
Use Terraform to provision infrastructure in AWS and deploy WordPress with MariaDB in Kubernetes Cluster using Helm Chart

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Deploy WordPress with MariaDB in Kubernetes Cluster.

Provision infrastructure in AWS and deploy WordPress with MariaDB in Kubernetes Cluster using Helm charts.

Getting Started

There are six sections to follow and implement as shown below:

  • Provision AWS Infrastructure

  • Set up Kubernetes cluster and NFS srver

  • Create Dynamic Persistent Volume Provisioner

  • Install Wordpress and MariaDB with Helm charts

  • Connect to Wordpress and MariaDB

  • Testing Data Persistence

  • Securing Traffic with Let's Encrypt Certificates

  • Enable WordPress monitoring metrics

Provision AWS Infrastructure

Clone this repo to local machine

cd /
git clone [email protected]:odennav/wordpress-mariadb-helm.git
cd terraform-kubernetes-aws-ec2/terraform-manifest

Provision AWS resources

Execute these terraform commands sequentially on your local machine to create the AWS infrastructure.

cd terraform-manifest

Initialize the terraform working directory

terraform init

Validate the syntax of the terraform configuration files

terraform validate

Create an execution plan that describes the changes terraform will make to the infrastructure.

terraform plan

Apply the changes described in execution plan

terraform apply -auto-approve

Check AWS console for instances created and running

SSH Access

Use .pem key from AWS to SSH into the public EC2 instance.

IPv4 address of public EC2 instance will be shown in terraform outputs.

ssh -i private-key/terraform-key.pem ec2-user@<ipaddress>

Its possible to use public EC2 instance as a jumpbox to securely SSH into private EC2 instances within the VPC.

Change password of root user for public EC2instance control-dev

sudo passwd

Switch to root user

Update apt package manager

cd /
apt update -y
apt upgrade -y

Confirm Git was installed

git --version

Confirm terraform-key was transferred to public EC2 instance by null provisioner

Please note if .pem key not found, copy it manually.

Also key can be copied to another folder because it will be deleted if node is restarted or shutdown

ls -la /tmp/terraform-key.pem
cp /tmp/terraform-key.pem /

Change permissions of terraform-key.pem file

chmod 400 /tmp/terraform-key.pem

Clone this repo to / directory in dev-Control node

cd /
git clone [email protected]:odennav/terraform-kubernetes-aws-ec2.git

Set up Kubernetes Cluster and NFS Server

Install Ansible in dev-Control node

sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt install ansible

Bootstrap EC2 Private Instances

All the nodes need to be bootstrapped.

Once the bootstrap is complete, you will only be able to log in as odennav-admin.

Confirm SSH access to k8snode-1

ssh -i /tmp/terraform-key.pem  odennav-admin@<k8snode-1 ipv4 address>

To return to dev-Control, type exit and press Enter or use Ctrl+D.

Confirm SSH access to k8snode-2

ssh -i /tmp/terraform-key.pem  odennav-admin@<k8snode-2 ipv4 address>

Confirm SSH access to k8snode-3

ssh -i /tmp/terraform-key.pem odennav-admin@<k8snode-3 ipv4 address>

Now you can now bootstrap them

cd ../bootstrap
ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml --limit k8s_master,k8s_node

Set up Kubernetes Cluster

Your kube nodes are now ready to have a Kubernetes cluster installed on them.

Execute playbooks in this particular order:

cd ../k8s
ansible-playbook k8s.yml  --limit k8s_master
ansible-playbook k8s.yml  --limit k8s_node

Check status of your nodes and confirm they're ready

kubectl get nodes

Bootstrap the NFS Server

Bootstrap this server.

