
WooCommerce Role Based Price Plugin

GPL-3.0 License


=== Role Based Price For WooCommerce === Contributors: varunms,arnis.arbidans Author URI: http://varunsridharan.in/ Plugin URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-role-based-price/ Tags: Role Based Price For WooCommerce,WooCommerce,Role based pricing,user role,wc dynamic pricing,wpallimport,wpallexport,product addons,role,selling price,regular price,sale price,selling,discounts,wordpress,ecommerce,membership discounts,membership,digital,downloads,download,drop price,dropshipper,advertising,deals,group pricing,wpml,wpml currencyswitcher,aelia currency swticher, Online Payment,Payment,Online, affiliate, cart, checkout, digital, download, downloadable, e-commerce, ecommerce, inventory, reports, sales, sell, shipping, shop, shopping, stock, store, tax, variable, widgets, woothemes, wordpress ecommerce,discounts, prices, wholesale, woocommerce,advertising, discount, marketing, Membership, price, promotion Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=36Y7KSYPF7KTU Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 5.2.1 WC requires at least: 3.0 WC tested up to:3.5 Stable tag: 3.3.6 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Sell product in different price for different user role based on your settings.

== Description ==

This plugin can make your simple WooCommerce shop in to multi currency and price level marketplace where products can be offered at different prices for different customer groups. For example, Subscribers or Contributors get different prices than new customers. Differentiate your registered users to get your shop more attractive. New roles can be created and managed.

Latest version have been greatly improved for smoother and more speedy functioning, all user interfaces have been improved for more friendly user/webmaster experience. It is now WPML ready straight of of box.

We have added built-in plugin extension marketplace for more PRO level functions that not all might need but we think they are very useful. Please check full feature list below.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlX8okqNfs4]

We have worked on this plugin for last 3 years and so far it have been all free but in order for us to continue with this plugin development we had to move few of its’ features/extensions in to PRO(paid) version that is available for very generous price of $59 (+$20 for extended 12 month support) here: WC Role Based Pricing Pro

= Features + Add-Ons =

  • User Friendly UI
  • Simple , Variable / Variation , Grouped , External Product Type Supported
  • Supports Regular & Selling Price
  • Works With WPML
  • Developer Friendly
  • Easy To Create Addons
  • Aelia Currency Switcher Integration
  • Price & AddToCart Visiablity
  • Shortcode to get product price
  • Integration With WC Product Importer / Exporter

= Pro Features + Add-ons =

  • Schedule Selling Price
  • Dynamic Pricing
  • Role Based Payment Gateway Blocker
  • Role Based Product Blocker
  • RBP temporary custom link access
  • List Role Pricing Table
  • WPML Currency Switcher Integration
  • Bulk Price Updater Integration
  • WPAllImport Integration

= Integration =

  • Integration With WC Product Importer / Exporter
  • Integration With Aelia Currency Swticher
  • Integration With WP All Import Plugin
  • Integration With WC Bulk Price Updater
  • Integration With WPML Currency Switcher
  • Integration With WC Frontend Manager
  • Integration With WC Product Table
  • Integration With Improved Variable Product Attributes for WooCommerce

= Get Product's Regular Price With Custom User Role = [wc_rbp id='99' role='administrator' price='regular_price']

= Get Product's Selling Price Based On Logged In User = [wc_rbp id='99' role='current' price='selling_price']

= Get Product's Base Regular Price = [wc_rbp id='99' price='product_regular_price']

= Get Product's Base Selling Price = [wc_rbp id='99' price='product_selling_price']

= Get Product's Regular Price With Custom User Role = [wc_rbp id='99' role='administrator' price='regular_price']

= Get Product's Selling Price Based On Logged In User = [wc_rbp id='99' role='current' price='selling_price']

= Get Product's Base Regular Price = [wc_rbp id='99' price='product_regular_price']

= Get Product's Base Selling Price = [wc_rbp id='99' price='product_selling_price']

