
VEE - Vagrant EasyEngine is boosted version with php7.1/php7.2, custom features and more

OTHER License


Version Beta (24.09.2018)

Vagrant EasyEngine for modern WordPress development

EasyEngine - Vagrant - Parallels - VirtualBox

A lemp stack with EasyEngine, Ubuntu 16.04/18.04, vagrant, nginx, apache, php-5-7.2, php-fpm, mysql 5.7, git, composer, wordmove and more.


  1. copy vagrant-conf.yml.example to vagrant-conf.yml
$ mv vagrant-conf.yml.example vagrant-conf.yml
  • Change ip
  • Change max RAM memory
  • Change max CPU's
  • Change hostname/servername
  • Change provider
  • Change vagrant_email
  • Change vagrant_user
  • Change the ssh keys path
  • Change vm_box for your custom vagrant box
  • Set aliases
  1. choose your virtualization product
  • install virtualbox >= 5.1.12 or parallels >= 13 (Mac os only)
  1. install vagrant >= 2.1.2
  2. install the necessary plugins for vagrant, if not yet happened
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-winnfsd # only for Windows

Hostmanager is needed to add/remove entries in your local /etc/hosts file. To support development domains Cachier is needed to prevent downloading rpms again. This is usefull during setting up a vm, when you have online internet via cellphone like inside a train :-)

If you're using parallels you also have to install the vagrant plugin

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-parallels
  1. start vagrant with virtual box
$ vagrant up

or with parallels

$ vagrant up --provider=parallels

Config Option

You can setup dedicated virtual hosts, sync folders, VM hardware in


Create app on vagrant up/reload:

  - app.test # must be

Check for more information about app configuration and setup

How it works

if you call http://0.test it will search for a index.php inside the /var/www/0.test/htdocs folder. It is really easy to start with any application.


Switch to the www-data user

$ vagrant ssh
$ sudo -s
$ su www-data
$ cd ~/APPNAME

or simple connect with ssh

$ ssh [email protected]

Switch php7 to php72

$ vagrant ssh
$ sudo ee site edit app.test

Find line with 7.conf and change to 72.conf

old config

include common/php7.conf;
include common/locations-php7.conf;

new config

include common/php72.conf;
include common/locations-php72.conf;


  • cdkrock autoinstall support
  • movefile auto init
  • PHP 7.1/7.2 auto config on install
  • Script for fast project init: repo creation, staging creation and more (runcloud api)
  • Remove all .git directories if exist key
  • Make new repo on vagrant_up

Change Log

Credit to WPDistillery and EasyEngine

What is WPDistillery?

WP Distillery does all the work for you when setting up a new WordPress project with EasyEngine.