
Obtera.com WordPress Theme


Obtera.com WordPress Theme


  • Responsive design
  • Simple, clean, and lightweight
  • SEO friendly for better search engine ranking
  • Integrated native lazyloading with script fallback
  • Google Analytics ready for site statistics
  • Google Adsense integrated for ads earnings
  • AddThis integrated for social media sharing



  • Download, Fork, or Clone this repo on your WordPress ./wp-content/themes/
  • Download and install node.js ^6.0.0. If you need multiple version you can use nvm.
  • Open terminal or shell on this repo and type npm i -g gulp, once done, type npm i to install all dependcies for this repo.
  • Open ./src/assets/config/settings.json. This is all the theme settings, you can change it according to your needs.
    "theme": {...},
    "dist": {...},
    "mamp": {...},
    "dependencies": {...},


  • theme: theme file locations
  • dist: path when your ready to publish your theme
  • mamp: local server of your wordpress
  • dependencies: so far this is for browser-sync
  • To run application for dev, you can type gulp on your terminal.
  • When finished & it's ready to go livem you can type gulp dist. It will create a new folder called ./obtera/ with all your files.


This are the thing you need need to be update. I did't add them on customization because this vary on users if they need it or not.

Default Site Keyword: ./src/functions/customization.php and ./src/functions/meta.php

      'site_keyword', array(
        'default' => 'obtera, wordpress, theme, web, design, ui, ux, user, interface, experience',

Lazy Load Default Image: ./src/functions/content.php

    foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagName('img') as $node) {
      $node->setAttribute("class", 'lazy ' . $node->getAttribute('class'));
      $node->setAttribute("data-src", $node->getAttribute('src'));
      $node->setAttribute("src", '');
      if ($node->getAttribute('srcset')) {
        $node->setAttribute("data-srcset", $node->getAttribute('srcset'));
        $node->setAttribute("srcset", '');

Transparent base64 png pixel generator https://png-pixel.com/

Default Theme Color: ./src/functions/customization.php

      'theme_color', array(
        'default' => '#343a40',

Default Google Analytics ID: ./src/functions/customization.php

      'google_analytics', array(
        'default' => 'UA-68704357-1',

Default Google AdSense ID: ./src/functions/customization.php

      'google_adsense', array(
        'default' => 'ca-pub-4543509049123673',
      'google_adsense_default', array(
        'default' => '3941328836',
      'google_adsense_colored', array(
        'default' => '5500728600',

Default AddThis ID: ./src/functions/customization.php

      'addthis_id', array(
        'default' => 'ra-562f202ecd1822ce',


If you have question, you can always contact me on Twitter @genesis_neo and of course here in GitHub @genesisneo. Thank you.