
Better WordPress block testing for theme & plugin developers.

MIT License


Block Editor Sandbox

This plugin registers a Sandbox posttype preset with a template including many common/core blocks in diverse arrangements. It requires zero configuration to start utilizing.

It was inspired by coblocks/block-unit-test (now godaddy/block-unit-test 😬).

In comparison, block-sandbox aims to be:

✅ Hackable, with an easy-to-read and fun-to-modify API

✅ Easy to keep updated as the block spec continues to change

✅ Not the intellectual property of Godaddy. Nothing against Rich Tabor (get it!) but no, thanks.

Simple usage

$ composer require tiny-pixel/block-sandbox
$ wp plugin activate block-sandbox

Programmatic usage & configuration

At a minimum you need to create the CPT, apply the template and register it with WordPress:

add_action('init', function () {
    (new Sandbox())

Additionally, there are several methods available for you to utilize in modifying the behavior of the plugin.

Append extra blocks

If you would like to add additional blocks to the template you can do so with the appendBlocks method.

$extra = [['core/cover', [
    'align'   => 'wide',
    'url'     => 'example.png',
    'title'   => 'Additional block'

add_action('init', function () use ($extra) {
    (new Sandbox())

Overwrite template

If you would like to wholesale replace the included template with your own you can do so using setTemplate. Just pass in an array of the blocks.

$template = [
  ['core/cover', [
    'align'   => 'wide',
    'url'     => 'example.png',
    'title'   => 'Additional block']],

  ['core-embed/vimeo', [
    'caption' => '<em>écoute: El Guincho</em>',
    'align'   => 'wide',
    'url'     => '']],

add_action('init', function () use ($template) {
    (new Sandbox())

Modify labels

If you would like to change sandbox to something else you can do that using setLabel. It takes an array with a new id, singular, and plural form of your desired label.

$label = [
  'id'       => 'test',
  'singular' => 'Test',
  'plural'   => 'Tests',

add_action('init', function () use ($label) {
    (new Sandbox())

All of the above

add_action('init', function () use ($template, $extra, $posttype) {
    (new Sandbox())


MIT License. Happy hacking!