
A CLI to manage Trellis projects

MIT License



A command-line interface (CLI) to manage Trellis projects via the trellis command. It includes:

  • Smart autocompletion (based on your defined environments and sites)
  • Automatic Virtualenv integration for easier dependency management
  • Easy DigitalOcean droplet creation
  • Better Ansible Vault support for encrypting files


trellis-cli is an open source project and completely free to use.

However, the amount of effort needed to maintain and develop new features and products within the Roots ecosystem is not sustainable without proper financial backing. If you have the capability, please consider sponsoring Roots.

Quick Install (macOS and Linux via Homebrew)

brew install roots/tap/trellis-cli

Quick Install (Unstable - macOS and Linux via Homebrew)

# Cleanup previous versions (if installed)
brew uninstall roots/tap/trellis-cli

# Install
brew install --HEAD roots/tap/trellis-cli-dev

# Upgrade
brew upgrade --fetch-HEAD roots/tap/trellis-cli-dev


We also offer a quick script version:

# You might need sudo before bash
curl -sL | bash

# Turns on debug logging
curl -sL | bash -s -- -d

# Sets bindir or installation directory, Defaults to '/usr/local/bin'
curl -sL | bash -s -- -b /path/to/my/bin

Manual Install

trellis-cli provides binary releases for a variety of OSes. These binary versions can be manually downloaded and installed.

  1. Download the latest release or any specific version
  2. Unpack it (tar -zxvf trellis_1.0.0_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz)
  3. Find the trellis binary in the unpacked directory, and move it to its desired destination (mv trellis_1.0.0_Darwin_x86_64/trellis /usr/local/bin/trellis)
  4. Make sure the above path is in your $PATH

Windows Install

trellis-cli does offer a native Windows exe but we recommend you use WSL for Trellis. The above install methods will work for WSL as well.

If you do want to use the native Windows exe, you'll need to do the following setup after downloading the Windows build:

  1. Open system properties
  2. Open environment variables
  3. Under system variables add new variable, TRELLIS, pointing to the location of the trellis.exe file, like C:\trellis_1.0.0
  4. Edit path from system variables and add new named %TRELLIS%
  5. Save the changes

Verify Attestation

trellis-cli artifacts can be cryptographically verified via GitHub CLI.

# The archive with both predicates
$ gh attestation verify --repo roots/trellis-cli /path/to/trellis_Darwin_arm64.tar.gz
## ...snipped...
✓ Verification succeeded!

sha256:xxx was attested by:
REPO                   PREDICATE_TYPE                  WORKFLOW
roots/trellis-cli  .github/workflows/release.yml@refs/tags/v9.8.7
roots/trellis-cli  .github/workflows/release.yml@refs/tags/v9.8.7

# The binary
$ gh attestation verify --repo roots/trellis-cli /path/to/trellis
## ...snipped...
✓ Verification succeeded!

sha256:xxx was attested by:
REPO                   PREDICATE_TYPE                  WORKFLOW
roots/trellis-cli  .github/workflows/release.yml@refs/tags/v9.8.7

# The SBOM
$ gh attestation verify --repo roots/trellis-cli /path/to/trellis_Darwin_arm64.tar.gz.sbom.json
## ...snipped...
✓ Verification succeeded!

sha256:xxx was attested by:
REPO                   PREDICATE_TYPE                  WORKFLOW
roots/trellis-cli  .github/workflows/release.yml@refs/tags/v9.8.7

Shell Integration


Homebrew installs trellis-cli's shell completion automatically by default. If shell completions aren't working, or you installed manually not using Homebrew, you'll need to install the completions manually.

To use the trellis-cli's autocomplete via Homebrew's shell completion:

  1. Follow Homebrew's install instructions

    Note: For zsh, as the instructions mention, be sure compinit is autoloaded and called, either explicitly or via a framework like oh-my-zsh.

  2. Then run:

    brew reinstall trellis-cli

To install shell completions manually, run the following:

trellis --autocomplete-install

It should modify your .bash_profile, .zshrc or similar.


trellis-cli uses Virtualenv to manage dependencies such as Ansible which it automatically activates and uses when running any trellis command. But there's still a lot of times you may want to run ansible-playbook or pip manually in your shell. To make this experience seamless, trellis-cli offers shell integration which automatically activates the Virtualenv when you enter a Trellis project, and deactivates when you leave it.