= Shortcode Variables Explained =

  • id=99 you need to replace the 99 with your simple/variable product id
  • role=administrator you need replace administrator with your user role id / use current to get loggedin user role
  • price use regular_price or selling_price to get the value of each

= Plugin Translators =

  • miladjef {Persian translation}

= Plugin Contributors / Testers =

  • Raj sharma
  • nick6352683
  • arnis.arbidans
  • Cuppy
  • Joachim Keuppens
  • Divent Image
  • gbreen
  • vizulatedev
  • Joeyvan Dongen
  • timmy hutton

== Screenshots ==

  1. Plugin Installed
  2. Plugin Settings Menu
  3. Plugin Settings Page
  4. Free Add-ons
  5. Paid Add-ons
  6. Simple Product Editor
  7. Simple Product Editor
  8. Variable Product Editor
  9. Aelia Currency Switcher Integration Settings
  10. Aelia Currency Switcher Simple Product Editor
  11. Aelia Currency Switcher Variable Product Editor

== Installation ==

= Minimum Requirements =

  • WordPress 3.8 or greater
  • PHP version 5.2.4 or greater
  • MySQL version 5.0 or greater

= Automatic installation =

Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don't need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of Role Based Price For WooCommerce, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.

In the search field type "Role Based Price For WooCommerce" and click Search Plugins. Once you've found our plugin you can view details about it such as the the point release, rating and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by simply clicking "Install Now"

= Manual installation =

The manual installation method involves downloading our plugin and uploading it to your Web Server via your favourite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.

  1. Installing alternatives:
  • via Admin Dashboard:
  • Go to 'Plugins > Add New', search for "Role Based Price For WooCommerce", click "install"
  • OR via direct ZIP upload:
  • Upload the ZIP package via 'Plugins > Add New > Upload' in your WP Admin
  • OR via FTP upload:
  • Upload woocommerce-role-based-price folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

== Frequently Asked Questions == Get Product's Regular Price With Custom User Role [wc_rbp id='99' role='administrator' price='regular_price']

Get Product's Selling Price Based On Logged In User [wc_rbp id='99' role='current' price='selling_price']

Dose This Plugin Supports Aelia Currency Switcher ?

Yes This Plugin Support Aelia Currency Switcher. by activation of Aelia Currency Switcher In Settings Menu

How I Can Get Support For This Plugin

I have an idea for your plugin! That's great. We are always open to your input, and we would like to add anything we think will be useful to a lot of people. please contact us using above methods.

I found a bug! Oops. Please Use github / WordPress to post bugs. Open an Issue

Where can I request new features Please open an issue at GitHub and we will look into it

== Changelog == = 3.3.6 [19-09-2019] =

  • Minor updates.

= 3.3.5 [29-05-2019] =

= 3.3.4 [29-05-2019] =

  • Tested : With Latest WordPress & WooCommerce
  • Fixed : Minor Issues

= 3.3.3 [27-09-2018] =

  • Tweaks : Code Cleanup Done.
  • Tested : With Latest WooCommerce & WordPress
    = 3.3.2 [12-04-2018] =
  • Tested : With Latest WooCommerce & WordPress
  • Fixed : Issue With WC Importer
  • Tweaks : Minor Bug Fixed
  • Tweaks : CodeCleanUP Done.

= 3.3.1 [12-03-2018] =

  • Tweaks : Code CleanUP done.
  • Tested : Checked With latest WC Version
  • Tested : Checked With Latest WP Version

= 3.3 [01-03-2018] =

  • Added : Option To Clear Cache Of Variation in product edit view.
  • Fixed : Pricing Issue
  • Tweaks : Formated Source Code
  • Tweaks : Improved Variable Caching Methods.

