
Google Drive Cloud Storage for WP-CLI

MIT License


WP-CLI Google Drive Command

Use Google Drive Storage in WordPress WP-CLI Command line for Backup/Restore Files.


you can install this package with:

wp package install wp-packagist/wp-cli-gdrive-command

Installing this package requires WP-CLI v2 or greater. Update to the latest stable release with wp cli update.

Authenticate Users

Step 1: Go to Google Developers console and Create a new project

Step 2: Create an OAuth client ID

You can select Other types for the project.

Then copy your Client Id and Client secret.

Step3 : run command and enter your Client id and Client secret.

wp gdrive auth

if you want change gmail account that saved before. use 'wp gdrive auth --force'.



  wp gdrive


  Google Drive Cloud Storage.


  wp gdrive <command>


  auth         Verify user identity on Google.
  copy         Copy a file or folder.
  get          Download a file.
  ls           List of files and folder.
  mkdir        Create folder in Google Drive.
  move         Move a file or folder.
  private      Private a file or folder.
  rename       Rename a file or folder.
  restore      Restore a file and folder from trash.
  rm           Remove File or folder By Path.
  share        Get Download Link a file or folder.
  storage      Verify user identity on Google.
  trash        List of files and folder in trash.
  upload       Upload a file.


List of WP-CLI gdrive Commands :

List of files and folder

For show list all files and folder in root dir :

wp gdrive ls

For show list of files from custom path e.g /wordpress/backup

wp gdrive ls /wordpress/backup

Create a folder in Google Drive

For creating a folder use :

wp gdrive mkdir <path>

create backup folder in the root directory:

wp gdrive mkdir backup

Nested Directory

you can also create nested dir. for example:

wp gdrive mkdir wordpress/new-project/backup

Download File

wp gdrive get <path> <save-to> [--name=new_name] [--e]

Download backup.zip file from root dir in Google Drive:

wp gdrive get backup.zip

Download backup.zip file and save to custom dir with package.zip name:

wp gdrive get backup.zip /folder/ --name=package.zip

Auto Extract after download

Automatic unzip file after download: (use --e flag) Download Backup.zip file and extract to /folder/.

wp gdrive get backup.zip /folder/ --e

Copy files or Folder

wp gdrive copy <path> <new-path>

new-path is only new dir path.

for example copy file:

wp gdrive copy /backup/wp.zip /folder/custom/

or copy folder:

wp gdrive copy /folder/name/ /custom

Move files or Folder

wp gdrive mv <path> <new-path>


wp gdrive move <path> <new-path>

For example:

wp gdrive move /folder/wordpress.zip /folder/custom/

Remove Files or folder

wp gdrive rm <path> [--trash] [--force]


wp gdrive remove <path> [--trash] [--force]

Path: files or folder path e.g. /backup/wp.zip --trash: Move file to trash. --force: Force removing file and folder without question.

For example remove wordpress.zip file in root directory and move to trash:

wp gdrive rm wordpress.zip --trash

Rename a file or folder

wp gdrive ren <path> <new-name>


wp gdrive rename <path> <new-name>

For example, rename wp.zip files that stored in backup folder to wordpress.zip:

wp gdrive ren /backup/wp.zip wordpress.zip

Rename a folder:

wp gdrive ren /folder/folder/ new_folder_name

Get Share Link For a files or folder

If you want to share files or folder and get public link use:

wp gdrive share <path>

for example, get download link /backup/wp.zip file:

wp gdrive share /backup/wp.zip

Private a files or folder

after download files or folder by others, you can private again file or folder:

wp gdrive private <path>

for example, disable download link /backup/wp.zip file:

wp gdrive private /backup/wp.zip

List of files and folder in the trash

For showing list of all files and folders in Google Drive Trash:

wp gdrive trash

Clear all files in the trash

wp gdrive trash --clear

Restore Files or folder

Use this command:

wp gdrive restore <path>

for example, restore backup folder from Google drive trash:

wp gdrive restore /backup/

Get Your Storage

For getting your Storage:

wp gdrive storage


wp gdrive about

Upload Files or Folder

 wp gdrive upload [<path>] [<UploadTo>] [--name=<file_name>] [--zip] [--force]

path : The path of file or folder for Upload. default is current path

UploadTo : The path dir where the file will be saved in Google Drive.

--name : New file name to save.

--zip : Create Zip file before uploading.

--force : Force upload even if it already exists.

Automatic create zip file archive file from all root directory and files and upload to GDrive:

wp gdrive upload --zip

Upload backup.zip file to root dir in Google Drive:

wp gdrive upload backup.zip

Automatic create zip archive from the /wp-content/ folder and upload to custom dir:

wp gdrive upload /wp-content/ /wordpress/backup --zip

Upload All files from /wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/docs to wordpress/plugin directory in Google Drive

wp gdrive upload /wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/docs/ /wordpress/plugin --zip

Number Max files in One Request is 100 files

Upload with a custom name.

wp gdrive upload backup.zip --name=wordpress.zip

Get Backup From WordPress Database and Upload to Google Drive:

wp db export backup.sql
wp gdrive upload backup.sql /backup/wordpress



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  1. Create a feature branch for each contribution.
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  3. Follow PSR-2 Coding Standards.
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