others is in part sponsored by:

Plus all my kind sponsors on GitHub:

Click here to find out about supporting this library and my other WordPress development tools and plugins.

License: GPLv2

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

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