= 3.2.4 [14-12-2017] =

  • Fixed : Variation Product Showing Base price if product role price set to 0
  • Tweaks : Minor Bug Fixes

= 3.2.3 [14-12-2017] =

  • Fixed : Variation Product Showing Base price if product role price set to 0
  • Tweaks : Minor Bug Fixes

= 3.2.2 [29-11-2017] =

  • Fixed : Variation Product Showing 0 (Updated--);

= 3.2.1 [29-11-2017] =

= 3.2 [28-11-2017] =

  • Tweaks : Removed Unwanted Codes & Codeclean Up Done

  • Tweaks : Improved Speed & Stability For Variation Products

  • Tweaks : Overall Plugin Speed Improved

  • Tweaks : Minor Bug Fixed

  • Added : Added Cache For Variation Pricing

  • Added : Tested With Latest WP & WC

= 3.1 [07-07-2017] =

  • Added : New Integration With WC Default Product Exporter
  • Added : New Integration With WC Default Product Importer
  • Fixed : Minor Tweaks Done.

= 3.0.9 [31-05-2017] =

  • Fixed : Fatal Error Below WC 3.0.

= 3.0.8 [19-05-2017] =

  • Tweaks : Removed Old & Unwated Codes
  • Tweaks : Improved Stability With WC 3.0
  • Tweaks : Reducded DB query for product prices more than once
  • Tweaks : Addon : Improved Integration With Aelia Currency Switcher

= 3.0.7 [15-05-2017] =

  • Fixed : Improved Stability With WC 3.0
  • Fixed : Changes Settings Framework A Bit
  • Fixed : Minor Changes Done.

= 3.0.6 [18-04-2017] =

  • Fixed : Tax Issue in variable product with WC 3.0
  • Fixed : Sale Price display issue with WC 3.0

= 3.0.5 [13-04-2017] =

  • Fixed : Issues With WooCommerce 3.0.1
  • Tweaks : Improved Plugin With WC 3.0.1
  • Fixed : Minor Bug Fixed.

= 3.0.4 [23-03-2017] =

  • Fixed : Currency Price issue with Aelia Currency Switcher.

= 3.0.3 [10-03-2017] =

  • Fixed : Variation Selectbox auto removed after selecting variations.
  • Tweaks : Changed Some Core Codes.

= 3.0.2 [08-02-2017] =

  • Fixed : Tax Price issue in variable product. tax getting add 2 times in base price.
  • Tweaks : WC RBP Metabox Code Tweaked
  • Tweaks : Improved WPML Integration
  • Fixed : Minor Issues
  • Tweaks : Minor Core Updates

= 3.0.1 [26-01-2017] =

  • Fixed : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '.', expecting ',' or ';' in ../includes/helpers/class-admin-notice.php on line 6 [https://wordpress.org/support/topic/output-error-after-update/]

= 3.0 [26-01-2017] =

  • Total Plugin Redeveloped
  • Tested With latest WordPress & WooCommerce
  • Made It Developer Friendly
  • Easy To Create Addons
  • 5+ Plugins Integrated

= 2.8.8 [28-01-2016] =

  • Tweak : Recoded for the frontend price
  • Fixed : Price issue with the version 2.8.7 which aelia currency switcher active. is now fixed and minor fix
    = 2.8.7 [06-01-2016] =
  • Fixed : Price issue with the version 2.8.6 or below. which aelia currency switcher active. is now fixed and minor fix

= 2.8.6 [04-01-2016] =

  • Fixed : Price not showing after the update

= 2.8.5 [04-01-2016] =

  • Fixed : Set 0 Price for a product [https://wordpress.org/support/topic/zero-price-3?replies=12]

= 2.8.4 [01-12-2015] =

  • Fixed : Products in currencies come up with wrong prices [https://github.com/technofreaky/WooCommerce-Role-Based-Price/issues/20]
  • Fixed : Aelia Currency Switcher options not available in wp-all-import template [https://github.com/technofreaky/WooCommerce-Role-Based-Price/issues/19]

= 2.8.3 [12-11-2015] =

= 2.8.2 [09-11-2015] =

= 2.8.1 [08-11-2015] =

  • Fixed : Selling / Regular shown from base product price if any one is empty [https://github.com/technofreaky/WooCommerce-Role-Based-Price/issues/14]
  • Updated : Persian Language