To enable this integration, add the following to your shell profile:

Bash (~/.bash_profile):

eval "$(trellis shell-init bash)"

Zsh (~/.zshrc):

eval "$(trellis shell-init zsh)"


Run trellis for the complete usage and help.

Supported commands so far:

Command Description
alias Generate WP CLI aliases for remote environments
check Checks if Trellis requirements are met
db Commands for database management
deploy Deploys a site to the specified environment
dotenv Template .env files to local system
down Stops the Vagrant machine by running vagrant halt
droplet Commands for DigitalOcean Droplets
exec Exec runs a command in the Trellis virtualenv
galaxy Commands for Ansible Galaxy
info Displays information about this Trellis project
init Initializes an existing Trellis project
key Commands for managing SSH keys
logs Tails the Nginx log files
new Creates a new Trellis project
open Opens user-defined URLs (and more) which can act as shortcuts/bookmarks specific to your Trellis projects
provision Provisions the specified environment
rollback Rollsback the last deploy of the site on the specified environment
ssh Connects to host via SSH
up Starts and provisions the Vagrant environment by running vagrant up
valet Commands for Laravel Valet
vault Commands for Ansible Vault
xdebug-tunnel Commands for managing Xdebug tunnels


There are three ways to set configuration settings for trellis-cli and they are loaded in this order of precedence:

  1. global config ($HOME/.config/trellis/cli.yml)
  2. project config (trellis.cli.yml)
  3. project config local override (trellis.cli.local.yml)
  4. env variables

The global CLI config (defaults to $HOME/.config/trellis/cli.yml) and will be loaded first (if it exists).

Next, if a project is detected, the project CLI config will be loaded if it exists at trellis.cli.yml. A Git ignored local override config is also supported at trellis.cli.local.yml.

Finally, env variables prefixed with TRELLIS_ will be used as overrides if they match a supported configuration setting. The prefix will be stripped and the rest is lowercased to determine the setting key.

Note: only string, numeric, and boolean values are supported when using environment variables.

Current supported settings:

Setting Description Type Default
allow_development_deploys Whether to allows deploy to the development env boolean false
ask_vault_pass Set Ansible to always ask for the vault pass boolean false
check_for_updates Whether to check for new versions of trellis-cli boolean true
database_app Database app to use in db open (Options: tableplus, sequel-ace) string none
load_plugins Load external CLI plugins boolean true
open List of name -> URL shortcuts map[string]string none
virtualenv_integration Enable automated virtualenv integration boolean true
vm Options for dev virtual machines Object see below


Setting Description Type Default
manager VM manager (Options: auto (depends on OS), lima) string "auto"
ubuntu Ubuntu OS version (Options: 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, 24.04) string
hosts_resolver VM hosts resolver (Options: hosts_file) string
images Custom OS image object Set based on ubuntu version


Setting Description Type Default
location URL of Ubuntu image string none
arch Architecture of image (eg: x86_64, aarch64) string none

Example config:

ask_vault_pass: false
check_for_updates: true
load_plugins: true
  site: ""
  admin: ""
virtualenv_integration: true

Example env var usage:

TRELLIS_ASK_VAULT_PASS=true trellis provision production


trellis-cli requires Go >= 1.18 (brew install go on macOS)

# Clone the repo
git clone
cd trellis-cli

# Build the binary for your machine
go build

# Run tests (without integration tests)
go test -v -short ./...

# (Optional) Build the docker image for testing (requires `docker`)
make docker
# Alternatively, do not use cache when building the doccker image (requires `docker`)
make docker-no-cache

# Run all tests (requires `docker`)
make test

Releasing Docker Images

This section only intended for the maintainers

make docker-no-cache

# docker tag rootsdev/trellis-cli-dev:latest rootsdev/trellis-cli-dev:YYYY.MM.DD.N
# where N is a sequential integer, starting from 1.
docker tag rootsdev/trellis-cli-dev:latest rootsdev/trellis-cli-dev:2019.08.12.1

# docker push rootsdev/trellis-cli-dev:YYYY.MM.DD.N
docker push rootsdev/trellis-cli-dev:2019.08.12.1
docker push rootsdev/trellis-cli-dev:latest


Contributions are welcome from everyone. We have contributing guidelines to help you get started.


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