Once the bootstrap is complete you will only be able to log in as odennav-admin

cd ../ansible/bootstrap
ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml --limit nfs_server

Create NFS share

cd ../nfs
ansible-playbook nfs.yml

/pv-share/ directory is created and made available to all nodes, but its not mounted yet by the nodes

Login to 1st node in cluster

ssh -i /tmp/terraform-key.pem odennav-admin@<k8snode-1 ipv4 address>

Confirm nfs client is installed

dpkg -l | grep nfs-common

If not available:

sudo apt install nfs-common

Create shared directory and mount nfs share

This directory will be mounted to /pv-share/ created in NFS server.

cd /
sudo mkdir /shared
sudo chmod 2770 /shared
sudo mount -t nfs <db-1 ipv4 address>:/pv-share /shared

Confirm NFS share is implemented

Make a test file in /shared/ dir on the cluster node. It should be present in /pv-share/ dir on nfsserver.

sudo touch test-k8smaster

Repeat process for the other kubernetes cluster nodes.

Create Dynamic Persistent Volume Provisioner

Persistent storage is required to store very important data and avoiding total loss of data.

Kubernetes deals with pods that have short life span, they could be stopped at any time and restarted on a different node, causing the container's filesystem to be lost with the pod.

This is not reliable, hence the need for filesystem that is available and accessibleirrespective of pod actions.

PV is configured to use different types of storage technology such as:

  • CephFS
  • iSCSI
  • NFS
  • Azure File

We will use Network File System (NFS) which is a way of sharing a centralised filesystem across multiple nodes.

Although persistent storage is managed by kubernetes in the cluster, the actual storage is on nfs server which is not part of the kubernetes cluster and it is on different subnet.

Persistent Volume

Creating a PV within your cluster, tells Kubernetes that pods should have access to persistent storage that will outlive the pod and possibly the cluster itself.

Persistent Volume Claims

We want pods to access the PV created. To do this, a Persistent Volume Claim or PVC is required.

When PVC is created within a namespace, only pods in that namespace can mount it. However, it can be bound to any PV as these are not namespaced.

It is possible that Kubernetes cannot bind the PVC to a valid PV and that the PVC remains unbound until a PV becomes available.

This will lead to instances of pods in Pending state instead of Running state and PVC having Unbound status.

Mounting PVC

Here access to PVC in the pod is done by mounting the storage as a volume within the container.

Once PVC is mounted by the pod, the application within the Pod’s container(s) now have access to the persistent storage.

Upon reschedule of pod(s), it will be reconnected to the same PV and will have access to the data it was using before it died, even if this is on another node.

Login to k8smaster and Confirm Helm is installed

Helm is an effective package manager for kubernetes

helm version

If not installed

sudo snap install helm --classic

Confirm persistent volume provisioner installed

kubectl get all -n nfs-provisioner
kubectl get sc -n nfs-provisioner

This should show dynamic provisioner setup and ready.

If PV provisioner not installed, do it manually:

helm repo add nfs-subdir-external-provisioner https://kubernetes-sigs.github.io/nfs-subdir-external-provisioner
helm install -n nfs-provsioner --create-namespace nfs-subdir-external-provisioner nfs-subdir-external-provisioner/nfs-subdir-external-provisioner --set nfs.server=<db-1 ipv4 address> --set nfs.path=/pv-share

Setup PVC for Wordpress

Our PV provisioner installed will dynamically provision PVs when PVCs are created.

We'll use kubens to switch between kubernetes namespaces.

sudo snap install kubectx --classic
kubens --version

Create wordpress namespace

Assuming you've kubectl installed along with kubernetes cluster.

kubectl create namespace wordpress
kubens wordpress

Create PVC request on k8smaster

kubectl create -f wp-pvc.yaml

Configure Wordpress Parameters

Match this parameters and replace the values, so we have an account to access Wordpress

  • wordpressUsername

  • wordpressPassword

  • wordpressEmail

  • wordpressFirstName

  • wordpressLastName

  • wordpressBlogName

  • wordpressScheme

sed -i '/wordpressUsername: user/wordpressUsername: odennav/' values.yaml
sed -i '/wordpressPassword: ""/wordpressPassword: odennav/' values.yaml
sed -i '/wordpressEmail: [email protected]/wordpressEmail: [email protected]/' values.yaml
sed -i '/wordpressFirstName: FirstName/wordpressFirstName: odennav/' values.yaml
sed -i '/wordpressLastName: LastName/wordpressLastName: odennav/' values.yaml
sed -i '/wordpressBlogName: User's Blog!/wordpressBlogName: The Odennav Blog!/' values.yaml
sed -i '/wordpressScheme: http/wordpressScheme: https/' values.yaml

Configure Persistence and Database Parameters

Enable persistence using persistence volume claims and peristence volume access modes.

