
Fork of MarkdownSharp with a focus on making it a portable class library (PCL).

MIT License



Fork of MarkdownSharp with a focus on making it a portable class library (PCL).


Markdown markdown = new Markdown();
string markdownHtml = markdown.Transform(someMarkdownText);

From there, you can dump that HTML into an Android WebView:

yourWebView.LoadData(markdownHtml, "text/html", null);

Or you can toss that HTML at an iOS UIWebView:

string contentDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(NSBundle.MainBundle.BundlePath, "Content/");
webView.LoadHtmlString(markdownHtml, new NSUrl(contentDirectoryPath, true));

Why a fork?

I really don't have a good reason to fork except that it looks like making this portable would break some existing functionality and/or execution expectations. I would happily submit this to the original project and point everyone hitting this repo back over there if it is ever the desired direction.

The original MarkdownSharp had a couple items that kept it from being usable in a portable class library or being referenced by a Xamarin.iOS/Xamarin.Android project. First, it offered a constructor that pulled settings from ConfigurationManager.AppSettings (via the System.Configuration namespace). Second, it used RegexOptions.Compiled for most regexes. This fork removes the configuration-settings constructor and set all uses of RegexOptions.Compiled to RegexOptions.None.

Need compiled regexes?

When switching to RegexOptions.None, the setting was extracted to a central variable in the Markdown class. If you want to test compilation on a platform that supports it; go find that variable, switch it to Compiled, and rebuild.

private static RegexOptions _defaultRegexOptions = RegexOptions.Compiled;

Another option may be to use pre-compiled regexes, but I haven't poked at how that plays with portability yet.

Need the original loadOptionsFromConfigFile (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings) constructor?

Since configuration can still be done by passing in a instance of MarkdownOptions, you will need to do the logic the old constructor did for you before creating a new instance of Markdown.

var options = new MarkdownOptions();
var appSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
foreach (string key in appSettings.Keys)
    switch (key)
        case "Markdown.AutoHyperlink":
            options.AutoHyperlink = Convert.ToBoolean(settings[key]);
        case "Markdown.AutoNewlines":
            options.AutoNewlines = Convert.ToBoolean(settings[key]);
        case "Markdown.EmptyElementSuffix":
            options.EmptyElementSuffix = settings[key];
        case "Markdown.EncodeProblemUrlCharacters":
            options.EncodeProblemUrlCharacters = Convert.ToBoolean(settings[key]);
        case "Markdown.LinkEmails":
            options.LinkEmails = Convert.ToBoolean(settings[key]);
        case "Markdown.StrictBoldItalic":
            options.StrictBoldItalic = Convert.ToBoolean(settings[key]);
var markdown = new Markdown(options);