= 2.8 [08-11-2015] =

  • Fixed : Selling / Regular shown from base product price if any one is empty [https://github.com/technofreaky/WooCommerce-Role-Based-Price/issues/14]
  • Fixed [https://github.com/technofreaky/WooCommerce-Role-Based-Price/issues/12]
  • Bulk Variable Price Edit In Product Edit View
  • Added Persian translation [https://github.com/technofreaky/WooCommerce-Role-Based-Price/issues/15]
  • Updated POT File
  • Minor Bug Fix

= 2.7.4 [04-11-2015] =

= 2.7.3 [04-11-2015] =

  • Fixed WooCommerce Product Addons Integration Activation
  • Minor Bug Fix

= 2.7.2 [04-11-2015] =

  • Added User Configurable Option For Price & Product Hide
  • User Configurable Option to hide variations or with add-to-cart button for variable
  • Minor Bug Fix

= 2.7.1 [03-11-2015] =

  • Fixed Variable Add To Cart Form Hidden.
  • Minor Bug Fix

= 2.7 [21-10-2015] =

  • Added Support Addon For WooCommerce Product Addons
  • Minor Bug Fix

= 2.6 [10-10-2015] =

  • Fixed Price output when using custom separator.
  • Minor bug fix

= 2.5 [30-09-2015] =

  • Code Clean Up
  • Changed Addons Activation & Deactivation Stucture
  • Fixed Price Seperator Issue [https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woocommerce-role-based-price]
  • Redeveloped Aelia CurrencySwitcher Integration
  • Minor House Keeping
  • Updated To Latest Version WordPress
  • Updated To Latest Version WooCommerce

= 2.4 [16-09-2015] =

  • Fixed POPUP Loading Issue With Variable Products.
  • Minor Bug Fix With Aelia Currency Switcher Integration
  • Code Cleanup
  • Added Option Get Product's Base Regular & Selling Price Using Shortcode

= 2.3 [14-09-2015] =

  • Fixed POPUP Loading Issue.

= 2.2 [13-09-2015] =

  • Changed POPUP View In Product Edit Page
  • Product Price Not Showing Correctly When Saved As Empty Field Fixed
  • Added Shortcode to get product price.
  • Minor Bug Fix

= 2.1 [05-09-2015] =

  • Fixed Hide Price Issue When No User LogedIn
  • Fixed Hide Add-to-cart issue when no user logedIn
  • Made Plugin Compatible With WP Multisite
  • Minor Bug Fix

= 2.0 [03-09-2015] =

  • Total Plugin ReDeveloped
  • Added Integrations To WP All Import Plugin
  • Added Integration To Aelia Currency Switcher Plugin
  • Updated Code Standards
  • Update Plugin For Latest WP & WooCommerce (WP : 4.3 | WC : 2.4.6)
  • Minor Bug Fix

= 1.3 [25-06-2015] =

  • Major Update [Had Some File Conflict.. please update your plugin too]

= 1.2 [23-06-2015] =

  • Fixed Error Message at product price when viewing as visitor

= 1.1 [23-06-2015] =

  • Fixed Simple & Variation Product Price At Checkout & Cart Page
  • Code CleanUP
  • Fixed Minor Issue
  • Fixed Variation Role Based Box in Product Edit Page
  • Added Plugin Translation Files [wc-rbp]

= 1.0 [22-06-2015] =

  • Added Role Based Pricing For Variable / Variation Product [ For variation products ]
  • Fix Major Bugs
  • Update Plugin For Latest WP & WooCommerce (WP : 4.2.2 | WC : 2.3.11)
  • Option To Rename User Role (Affected Only For This Plugin) [ Rename titles ]

= 0.2 [26-02-2015] =

  • Fixed Selling Price Display for role based Issue At [#6620252]

= 0.1 [25-02-2015] =

  • Base Version