Match and replace values for persistence and database parameters below:

  • persistence.storageClass

  • persistence.existingClaim

  • mariadb.primary.persistence.storageClass

  • mariadb.auth.username

  • mariadb.auth.password

sed -i '/persistence:/,/volumePermissions:/ {/storageClass: ""/s/""/nfs-client}' values.yaml
sed -i '/persistence:/,/volumePermissions:/ {/existingClaim: ""/s/""/pvc-wordpress}' values.yaml   
sed -i '/mariadb:/,/externalDatabase:/ {/storageClass: ""/s/""/nfs-client}' values.yaml
sed -i '/mariadb:/,/externalDatabase:/ {/username: bn_wordpress/s/bn_wordpress/odennav_wordpress}' values.yaml
sed -i '/mariadb:/,/externalDatabase:/ {/password: ""/s/""/odennav}' values.yaml

Configure PVC Access Modes

To access the /admin portal and enable WordPress scalability, a ReadWriteMany Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) is required.

  • persistence.accessModes

  • persistence.accessMode

sed -i 's/ReadWriteOnce/ReadWriteMany/g' values.yaml

Configure Replica Count

Number of Wordpress replicas to deploy

  • replicaCount
sed -i '/replicaCount: 1/replicaCount: 3/' values.yaml

Configure Auto Scaling

Enable horizontal scalability of pod resources for Wordpress when traffic load is increased

  • autoscaling.enabled
sed -i '/autoscaling:/,/metrics:/ {/enabled: false/s/"false"/true}' values.yaml

Configure htaccess

For performance and security reasons, configure Apache with AllowOverride None and prohibit overriding directives with htaccess files

  • allowOverrideNone
sed -i '/allowOverrideNone: false/allowOverrideNone: true/' values.yaml

Install Wordpress and MariaDB with Helm chart

Install Wordpress and MariaDB

Use Helm charts to bootstrap wordpress and mariadb deployment on kubernetes cluster.

helm repo update

Install the chart with release-name,my-wordpress

helm install -f values.yml my-wordpress oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/wordpress

After installation, instructions will be printed to stdout.

Add Wordpress Secrets

We'll add wordpress credentials as a kubernetes secret.

From stdout above, Export the wordpress password to environment variable, WORDPRESS_PASSWORD

export WORDPRESS_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace wordpress my-wordpress -o jsonpath="{.data.wordpress-password}" | base64 -d)

Then create secret:

kubectl create secret generic db-user-pass \
   --from-literal=username=wordpress \

Delete environment variable, to prevent non-admin users viewing it's value.


Connect to Wordpress and MariaDB

Confirm PVCs are bound

This confirms the applications installed will have access to persistent storage

kubectl get pvc -n wordpress

Check service created

kubectl get svc -n wordpress

HTTP access to Wordpress pods

Export IPv4 address and port

export NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get --namespace wordpress -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}" services my-wordpress)
export NODE_IP=$(kubectl get nodes --namespace wordpress -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.addresses[0].address}")
echo "WordPress URL: http://$NODE_IP:$NODE_PORT/"
echo "WordPress Admin URL: http://$NODE_IP:$NODE_PORT/admin"

HTTP request to Wordpress site

curl http://$NODE_IP:$NODE_PORT/

Set up a port forward from the Service to the host on the master node.

kubectl port-forward — namespace wordpress

Set up a port forward from the host machine to the development machine.

ssh -L 54321:localhost:5432 k8snode-1@<k8snode-1 ipv4-address> -i /tmp/terraform-key.pem

Test Data Persistence

Check pods running

Confirm mariadb pods are in 'Ready' state

kubectl get pods -n wordpress

Delete pods

kubectl delete pod <pod name> -n wordpress

Restart port forwards

kubectl port-forward — namespace wordpress
ssh -L 54321:localhost:5432 k8snode-1@<k8snode-1 ipv4-address> -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Upon deletion of pod, another instance is automatically scheduled.

