
This WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) application fetches and displays 100 posts from the JSONPlaceholder API.


WPF JSONPlaceholder App


This WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) application fetches and displays 100 posts from the JSONPlaceholder API. The application presents each post in a square button arranged in a 10x10 grid. Users can toggle between viewing post IDs and user IDs by clicking on any button.


  • Displays 100 posts in a 10x10 grid.
  • Each button initially shows the post ID.
  • Clicking a button toggles the display between post IDs and user IDs.
  • Responsive layout that adjusts button size based on window size.
  • Smooth animations for button color changes on hover and click.

App Demo


Getting Started


  • .NET Core SDK (includes .NET Core Runtime).
  • Visual Studio or another IDE that supports .NET Core and WPF development.
  • Packages:
    • Newtonsoft.Json for JSON parsing.


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/c20chin/WpfJsonPlaceholderApp.git
  2. Open the Project:

    • Launch Visual Studio.
    • Go to File > Open > Project/Solution.
    • Navigate to the cloned repository directory and select the .sln file.
  3. Build and Run:

    • In Visual Studio, go to Build > Build Solution (or press Ctrl+Shift+B).
    • To run the application, press F5 or go to Debug > Start Debugging.


  1. Viewing Posts:

    • The application will display 100 posts in a 10x10 grid.
    • Each button represents a post and initially displays the post ID.
  2. Toggling Between ID and User ID:

    • Click on any button to switch the display to the user ID for all buttons.
    • Click again to switch back to displaying post IDs.


  • Title: Displays "You are looking at Id" or "You are looking at UserId" based on the current display mode.
  • Styling: Buttons have hover and click animations for a polished user experience.

Code Structure

  • MainWindow.xaml: Contains the XAML code for defining the user interface.
  • MainWindow.xaml.cs: Contains the code-behind for handling the logic of fetching posts, handling button clicks, and updating the UI.


  • JSONPlaceholder API: A free online REST API for testing and prototyping.
  • Microsoft: For providing the .NET Framework and Visual Studio for development.
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