
A better way to build settings pages for your plugins/themes.

GPL-2.0 License


Better WordPress Admin API

A better way to build admin pages and options for you plugins/themes.


Clone or download this repo and put inside of your theme/plugin

cd wp-content/plugins/my-plugin
git clone

Include the framework/init.php file in your plugin or functions.php

include_once 'path/to/better-wordpress-admin-api/framework/init.php';


// page details
$page_args = [
    'menu_name'         => 'Your Page',

    // page slug
    'id'                => 'your-page-id',

    // automatically prefix all field ids
    'prefix'    => 'your_prefix_',

    // use "parent" parameter to create as a sub-menu
    //'parent' => 'themes.php',

    // more options...
    //'icon'              => 'dashicons-admin-post',
    //'position'          => 10,
    //'capability'        => 'manage_options',

// create the page
$your_page = wp_create_admin_page( $page_args );

// add fields

// field details
$field_args = [
    'type'      => 'text',
    'id'        => 'your_text_field',
    'label'     => 'Your Text field',
    'desc'      => 'Your field description. **You can use markdown here**.',
    'props'     => [
        // optional tag properties
        'placeholder' => 'type something...'
    //'default' => 'hello world',

// creates a text field
$your_page->add_field( $field_args );


// get your page instance
$your_page = wp_get_page_instance( 'your-page-id' );

// get a field value
$your_text_value = $your_page->get_field_value( 'your_text_field' );

// or with your prefix used above on $page_details (but it is not necessary)
$your_text_value = $your_page->get_field_value( 'your_prefix_your_text_field' );

// or just put all together
$your_text_value = wp_get_page_field_value( 'your-page-id', 'your_text_field' );

More at examples folder.

Avaliable field types

  • text (text-based inputs: text, email, url, ...)
  • select
  • checkbox (single checkbox)
  • checkbox_multi (multiple checkboxes)
  • radio
  • hidden (for input[type="hidden"])
  • code (code editor powered by ace)
  • html (useful to create your own field template)
  • color (color picker)
  • content (default WordPress TinyMCE editor)



  • Color picker
  • TinyMCE editor
  • Fields Documentation
  • Multiple checkboxes
  • Upload field
  • Redesign


  • Found a bug? Report it on GitHub Issues and include a code sample. Please state which version of WordPress your are using.

  • Before submitting a Pull Request, if you are modifying some JavaScript or CSS file run: npm run minify (requires NodeJS)

More details:

  1. install NodeJS
  2. open your terminal in the root of this repository
  3. run npm install
  4. then run npm run minify to update the minified assets.

Pro tip: add define( 'WP_DEBUG_SCRIPT', true ); to your wp-config.php when you're coding some PR.


GPL v2

Made with ❤ in Brazil

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