You'll still be able to access your database with data still intact.

Secure Traffic with Let's Encrypt Certificates

The Bitnami WordPress Helm chart includes native support for Ingress routes and certificate management via cert-manager. This simplifies TLS configuration by enabling the use of certificates from various providers, such as Let's Encrypt.

Install the Nginx Ingress Controller with Helm

Create namespace for ingress controller Then switch to ingress-nginx namespace

kubectl create namespace ingress-nginx
kubens ingress-nginx

Pull the chart sources:

helm pull oci://ghcr.io/nginxinc/charts/nginx-ingress --untar --version 1.2.0

Change working directory to nginx-ingress:

cd nginx-ingress

Upgrade the CRDs:

kubectl apply -f crds/

Install the chart with the release name, ingress-nginx

helm install ingress-nginx .

Next, check if the Helm installation was successful by running command below:

helm ls -n ingress-nginx

Configure DNS for Nginx Ingress Controller

Configure DNS with a domain that you own and create the domain A record for the wordpress site.

Next, you will add the required A record for the wordpress application.

Please note, you need to identify the load balancer external IP created by the nginx deployment:

kubectl get svc -n ingress-nginx

Install Cert-Manager

First, add the jetstack Helm repo, and list the available charts:

helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io

helm repo update jetstack

Next, install Cert-Manager using Helm:

helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --version 1.8.0 \
  --namespace cert-manager \
  --create-namespace \
  --set installCRDs=true

Finally, check if Cert-Manager installation was successful by running below command:

helm ls -n cert-manager

The output looks similar to STATUS column should print deployed:

NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION
cert-manager    cert-manager    1               2024-04-08 18:02:08.124264 +0300 EEST   deployed        cert-manager-v1.15.0     v1.15.0

Configure Production Ready TLS Certificates for WordPress

A cluster issuer is required first, in order to obtain the final TLS certificate. Open and inspect the cluster-manifest/letsencrypt-issuer-values.yaml file provided in this repository:

apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: ClusterIssuer
  name: letsencrypt-prod
  namespace: wordpress
    # You must replace this email address with your own.
    # Let's Encrypt will use this to contact you about expiring
    # certificates, and issues related to your account.
    email:  [email protected]
    server: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
      # Secret resource used to store the account's private key.
      name: prod-issuer-account-key
    # Add a single challenge solver for Cloudflare
      - dns01:
            email: [email protected]
              name: cloudflare-token-secret
              key: cloudflare-token
            - <YOUR DOMAIN>  # odennav.com

Apply via kubectl:

cd wordpress-mariadb-helm/
kubectl apply -f cluster-manifest/letsencrypt-issuer-values.yaml

Create a certificate for the wordpress namespace

apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Certificate
  name: local-odennav-com
  namespace: wordpress
  secretName: local-odennav-com-tls
    name: prod-issuer-acount-key
    kind: ClusterIssuer
  commonName: "*.odennav.com"
  - "<YOUR DOMAIN>"      # odennav.com
  - "*.<YOUR DOMAIN>"    # *.odennav.com

To secure WordPress traffic, open the helm values.yaml file in the cluster-manifest directory and add the following:

# Enable ingress record generation for WordPress
  enabled: true
  certManager: true
    secretName: local-odennav-com-tls
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx"
    cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: "letsencrypt-prod"
  - hosts:

Upgrade via helm:

helm upgrade my-wordpress bitnami/wordpress \
    --namespace wordpress \
    --version 22.0.0 \
    --timeout 10m0s \
    --values /wordpress-mariadb-helm/cluster-manifest/values.yaml

This automatically creates a certificate through cert-manager. You can then verify that you've successfully obtained the certificate by running the following command:

kubectl get certificate -n wordpress

If successful, the output's READY column reads True:

NAME                    READY   SECRET                  AGE
local-odennav-com-tls   True    local-odennav-com-tls   24h

Now, you can access WordPress using the domain configured earlier. You will be guided through the installation process.

Enable WordPress Monitoring Metrics

In this section, you will learn how to enable metrics for monitoring your WordPress instance.

First, open the wordpress-values.yaml created earlier in this tutorial, and set metrics.enabled field to true.

# Prometheus Exporter / Metrics configuration
  enabled: true

Apply changes using Helm:

helm upgrade my-wordpress bitnami/wordpress \
    --create-namespace \
    --namespace wordpress \
    --version 22.0.0 \
    --timeout 10m0s \
    --values /wordpress-mariadb-helm/cluster-manifest/values.yaml

Next, port-forward the wordpress service to inspect the available metrics:

kubectl port-forward --namespace wordpress svc/wordpress-metrics 9150:9150

Browse to localhost:9150/metrics to see all WordPress metrics.

Finally, you need to configure Grafana and Prometheus to visualise metrics exposed by your new WordPress instance.

Configuring WordPress Plugins

Plugins serve as the foundational components of your WordPress site, enabling crucial functionalities ranging from contact forms and SEO enhancements to site speed optimization, online store creation, and email opt-ins. Whatever your website requirements may be, plugins provide the necessary tools to fulfill them.

Here is a curated list of recommended plugins:

  • LiteSpeed Cache: is a comprehensive site acceleration tool, offering an exclusive server-level cache and a suite of optimization features to enhance website performance.

  • Contact Form by WPForms: enables you to design visually appealing contact forms, feedback forms, subscription forms, payment forms, and various other types of forms for your website.

  • MonsterInsights: is regarded as the premier Google Analytics solution for WordPress. It facilitates seamless integration between your website and Google Analytics, providing detailed insights into how visitors discover and interact with your site.

  • Query Monitor: serves as a developer tools panel for WordPress. It allows for debugging of database queries, PHP errors, hooks, and actions.

  • All in One SEO: aids in driving more traffic from search engines to your website. While WordPress is inherently SEO-friendly, this plugin empowers you to further enhance your website traffic by implementing SEO best practices.

  • SeedProd: This plugin stands out as the premier drag-and-drop page builder for WordPress. It simplifies the process of customizing your website design and crafting unique page layouts effortlessly, eliminating the need for manual code writing.

  • UpdraftPlus: Facilitates backups and restoration. Backup your files and database backups into the cloud and restore with a single click.

For more plugins, visit https://wordpress.org/plugins/

Enhancing Wordpress Performance

Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a straightforward method to accelerate a WordPress website.

A CDN consists of servers strategically positioned to optimize the delivery of media files, thereby enhancing the loading speed of web pages.

Many websites encounter latency issues when their visitors are located far from the server location.

By utilizing a CDN, content delivery can be expedited by relieving the web server of the task of serving static content such as images, CSS, JavaScript, and video streams.

Additionally, caching static content minimizes latency. Overall, CDN serves as a dependable and effective solution for optimizing websites and enhancing the global user experience.

Configuring Cloudflare

Cloudflare is a renowned provider of content delivery network (CDN), DNS, DDoS protection, and security services. Leveraging Cloudflare can significantly accelerate and bolster the security of your WordPress site, making it an excellent solution for website optimization and protection.

Cloudflare account is required for this configuration. Visit the Cloudflare website and signup for a free account.

Below are the steps to configure Cloudflare for your WordPress site:

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard using your account credentials and click on the + Add Site button.

  2. Enter your WordPress site's domain and click Add Site.

  3. Choose the Free plan and click Get Started.

  4. From Review DNS records and click Add record. Add an A record with your desired name and the IPv4 address of your cloud provider load balancer. Click Continue.

  5. Follow instructions to change your domain registrar's nameservers to Cloudflare's nameservers.

  6. After updating nameservers, click Done, check nameservers.

  7. Cloudflare may offer configuration recommendations; you can skip these for now by clicking Skip recommendations.

An email will confirm when your site is active on Cloudflare. Use the Analytics page in your Cloudflare account to monitor web traffic on your WordPress site.

Remove Wordpress and MariaDB

If you're taking the option to remove both applications, implement the following:

Delete PVC

This removes and unbounds PVC from PV.

kubectl delete -f pg-pvc.yml 

Delete Namespaces

kubectl delete ns wordpress
kubectl delete ns ingress-nginx

Destroy AWS resources

From your local machine:

terraform destroy
